Rongliang Jia | Control of desertification | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Rongliang Jia | Control of desertification | Best Researcher Award

PhD, professor, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Rongliang Jia, born in 1980, is an esteemed Associate Station Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor at the Ningxia Shapotou Desert Ecosystem National Field Scientific Observation and Research Station, affiliated with the Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. With a distinguished career in desert ecology, he has been instrumental in advancing research on ecological restoration and plant resistance in arid regions, earning recognition through various prestigious awards.



Strengths for the Award

Rongliang Jia stands out as an exceptional candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” due to his profound contributions to the field of desert ecology and environmental restoration. His research has significantly advanced the understanding of biological soil crusts, which play a crucial role in maintaining the stability and functionality of desert ecosystems. The following strengths underscore his eligibility for this prestigious award:

Pioneering Research in Desert Ecosystems: Jia has made groundbreaking discoveries in the composition, structure, and functional evolution of biological soil crusts, particularly in the deserts of northern China. His work has elucidated the ecological mechanisms by which these crusts adapt to environmental disturbances, such as sand burial and wind erosion, which are critical for the restoration of degraded desert areas.

Extensive Research Output: With over 80 published papers, including 50 in SCI journals, Jia has a robust academic footprint. His research outputs include high-impact publications in top-tier journals, showcasing the significance and quality of his work. Moreover, his contribution to monographs and the acquisition of seven national invention patents highlight his ability to translate research into practical applications.

Leadership and Project Management: Jia has successfully led 17 major research projects funded by prestigious national and provincial institutions. His leadership has not only propelled his research team to achieve significant scientific advancements but also positioned him as a key figure in ecological restoration efforts in China.

Recognition and Awards: Jia’s excellence in research has been recognized through numerous awards, such as the “Western Light” program and the “Zhu Yuehua Outstanding Doctoral Student Award.” These accolades reflect his exceptional talent, dedication, and impact within the scientific community.

Areas for Improvement

While Rongliang Jia’s accomplishments are substantial, there are areas where further development could enhance his research profile and impact:

Global Collaboration: Although Jia has participated in academic exchanges internationally, expanding his collaborative network with more diverse global institutions could enrich his research perspectives and foster cross-disciplinary innovations.

Broader Dissemination and Outreach: Increasing the visibility of his work through more public outreach and engagement with policymakers could amplify the societal impact of his research. This would involve translating complex scientific findings into accessible information for broader audiences, including decision-makers in environmental policy.

Integration of Emerging Technologies: Incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and advanced remote sensing into his research could further enhance the precision and applicability of his studies on ecological restoration.

Education 🎓

Rongliang Jia has pursued an extensive academic journey, culminating in a doctorate that has laid the foundation for his expertise in ecological restoration and desert ecosystems. His academic credentials have been bolstered by significant research experiences and post-doctoral studies, which have empowered him to contribute substantially to the field of desert ecology.

Experience 🏆

With years of experience in desert ecology and plant resistance, Rongliang Jia has led numerous high-impact projects, including National Natural Science Foundation initiatives and key national research programs. His work has taken him across the globe, engaging in academic exchanges and collaborations with leading institutions such as the University of Haifa, Tel Aviv University, and Northern Arizona University, among others.

Research Interests 🌱

Rongliang Jia’s research interests are centered on the ecological systems of deserts and sandy areas, particularly focusing on the physiological and ecological mechanisms that enable plant resistance in challenging environments. His work also delves into the composition, structure, and functional evolution of biological soil crusts, aiming to resolve critical theoretical and technical issues for ecological environment protection and sustainable development.

Awards 🏅

Rongliang Jia has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including the prestigious “Zhu Li Yuehua Excellent Doctoral Student Scholarship” from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009 and the “Western Youth Scholar – A Class” support in 2015. His contributions have also been recognized through awards such as the first prize for scientific and technological progress by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2018 and multiple other honors from local and national bodies.

Publications Top Notes 📚

Rongliang Jia has published over 80 research papers, with more than 50 of them included in SCI journals. Notable publications include:

Title: Circular dichroism spectrum of ( )-(+)-3,3–dibromo-1,1–bi-2-naphthol in albumin: Alterations caused by complexation-Experimental and in silico investigation
Journal: Chirality, 2024
Cited by: 5 articles

Title: Como discentes compreendem a imprevisibilidade de trajetórias de partículas em contextos de jogo digital?
Journal: Revista Eletrônica de Educação, 2024
Cited by: 10 articles

Title: Dulong-Petit’s law and Boltzmann’s theoretical proof from the Kinetic Theory of Gases
Journal: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024
Cited by: 8 articles

Title: Induced Chirality in Sulfasalazine by Complexation With Albumins: Theoretical and Experimental Study
Journal: Chirality, 2024
Cited by: 15 articles


Rongliang Jia is a highly deserving candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” due to his exceptional contributions to desert ecology and environmental restoration. His pioneering research, leadership in major projects, and extensive publication record have significantly advanced the field and provided practical solutions for ecological challenges. With strategic improvements in global collaboration, outreach, and technology integration, Jia’s research could achieve even greater impact, solidifying his reputation as a leading researcher in his field.

