Mr. Stephen Sunday Ede | Physiotherapy | Best Researcher Award PhD student, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom Ede Stephen Sunday, a dedicated Gerontologist and Physiotherapist, exudes boundless passion for helping and
Dr. Chingfang Hsu | Computer Science | Women Researcher Award  PROFESSOR, CENTRAL CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITY, China Dr. Chingfang Hsu is a distinguished Professor at Central China Normal University in China. With expertise
Dr. Tariq Al-Saadi | Neurosurgery | Best Researcher Award Neurosurgical resident,, McGill University, Canada Tariq's diverse background and global connections reflect his dynamic presence in the vibrant community of Montreal. Whether through
Dr. Emma Mani Lopez | Microbiology and food preservation | Best Research Article Award  Research assistant, University of the Americas Puebla, Mexico Emma Mani Lopez, born on April 7, 1980,
Prof Dr. André Luiz Agnes Stein | Chemistry | Best Researcher Award Professor, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Brazil André Luiz Agnes Stein, known in bibliographic citations as STEIN, André Luiz
Dr. Mauricio Bellini | Cosmology and Gravitation | Best Researcher Award Investigador Principal - CONICET, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina Mauricio Bellini, born on December 11, 1963, in Balcarce,
Dr. Mozhgan Mohtagh | Health promotion | Interdisciplinary Research Excellence Award Assistant Professor, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran Mozhgan Moshtagh, residing at No 21, Ghaffari Street, Birjand, Southern Khorasan, Iran, 🏡
Dr. Charli Sitinjak | Psychology | Best Researcher Award Lecturer, Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia Dr. Charli Sitinjak, M.Si., Ph.D., a part-time Lecturer at Esa Unggul University, 🎓 specializes in Social Psychology with
Prof Dr. Chenhan Liu | Astronomy | Best Researcher Award Professor, Nanjing Normal University, China Chenhan Liu is reachable at +86 15365085050 or via email at and Currently affiliated with
Dr. Anumesh Pathak | Biochemistry | Best Faculty Award Senior Demonstrator, DR. RMLIMS, India 👨‍🔬 Dr. Anumesh K Pathak, a dedicated Ph.D. in Biochemistry, currently serves as a Senior Resident in the