Ahmed LAALA | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Ahmed LAALA | Ecology | Best Researcher Award

University lecturer, Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center of Mila, Algeria

Ahmed Laala is a dedicated lecturer-researcher specializing in Plant Ecology at the Department of Ecology and Environment, Institute of Natural and Life Sciences, Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center in Mila, Algeria. With a deep-rooted passion for understanding forest ecosystems and their responses to environmental changes, Ahmed is actively engaged in research that has significant implications for conservation efforts in Algeria. 🌱


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Ahmed Laala earned his University Habilitation in 2021 from Frères Mentouri University, Constantine 1. He holds a Doctorate in Plant Ecology, awarded in 2016 for his thesis titled “Mapping the Thermal Variability of Forest Ecosystems in Eastern Algeria.” Prior to that, he completed his Master’s in Plant Ecology in 2009, focusing on the behavior of Aleppo Pine seedlings under thermal stress. His academic journey began with a State Engineer degree in Ecology and Environment in 2002, specializing in Forest Ecosystems. 🎓


Since his appointment at the Abdelhafid Boussouf University Center, Ahmed has contributed significantly to the academic community through teaching and research. His extensive work has focused on ecological modeling, habitat suitability assessments, and the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. As a lecturer, he plays a vital role in educating the next generation of ecologists and environmental scientists in Algeria. 📚

Research Interests

Ahmed’s research interests center on Plant Ecology, specifically the modeling of species distributions and the ecological impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. He is particularly interested in the conservation of endemic species, the influence of climate variability on forest dynamics, and the intersection of urban environments with natural ecosystems. His work aims to provide insights that are critical for effective conservation strategies. 🌍

Publications Top  Notes

Ahmed has a robust portfolio of publications that contribute to the field of Plant Ecology. Below are some of his significant works:

  1. Modeling the potential distribution and shift of an Algerian endangered endemic species (Cedrus atlantica) under climate change scenarios: Implications for conservation (2024) – Journal for Nature Conservation, 82, 126744.
  2. Predicting potential habitat suitability of Quercus suber L. in Algeria under climate change scenarios (2021) – African Journal of Ecology, 00, 1–12.
  3. The link between Covid-19 pandemic and air pollution in Algeria (2021) – Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences (BEPLS), Vol.10 (10), 115-122.
  4. “Apport des SIG dans la cartographie des arbres urbains de la ville de Mila” (2021) – Actes du Séminaire National sur « Les systèmes d’informations géographiques (SIG) et la gestion de l’espace urbain », 323-333.
  5. Mapping the Wildland-Urban Interfaces for Forest Fire Prevention in the Province of Mila (Algeria) (2020) – Journal of Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, Vol. 76(2): 76–90.
  6. Analyse spatiale de la corrélation entre les variables thermiques et l’activité végétative des forêts de l’Est Algérien (2019) – Agriculture and Forestry Journal, 3(2): 95-103.
  7. Interpolation spatiale des températures mensuelles en Algérie orientale (2017) – La Météorologie, n°98, 45-51.
  8. Réponse écophysiologiques du pin d’Alep aux contraintes thermiques (2016) – Éditions universitaires européennes (EUE). ISBN-13: 978-3841614612, 65p.

Abdel RahmanElbakheit | Renewable Energy | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Abdel RahmanElbakheit | Renewable Energy | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdelrahman Elbakheit is an Associate Professor of Architecture and Sustainable Design at King Saud University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. With a passion for integrating renewable energy into architectural design, he has made significant contributions to sustainable architecture through his teaching and research. 🌱🏛️

Publication Profile

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Dr. Elbakheit earned his Ph.D. in Architecture & Built Environment from Nottingham University, UK, where he focused on the active integration of photovoltaic and wind turbines for sustainable design. He holds an MSc with distinction in Renewable Energy and Architecture from Nottingham University and a BSc with honours in Architectural Engineering from the University of Khartoum, Sudan. 🎓


With over a decade of experience, Dr. Elbakheit has served as an Associate Professor at King Saud University since 2019, where he has been involved in award-winning sustainable architectural designs and research. He was instrumental in issuing the KSA Green Building Code’s first edition and previously worked as a Consultant Architect in Sudan and as an Architectural Detailer in the UK. 🏗️✨

Research Focus

Dr. Elbakheit’s research interests lie in sustainable architectural design, specifically the integration of renewable energy technologies such as photovoltaic systems and wind turbines in buildings. His work emphasizes enhancing energy efficiency and sustainability in architectural practices. 🌍💡

Awards and Honours

He has received recognition for his innovative contributions to sustainable architecture, including awards for his architectural designs. His involvement in developing the KSA Green Building Code also highlights his commitment to advancing sustainable practices in the region. 🏆🌟

