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Dr. Tariq Al-Saadi | Neurosurgery | Best Researcher Award

Neurosurgical resident,, McGill University, Canada

Tariq’s diverse background and global connections reflect his dynamic presence in the vibrant community of Montreal. Whether through traditional phone calls or modern digital communication, Tariq ensures he’s accessible to connect with friends, colleagues, and potential collaborators.


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Tariq Dhiyab Al-Saadi’s educational journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a passion for medicine. 📚🩺 Graduating with distinction from Sultan Qaboos University, he earned his MD degree, demonstrating academic prowess and dedication to his field. Tariq’s hands-on training spanned from pre-clerkship and junior clerkship to senior clerkship, culminating in a comprehensive medical education. He furthered his professional development through internships with the Ministry of Health and Sultan Qaboos University, gaining invaluable experience in healthcare delivery. Additionally, Tariq obtained his Canadian medical license through the Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination, showcasing his global readiness and adaptability in the medical profession.


Tariq Dhiyab Al-Saadi’s commitment to medical education and community engagement is evident through his diverse involvements and leadership roles. As an instructor, he facilitated the “Early Recognition of and Response to Acute Deterioration- ERAD course” for McGill students, fostering critical skills in medical emergency response. Tariq also served as a conference moderator at the 4th International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders in London, UK, showcasing his expertise in spinal health. Additionally, his initiatives include founding the Oman Medical Conference Website and organizing various healthcare campaigns, emphasizing his dedication to promoting public health awareness and education. 🩺🌐


Tariq Dhiyab Al-Saadi boasts an impressive academic journey marked by notable achievements and prestigious accolades. In Fall 2022, he earned the Experimental Surgery Award for Postgraduate Study at McGill University, demonstrating his commitment to advancing medical knowledge and practice. Prior to this, he was honored with the Bright Night Scholarship from the Montreal Neurological Institute in Fall 2021, highlighting his dedication to neurological research and innovation. Tariq’s academic excellence was evident throughout his studies, as evidenced by his attainment of a 1st class with Distinction in MD/Seventh year at SQU in 2016 and inclusion in the Dean’s Honour list during his fourth year in Fall 2012. Additionally, Tariq had the privilege of representing SQU on an Honour students’ trip to South Korea in 2012, further enriching his academic experience with global exposure and cultural exchange. 🎓🏅

Academic Interest

Tariq Dhiyab Al-Saadi is deeply passionate about advancing neurosurgical interventions, with a particular focus on epilepsy surgery and neuro-oncology. 🧠⚕️ His dedication to these specialized fields stems from a desire to improve the quality of life for patients facing neurological conditions such as epilepsy and brain tumors. Through his extensive training and expertise, Tariq strives to offer innovative surgical solutions and compassionate care to individuals affected by these challenging conditions. His commitment to neurosurgery reflects his unwavering determination to make a meaningful impact in the field of neuroscience, providing hope and healing to those in need.

Publications Top Notes


Tariq Al-Saadi | Neurosurgery | Best Researcher Award

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