Mishari Mohammed Khajah | Wastewater Treatment | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mishari Mohammed Khajah | Wastewater Treatment | Best Researcher Award

Associate Research Scientist, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait

Dr. Mishari Mohammed Khajah, an esteemed Associate Research Scientist at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait, has been honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award in Wastewater Treatment. 🏆 With unwavering dedication and expertise in the field, Dr. Khajah has made remarkable contributions to advancing wastewater treatment technologies. His innovative research methodologies and commitment to sustainability have garnered widespread recognition. As an influential figure in the scientific community, Dr. Khajah continues to inspire others through his groundbreaking work, shaping a cleaner and more sustainable future for generations to come. 🌱



Current Affiliation

Dr. Mishari Mohammed Khajah holds the esteemed position of Associate Research Scientist at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR). 🌟 In this role, Dr. Khajah contributes significantly to the institute’s mission of advancing scientific knowledge and innovation. With a focus on research and development, he plays a pivotal role in projects related to environmental sustainability, particularly in wastewater treatment. His expertise and dedication enable him to tackle complex scientific challenges, driving forward solutions that benefit both Kuwait and the global community. Dr. Khajah’s work exemplifies excellence in scientific research and underscores KISR’s commitment to pioneering advancements in various fields. 🧪


Dr. Mishari Mohammed Khajah’s academic journey is marked by excellence and dedication. 🎓 He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from Kuwait University, completing his degrees in 2007 and 2010, respectively. Building upon this foundation, he pursued a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cardiff University, successfully defending his thesis in 2017. Titled “Engineering aspects, pathways, and mechanisms of nitrogen removal in engineered wetland systems,” his doctoral research delved into crucial environmental issues, showcasing his commitment to sustainability and innovation. Dr. Khajah’s academic achievements highlight his passion for advancing knowledge and addressing pressing global challenges. 🌍

Research Experience, Interests, and Impact

With over 16 years of dedicated research in wastewater treatment, I have established myself as a leader in the field, specializing in wetland treatment systems. 🌿 My experience spans across various projects, encompassing municipal, industrial, and gray water treatment. As a project leader, task leader, and team member, I’ve contributed significantly to advancing wastewater treatment technologies. My focus lies in technology development and enhancing the performance of treatment plants. Recently, I proposed a groundbreaking project on microplastics in wastewater treatment, aligning with the evolving priorities of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Water Research Center (WRC). This initiative reflects my commitment to addressing contemporary environmental challenges and contributing to global research efforts. 🌍


Dr. Mishari Mohammed Khajah’s groundbreaking paper, “Evaluation of a Wetland System in Treating Wastewater at Sulaibiya Research Plant in Kuwait,” earned him the prestigious Research World Excellent Paper Award at the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management (ICSTEM) in Seoul, South Korea, in September 2023. 🏅 His outstanding academic achievements extend to his time as an Honor Roll Student and recipient of the Honorary Dean’s List at Kuwait University’s Civil Engineering Department. Dr. Khajah’s active membership in the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) since 2005 showcases his commitment to professional excellence and continuous learning in the field. 🌐

Publications Top Notes

Performance evaluation of a pilot wetland system for wastewater treatment

DOI: 🌿

Organics removal from office wastewater in attached growth biological process of a packaged onsite wastewater treatment system

DOI: 🏢

Performance of tubular microbial fuel cells using different industrial wastewater


Greywater treatment using vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland system

DOI: 💧

Nitrogen removal performance and bacterial community analysis of a multistage step-feeding tidal flow constructed wetland

DOI: 🦠

Microbial community structure of anode electrodes in microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells

DOI: 🔋

Investigation of nitrogen removal via CANON process in a single-stage constructed wetland system

DOI: 10.11912/jws.2016.6.2.43-52 🌱

Nitrogen removal in a redox-stratified constructed wetland system

DOI: 10.11912/jws.2016.6.1.29-42 🌿

Absorption and Adsorption of Trace Elements of Septic Tank Effluent into Commercial Fertilizer of Peat.

Available online at 🚽