Publication Top Notes

Dr. Elbakheit has authored numerous publications, contributing to the field of sustainable architecture. Some notable works include:

Systematic Architectural Design for Optimal Wind Energy Generation (2021, Bentham Publisher)

A Ducted Photovoltaic Façade Unit with Buoyancy Cooling: Part II CFD Simulation (2019, Buildings)

A Ducted Photovoltaic Facade Unit with Buoyancy Cooling: Part I Experiment (2019, Buildings)

Effect of turbine resistance and positioning on performance of Aerofoil wing building augmented wind energy generation (2018, Energy and Buildings)


Evaluation of Photovoltaic Building Integration and Optimization of Tilt Angles in Riyadh City Hot Dry Climate (2015, JMEST)



Binghui He | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Binghui He | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Southwest University, China

🌍 Binghui He is a renowned professor specializing in soil erosion, soil and water conservation. With significant contributions to the field, he serves as the Director of the Special Committee of Soil and Water Conservation at the Chongqing Soil Society. His expertise is recognized nationally, making him a pivotal figure in agricultural non-point source pollution control.

Publication Profile


Strengths for the Award

  1. Expertise in Soil and Water Conservation: As the Director of the Special Committee of Soil and Water Conservation and the China Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Professor He demonstrates leadership and a deep commitment to advancing this critical field.
  2. Extensive Publication Record: His publications in reputable journals such as Catena and Science of the Total Environment showcase a robust research portfolio with a focus on innovative and relevant topics, including soil erosion, hydrology, and nutrient loss.
  3. Impactful Research: The studies conducted under his guidance reveal significant contributions to understanding soil health and water conservation, with findings that have practical implications for agricultural practices and ecological management.
  4. Interdisciplinary Approach: His research integrates various disciplines, such as hydrology and ecology, addressing complex environmental issues, which enhances the relevance and applicability of his work.
  5. Leadership Roles: Serving as an academic and technical leader in soil and water conservation disciplines highlights his influence in shaping research agendas and fostering collaboration within the field.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Broader Outreach: While his research is substantial, enhancing public engagement and outreach activities could further disseminate his findings and increase their impact on policy and community practices.
  2. Collaboration with Industry: Establishing more partnerships with agricultural and environmental industries could facilitate the practical application of his research findings, bridging the gap between academia and real-world challenges.
  3. Diversity of Research Topics: Exploring additional areas within environmental science or engaging in interdisciplinary projects could broaden the scope of his research and attract diverse funding opportunities.


🎓 Professor He earned his academic qualifications from esteemed institutions, focusing on soil and water conservation techniques and ecological engineering.


🏢 With extensive experience, Professor He holds leadership roles in several professional organizations, including the China Society of Soil and Water Conservation and the South Soil and Water Conservation Research Association. He also directs the Chongqing Soil and Water Conservation Ecological Engineering Technology Research Center.

Research Focus

🔍 His research encompasses soil erosion, soil and water conservation, forest cultivation, and agricultural non-point source pollution control, emphasizing sustainable practices to enhance ecological resilience.

Awards and Honors

🏅 Professor He has received numerous accolades for his contributions to soil and water conservation, showcasing his commitment to environmental sustainability and research excellence.

Publication Top Notes

Zeng C, Li TY, He BH*, Feng MD, Liang K, Xu QW, Zhao XM. (2024). Vegetation succession increases soil organic carbon density and decreases soil erodibility: Evidence from a karst trough valley experiencing farmland abandonment. Catena.

Feng MD, Li TY, He BH*, Bai LX, Wu XY. (2022). Soil water repellency and microaggregate fractions in response to crop growth periods in a sloping cropland subjecting to long-term fertilization management. Science of the Total Environment.

Du YN, Li TY, He BH*. (2021). Runoff-related nutrient loss affected by fertilization and cultivation in sloping croplands: An 11-year observation under natural rainfall. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.

Gan FL, He BH*, Qin ZY, Li WB. (2021). Contribution of bedrock dip angle impact to nitrogen and phosphorus leakage loss under artificial rainfall simulations on slopes parallel to and perpendicular to the bedrock dip in a karst trough valley. Catena.

Li TY, He BH*, Zhang YQ, Fu S, Zhang Y, Long XJ. (2021). Spatiotemporal dynamics of coupled dissolved silica and bicarbonate in a dam-induced urban lake system in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Journal of Hydrology.

Gan FL, He BH*, Qin ZY. (2020). Hydrological response and soil detachment rate from dip/anti-dip slopes as a function of rock strata dip in karst valley revealed by rainfall simulations. Journal of Hydrology.

Gan FL, He BH*, Qin ZY, Li WB. (2020). Role of rock dip angle in runoff and soil erosion processes on dip/anti-dip slopes in a karst trough valley. Journal of Hydrology.

Li TY, He BH*, Chen ZP, Zhang Y, Liang C. (2017). Effects of gravel on concentrated flow hydraulics and erosion in simulated landslide deposits. Catena.


Professor Binghui He is a highly deserving candidate for the Best Researcher Award. His extensive research in soil erosion and water conservation, combined with his leadership roles and commitment to ecological sustainability, position him as a prominent figure in his field. By enhancing public outreach and fostering industry collaborations, he can amplify the impact of his research even further. Overall, his contributions significantly advance knowledge and practice in soil and water conservation, making him an exemplary choice for this recognition.

Rongliang Jia | Control of desertification | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Rongliang Jia | Control of desertification | Best Researcher Award

PhD, professor, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Rongliang Jia, born in 1980, is an esteemed Associate Station Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor at the Ningxia Shapotou Desert Ecosystem National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station, affiliated with the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. With a distinguished career in desert ecology, he has been instrumental in advancing research on ecological restoration and plant resistance in arid regions, earning recognition through various prestigious awards.



Strengths for the Award

Rongliang Jia stands out as an exceptional candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” due to his profound contributions to the field of desert ecology and environmental restoration. His research has significantly advanced the understanding of biological soil crusts, which play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and functionality of desert ecosystems. The following strengths underscore his eligibility for this prestigious award:

Pioneering Research in Desert Ecosystems: Jia has made groundbreaking discoveries in the composition, structure, and functional evolution of biological soil crusts, particularly in the deserts of northern China. His work has elucidated the ecological mechanisms by which these crusts adapt to environmental disturbances, such as sand burial and wind erosion, which are critical for the restoration of degraded desert areas.

Extensive Research Output: With over 80 published papers, including 50 in SCI journals, Jia has a robust academic footprint. His research outputs include high-impact publications in top-tier journals, showcasing the significance and quality of his work. Moreover, his contribution to monographs and the acquisition of seven national invention patents highlight his ability to translate research into practical applications.

Leadership and Project Management: Jia has successfully led 17 major research projects funded by prestigious national and provincial institutions. His leadership has not only propelled his research team to achieve significant scientific advancements but also positioned him as a key figure in ecological restoration efforts in China.

Recognition and Awards: Jia’s excellence in research has been recognized through numerous awards, such as the “Western Light” program and the “Zhu Yuehua Outstanding Doctoral Student Award.” These accolades reflect his exceptional talent, dedication, and impact within the scientific community.

Areas for Improvement

While Rongliang Jia’s accomplishments are substantial, there are areas where further development could enhance his research profile and impact:

Global Collaboration: Although Jia has participated in academic exchanges internationally, expanding his collaborative network with more diverse global institutions could enrich his research perspectives and foster cross-disciplinary innovations.

Broader Dissemination and Outreach: Increasing the visibility of his work through more public outreach and engagement with policymakers could amplify the societal impact of his research. This would involve translating complex scientific findings into accessible information for broader audiences, including decision-makers in environmental policy.

Integration of Emerging Technologies: Incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced remote sensing into his research could further enhance the precision and applicability of his studies on ecological restoration.

Education 🎓

Rongliang Jia has pursued an extensive academic journey, culminating in a doctorate that has laid the foundation for his expertise in ecological restoration and desert ecosystems. His academic credentials have been bolstered by significant research experiences and post-doctoral studies, which have empowered him to contribute substantially to the field of desert ecology.

Experience 🏆

With years of experience in desert ecology and plant resistance, Rongliang Jia has led numerous high-impact projects, including National Natural Science Foundation initiatives and key national research programs. His work has taken him across the globe, engaging in academic exchanges and collaborations with leading institutions such as the University of Haifa, Tel Aviv University, and Northern Arizona University, among others.

Research Interests 🌱

Rongliang Jia’s research interests are centered on the ecological systems of deserts and sandy areas, particularly focusing on the physiological and ecological mechanisms that enable plant resistance in challenging environments. His work also delves into the composition, structure, and functional evolution of biological soil crusts, aiming to resolve critical theoretical and technical issues for ecological environment protection and sustainable development.

Awards 🏅

Rongliang Jia has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including the prestigious “Zhu Li Yuehua Excellent Doctoral Student Scholarship” from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009 and the “Western Youth Scholar – A Class” support in 2015. His contributions have also been recognized through awards such as the first prize for scientific and technological progress by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2018 and multiple other honors from local and national bodies.

Publications Top Notes 📚

Rongliang Jia has published over 80 research papers, with more than 50 of them included in SCI journals. Notable publications include:

Title: Circular dichroism spectrum of ( )-(+)-3,3–dibromo-1,1–bi-2-naphthol in albumin: Alterations caused by complexation-Experimental and in silico investigation
Journal: Chirality, 2024
Cited by: 5 articles

Title: Como discentes compreendem a imprevisibilidade de trajetórias de partículas em contextos de jogo digital?
Journal: Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 2024
Cited by: 10 articles

Title: Dulong-Petit’s law and Boltzmann’s theoretical proof from the Kinetic Theory of Gases
Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024
Cited by: 8 articles

Title: Induced Chirality in Sulfasalazine by Complexation With Albumins: Theoretical and Experimental Study
Journal: Chirality, 2024
Cited by: 15 articles


Rongliang Jia is a highly deserving candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” due to his exceptional contributions to desert ecology and environmental restoration. His pioneering research, leadership in major projects, and extensive publication record have significantly advanced the field and provided practical solutions for ecological challenges. With strategic improvements in global collaboration, outreach, and technology integration, Jia’s research could achieve even greater impact, solidifying his reputation as a leading researcher in his field.

Leila Pasandi | Building Science | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Leila Pasandi | Building Science | Best Researcher Award

Student/Member, PhD Student, United Kingdom

Leila Pasandi is a forward-thinking researcher at the intersection of artificial intelligence, microclimate, and the built environment. With a passion for addressing urban-scale energy consumption challenges, she has made significant strides in developing innovative solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change on urban environments. Her academic journey, bolstered by prestigious grants and awards, reflects her dedication to advancing sustainable architecture and engineering practices.


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Research for “Best Researcher Award”

Strengths for the Award 🌟

Leila Pasandi’s research portfolio showcases a robust and forward-thinking approach to addressing some of the most pressing challenges in the built environment, particularly in the context of climate change and urban energy consumption. Her work stands out for its interdisciplinary nature, blending mechanical engineering with architectural technology to develop innovative solutions such as kinetic facades and energy-efficient building designs.

Her significant contributions include a comprehensive review of microclimate impacts on building operations, published in high-impact journals like Building and Environment and Applied Soft Computing. Pasandi’s expertise in urban heat island (UHI) mitigation and sustainable transportation demonstrates her commitment to creating energy-efficient urban environments. Moreover, her collaboration with renowned institutions and receipt of prestigious grants and awards, including the NERC OnePlanet Doctoral Training Partnership and the “Excellent Paper Award,” further underline her qualifications as a leading researcher in her field.

Areas for Improvement 🚀

While Leila Pasandi’s research is impressive, there are opportunities for further growth. Expanding her research to include more diverse geographic locations beyond Iran and the UK could increase the global applicability of her findings. Additionally, increasing her engagement in international research collaborations and conferences could enhance her global visibility and impact. Although she has a strong publication record, focusing on producing more first-author papers in top-tier journals would further solidify her status as a leading expert in her field. Lastly, while her technical skills are excellent, delving deeper into the socio-economic implications of her research could provide a more holistic approach to her work on urban environments and energy efficiency.

Education 🎓

Leila Pasandi is currently pursuing a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Northumbria University as part of the NERC OnePlanet Doctoral Training Partnership (2022-present). Her research focuses on optimizing the impacts of climate change on urban buildings. She earned her MSc in Architectural Technology from Tabriz Islamic Art University (2013-2016), where she specialized in kinetic facades for educational buildings. Her academic foundation was laid with a BA in Architectural Engineering from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (2009-2013), where she worked on designing children’s recreational and cultural complexes.

Experience 🛠

Leila has accumulated diverse experience as a researcher, lecturer, and architect. Currently, she is a PhD candidate at Northumbria University, where she is developing methodologies to optimize urban building environments. Previously, she served as a senior building energy analyst at First World Facade Co. in Malaysia, where she analyzed energy consumption and proposed reduction measures. Her experience also includes teaching roles at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the Iran University of Science and Technology, where she led workshops and lectured on computational design and fabrication engineering.

Research Interests 🔍

Leila Pasandi’s research interests are deeply rooted in sustainable urban development. She focuses on urban route-finding, sustainable transportation, machine learning tools, and the interaction between building microclimates and energy consumption. Her work also explores urban heat island (UHI) mitigation, kinetic facade systems, and energy efficiency modeling, all aimed at creating energy-efficient urban environments that are resilient to climate change.

Awards 🏆

Leila’s academic excellence has been recognized through several prestigious awards. She received the “Excellent Paper Award” at the ARSSS International Conference on Renewable Energy and Climate Change in 2023. In 2022, she was awarded a research grant from the ONE Planet Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) for her work on the interaction between microclimate and building structures. Additionally, she was granted a full scholarship by Tabriz Islamic Art University for her outstanding academic performance during her MSc program.

Publications Top Notes📝

Leila Pasandi has an impressive publication record that reflects her contributions to the field of sustainable architecture and urban planning. Some of her notable publications include:

September 2023: “Enhancing Microclimate and Reducing Building Energy Consumption: Utilizing Exterior Redirecting Transparent Louvers for Thermal and Visual Comfort in Iran’s Diverse School Buildings,” presented at the ARSSS International Conference on Renewable Energy and Climate Change. Link to Paper

October 2023: “A Comprehensive Review of Applications and Feedback Impact of Microclimate on Building Operation and Energy,” published in Building and Environment. Cited by 5 articles. Link to Journal

February 2022: “Analyzing the Impact of Urban Planning and Building Typologies in Urban Heat Island Mitigation,” published in Buildings. Cited by 10 articles. Link to Journal

September 2021: “Modified A* Algorithm Integrated with Ant Colony Optimization for Multi-Objective Route-Finding; Case Study: Yazd,” published in Applied Soft Computing. Cited by 8 articles. Link to Journal

Conclusion 🎓

Leila Pasandi is a highly deserving candidate for the “Best Researcher Award.” Her innovative work in integrating architectural design with mechanical engineering to address climate challenges in urban environments positions her as a trailblazer in her field. While there are areas for further growth, her current contributions to the academic and practical aspects of energy-efficient building design and urban planning are exceptional. Pasandi’s research not only advances theoretical knowledge but also offers practical solutions to real-world problems, making her a strong contender for this prestigious award.

Muthukumaran Balakrishnan | Renewable | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Muthukumaran Balakrishnan | Renewable | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor, Presidency College (Autonomous), India

Dr. B. Muthukumaran is an accomplished Associate Professor at Presidency College, Chennai, with over 30 years of experience in chemistry research and teaching. He has supervised numerous PhD and MPhil candidates and holds several prestigious academic positions, including being a member of the University of Madras Senate and Dean of Science. Dr. Muthukumaran has received multiple awards for his teaching excellence and contributions to research.


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🎓 Education:

Dr. Muthukumaran earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Annamalai University in 1995. Prior to that, he completed his M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Chemistry from Bharathidasan University in 1990 and 1988, respectively.

👨‍🏫 Experience:

With a teaching experience spanning 27 years across undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Dr. Muthukumaran has dedicated three decades to research, focusing extensively on catalysis and fuel cell technologies. He has successfully completed several research projects funded by DST, UGC, and TANSCHE, showcasing his expertise in electrochemical processes and catalytic materials.

🔬 Research Interests:

Dr. Muthukumaran’s research interests include membraneless fuel cells, electrochemical catalysis, and advanced materials for energy applications. His current projects explore major funding areas like DST-SERB-SURE, aiming to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of energy conversion devices.

🏆 Awards:

Dr. Muthukumaran has been recognized with the Dr. Radhakrishnan Teaching Excellence Award in 2018 and a Teaching Excellence Award in 2022 for his outstanding contributions to academia and research leadership.

📚 Publications Top Notes:

Dr. Muthukumaran has authored over 54 research articles published in Scopus-indexed international journals, with notable contributions in electrochemistry, catalysis, and energy materials. His works have garnered 268 citations, reflecting their impact and relevance in the scientific community.


Synergistic nanocomposite polymer electrolytes for advanced all-solid-state sodium-ion batteries, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024. (I.F – 8.1)

Enhanced ethylene glycol oxidation in membraneless fuel cells: Comparative analysis of nickel alloy nanocatalysts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024. (I.F – 8.1)

Lithium perborate‑based composite polymer electrolytes for all‑solid‑state lithium‑ion batteries: performance enhancement and stability, Ionics, 2024. (I.F – 2.8)

Crafting high-performance polymer-integrated solid electrolyte for solid state sodium ion batteries, Energy Storage, 2024. (I.F – 3.4)

Membraneless ethanol fuel cell Pt–Sn–Re nano active catalyst on a mesoporous carbon support, RSC Advances, 2024. (I.F – 4.0)

Enhanced membraneless fuel cells by electrooxidation of ethylene glycol with a nanostructured cobalt metal catalyst, Environmental Research, 2023. (I.F – 8.4)

Evaluation of iron-based alloy nanocatalysts for the electrooxidation of ethylene glycol in membraneless fuel cells, Fuel, 2022. (I.F – 6.6)

Enhanced electrochemical performance of Pt-Sn-In/C nanoparticles for membraneless fuel cells, Chemical Papers, 2021. (I.F – 2.1)

Optimizing parameters for remediating Cr(VI) contaminated groundwater using electrocoagulation process, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2021. (I.F – 4.8)




Wentao Yan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Wentao Yan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Tongji university, China

📜 Dr. Wentao Yan is a distinguished Professor in the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. He has also served as a visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Dr. Yan’s research primarily focuses on ecological urban and sustainable spatial development, urban resilience, and green infrastructure. His work addresses environmental sustainability in urbanization and urban growth, and he explores methods to make rapid urban growth processes more equitable, transparent, and socially and ecologically sustainable.


🎓 Dr. Yan obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Chongqing in 2007. He also holds a Master of Science in Urban Planning, earned in 1994, and a Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning, awarded in 1991, both from the University of Chongqing.


👨‍🏫 Dr. Yan has an extensive professional background. He has been a Professor at Tongji University since 2017. He was a visiting scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2013-2014) and at the Royal College of Science and Engineering in Melbourne, Australia (2011). Before his current role, he served in various academic positions at the University of Chongqing, including Associate Professor and Post-Doctoral Researcher.

Research Interests

🔬 Dr. Yan’s research interests include ecological urban and sustainable spatial development, urban resilience, and green infrastructure. He focuses on creating tools for low carbon and ecological city developments and formulating resilience-oriented urban planning theory and practice.


🏆 Dr. Yan has received numerous accolades, such as the First Prize of the Geographic Information Technology Award in 2018 for his work on rainwater models and the Uwater Platform. He has also been recognized with the Second Prize of the Huaxia Construction Science and Technology Award in 2016 and several urban planning and design awards from various esteemed organizations.


📚 Dr. Yan has published extensively. Here are a few highlighted works:

  1. Li Z, Yan W*, Wang L. (2024). Measuring mobility resilience with network-based simulations of flow dynamics under extreme events. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Link.
  2. Huang Y, Yan W*, Wende W, Xiao S. (2024). A multi-scale identification and optimization framework of ecological sources for different conservation objectives. Landscape and Urban Planning. Link.
  3. Song C, Yan W*, Huang Y, Wang L. (2024). An assessment framework of PM2.5 exposure based on residents’ travel process using mobile phone data. Landscape and Urban Planning. Link.
  4. Ren J, Yan W*. (2024). Defining urban network resilience: a review. Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning. Link.

Qing Wei | Ecological protection | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Qing Wei | Ecological protection | Best Researcher Award

Ph.D, Tongji University, China

Qing Wei, a dedicated researcher from China, specializes in watershed eco-hydrology and environmental flow studies. Currently, a doctoral candidate at Tongji University, Qing’s work focuses on the interactions between hydrological processes and ecological systems. By developing mathematical models and tools, Qing aims to support sustainable water resource management, ensuring the health of aquatic ecosystems while meeting human demands.



Education 🎓

Qing Wei has a strong academic background in environmental science and engineering. Qing is pursuing a Doctoral Degree at Tongji University (2020-2024). Prior to this, Qing earned a Master’s Degree from Hohai University (2017-2020), and a Bachelor’s Degree from Chang’an University (2013-2017), specializing in environmental science and hydrology.

Experience 💼

Qing has accumulated valuable experience in both academia and research. Recognized as an outstanding graduate student multiple times at Hohai University, Qing has contributed to significant projects like the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Jiangsu Provincial Water Science and Technology Project. These experiences have honed Qing’s expertise in eco-hydrological research and water resources management.

Research Interests 🔬

Qing’s research interests are centered on urban sewerage systems, machine learning applications in hydrology, mathematical modeling of pipe networks, ecological water protection, and comprehensive water resources management. Qing’s work aims to develop innovative solutions for sustainable water use and environmental protection.

Awards 🏆

Qing Wei has been honored with numerous awards, including the 2020 and 2019 Outstanding Graduate Student of the University at Hohai University, and the First Prize in the 15th China Postgraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition. These accolades reflect Qing’s commitment to excellence in research and academia.

Publications Top Notes📚

“Analysis of driving forces on ecohydrological regime and environmental flow changes in Hongze Lake, China”
Ecological Informatics (2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102423
Cited by several subsequent studies exploring ecohydrological changes.

“A hybrid deep learning approach to improve real-time effluent quality prediction in wastewater treatment plant”
Water Research (2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.121092
Cited for advancing real-time monitoring techniques in wastewater treatment.

“Analysis on water use efficiency of Populus euphratica forest ecosystem in arid area”
Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2021)
DOI: 10.1007/s00704-021-03636-7
Noted for its insights into water use efficiency in arid ecosystems.

“Spatial and temporal evolution of water structure and spatial matching analysis of water resources in Manas River Basin”
Water Resources Protection (2021)
This work contributes to understanding water resource distribution in river basins.

“Cumulative ecohydrological response to hydrological processes in arid basins”
Ecological Indicators (2020)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.106005
Influential in studies of hydrological impacts on ecological systems.

Erlania Erlania | Seaweed carbon sequestration | Scientific Breakthrough Award

Dr. Erlania Erlania | Seaweed carbon sequestration | Scientific Breakthrough Award

Researcher, National Research and Innovation Agency Indonesia, Indonesia

🌊 Dr. Erlania Erlania, a distinguished researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency in Indonesia, has been awarded the prestigious Scientific Breakthrough Award for her groundbreaking work in seaweed carbon sequestration. Through innovative methods, Dr. Erlania has demonstrated the potential of seaweed as a powerful tool in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Her research not only highlights the importance of marine ecosystems in combating global warming but also offers promising solutions for sustainable environmental management. Dr. Erlania’s pioneering efforts mark a significant step forward in our understanding and utilization of natural resources for a greener future. 🌱




🌊 Dr. Erlania Erlania, a distinguished researcher at Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency, is honored with the prestigious Scientific Breakthrough Award for her pioneering work in seaweed carbon sequestration. Through innovative methods, she unveils seaweed’s potential in combating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide. Her research underscores marine ecosystems’ vital role in global warming mitigation and offers promising avenues for sustainable environmental stewardship. Dr. Erlania’s groundbreaking efforts signify a significant stride toward understanding and harnessing natural resources for a greener future. 🌱 This recognition celebrates her dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering a more sustainable relationship with our planet’s delicate ecosystems.

Working Experiences

🌊 Dr. Erlania Erlania boasts a rich and diverse career spanning over two decades in marine research and environmental stewardship. Currently serving as a Senior Researcher at the Research Center for Oceanography within Indonesia’s National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), she continues to spearhead innovative projects focused on ocean conservation and sustainability. Prior to her current role, Dr. Erlania held various positions, including significant roles in aquaculture research and fisheries management. With a strong academic background and hands-on experience in both academia and industry, she remains committed to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering environmental awareness. Dr. Erlania’s multifaceted career exemplifies dedication to preserving our oceans and creating a brighter, more sustainable future. 🌱


🌊 Dr. Erlania Erlania’s academic journey reflects a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical environmental challenges. Her PhD project at Deakin University, Australia, from 2018 to 2022, focused on the vital role of seaweed in carbon sequestration, shedding light on its potential for mitigating climate change. Prior to this, she engaged in diverse research endeavors, including collaborative projects with Japan and extensive studies on mariculture development and policy analysis in Indonesia. Dr. Erlania’s master’s project at Bogor Agricultural University delved into the carbon sequestration potential of seaweed aquaculture, showcasing her early dedication to this vital field. Through her multifaceted research, she continues to contribute significantly to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts. 🌱


🌊 Dr. Erlania Erlania’s academic journey reflects a profound dedication to understanding and tackling critical environmental challenges. Her PhD project at Deakin University, Australia, spanning from 2018 to 2022, delved into the crucial role of seaweed in carbon sequestration, highlighting its potential in mitigating climate change. Prior to this, she embarked on diverse research ventures, collaborating with Japan and conducting extensive studies on mariculture development and policy analysis in Indonesia. Dr. Erlania’s master’s project at Bogor Agricultural University explored the carbon sequestration capacity of seaweed aquaculture, showcasing her early commitment to this crucial field. Through her versatile research endeavors, she continues to make significant contributions to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts. 🌱

Publications Top Notes

Title: Ancient DNA reveals changes in seaweed flora with sea level rise: implications for carbon sequestration. Year: 2024 Authors: Erlania, L. Armbrecht, A. Miller, P. I. Macreadie, G. Hallegraeff, O. Holland, Christopher J. S. Bolch, Alecia Bellgrove.

Title: Introducing the new global Seaweed Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission. Year: 2024 Authors: Arrafeh-dalmau, N., Pocklington, J., Erlania, Dunga, L., Horta, P., Layton, C., Macaya, E.C., Mangialajo, L., Moore, P., Mora-Soto, A., Reddy, M.M., Nguyen, T.V., Verdura, J.

Title: Modelling of fatty acids signatures predicts macroalgal carbon in marine sediments. Year: 2024 Authors: Erlania, Bellgrove, A., Macreadie, P.I., Francis, D.S.

Title: Patterns and drivers of macroalgal ‘blue carbon’ transport and deposition in near-shore coastal environments. Year: 2023 Authors: Erlania, Bellgrove, A., Macreadie, P.I., Young, M.A., Holland, O.J., Clark, Z., Ierodiaconou, D., Carvalho, R.C., Kennedy, D., Miller, A.

Title: Contribution of Seaweed to Carbon Sequestration. Year: 2023 Authors: Erlania, Macreadie, P.I., Francis, D.S., Miller, A.D., Bellgrove, A.

Title: Coral Reef Health Index on Sangiang Island. Year: 2021 Authors: Rahma Aprilian, Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen, Erlania, Ofri Johan, Idris.



Halima Mancer | Soil organic carbon | Most Commended Article Award

Prof. Halima Mancer | Soil organic carbon | Most Commended Article Award

Teacher researcher, Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions-Biskra, Algeria

🌱🏆 Prof. Halima Mancer, a distinguished teacher-researcher at the Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions in Biskra, Algeria, has been honored with the Most Commended Article Award for her groundbreaking work on soil organic carbon. Through meticulous research and innovative methodologies, Prof. Mancer has contributed significantly to our understanding of the role of soil organic carbon in arid regions, shedding light on its impact on ecosystem health and resilience. Her dedication to advancing knowledge in this critical area has garnered well-deserved recognition and serves as inspiration for future research endeavors. Congratulations, Prof. Mancer! 🎉


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Professional Experiences

🔬🌱 Since May 29, 2011, Prof. Halima Mancer has held the position of Permanent Researcher at the Center for Scientific Research and Technique on Arid Regions (CRSTRA), where she has demonstrated unwavering dedication to advancing knowledge in the field. Prior to this, from 2008 to 2009, she served as the Practical Works Manager for the pedology module at the Department of Agronomy, Mohamed Kheider Biskra University. Continuing her academic journey, from 2010 to 2011, she took on the role of Responsible for Practical Work across three modules: cell biology, plant physiology, and biochemistry, at the same university. Prof. Mancer’s multifaceted experience underscores her expertise and commitment to agricultural research and education. 🎓

Research Projects

🌱🔬 Prof. Halima Mancer has played pivotal roles in several CRSTRA FNR projects, showcasing her leadership and expertise in soil science and agricultural research. From 2023 to 2025, she served as the project manager for the “Quality Improvement of Soils in Arid Regions by the Addition of Organic Amendments.” Additionally, she contributed as a member to projects such as diagnosing salinization and hydromorphy in the Ziban region and fertilization strategies for arid soils. As deputy head, she spearheaded projects focusing on the impact of irrigation on Sahara soils and the effects of phytosanitary practices in market gardening. Prof. Mancer’s involvement underscores her commitment to addressing critical agricultural challenges in arid regions. 🌾

Publications Top Notes

  1. Effects of mineral and organic fertilization on potato production in sandy soil in arid region.
    • Year: 2024
    • Authors: Mancer H., Rouahna H, Souici S., Otmani Z., Bettiche F., Menasria H., Rechachi M.Z., Chaib W., Mostephaoui T.
    • Journal: Scientific Africain
    • Volume: 23
  2. Les risques des pesticide Néonicotinoïdes autorisés en Algérie sur les pollinisateurs.
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Bettiche F., Bengouga Kh., Diab N., Bakroune N., Djoghma A., Guesmia H., Fadlaoui H., Salemkour N., Zaabta I., Chaib W, Mancer H., Rechachi M.Z., Rouahna H.
    • Journal: JARA
    • Volume: 16
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 68-74
  3. Effet du gypse sur la retention en eau et la conductivite hydraulique (ks) des sols des régions arides.
    • Year: 2023
    • Authors: Souici S., Mancer H. Rouahna H.
    • Journal: Journal Algérien des Régions Arides (JARA)
    • Volume: 15
    • Issue: 1
    • Pages: 119–129
  4. Pratiques phytosanitaires sous serres plastiques dans les oasis des Ziban (Sud-est Algérien).
    • Year: 2022
    • Authors: Bettiche F., Chaib W., Salemkour N., Mancer H., Bengouga K., Grunberger O.
    • Journal: Journal Algérien des Régions Arides (JARA)
    • Volume: 14
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 88–94
  5. The human health problems of authorized agricultural pesticides: The Algerian case.
    • Year: 2021
    • Authors: Bettiche F., Chaib W, Halfadji A., Mancer H., Bengouga K., Grunberger O.
    • Journal: Microbial Biosystems
    • Volume: 5
    • Issue: 2
    • Pages: 69-82