Marcelo Prado da Silva | Bioceramics | Scientific Excellence Achievement Award

Marcelo Prado da Silva: Bioceramics: Scientific Excellence Achievement Award 

Professor at Military Engineering Institute: Rio de Janeiro: Brazil

👨‍🏫 Marcelo Prado da Silva stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Bioceramics. Holding a Ph.d in Military Engineering Institute: Rio de Janeiro his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Academic Journey in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 🎓

PhD in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (1995 – 1999),: 🔬 Research Focus: Coating of Titanium with Hydroxyapatite🏫 Institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil📜 Thesis Title: Process Development of Electrolytic Deposition and In Vitro Biological Characterization🎓 Year Obtained: 1999👩‍🏫 Advisor: Glória Dulce de Almeida Soares💰 Scholarship from: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. Master’s Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (1992 – 1994): 🔬 Research Focus: Microstructural Evolution Due to Artificial Aging of a Beta Titanium Alloy🏫 Institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil📜 Thesis Title: Not Specified🎓 Year Obtained: 1994👩‍🏫 Advisor: Glória de Almeida Soares💰 Scholarship from: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Degree in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (1986 – 1991): 🔬 Research Focus: Microstructural Evolution of Artificially Aged HP Steels🏫 Institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil📜 Thesis Title: Not Specified🎓 Year Obtained: 1991👩‍🏫 Advisor: Glória de Almeida Soares. 💰 Scholarship from: Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgia e Mineração

Diverse Scientific Research Endeavors 🧪📚

  1. Pedro de Farias Vanzan – Scientific Initiation (Engineering): Project: Characterization of Hydroxyapatites Partially Substituted Year: 2022Institution: Military Institute of Engineering Funding: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
  2. Douglas Santos Silva – Doctoral Thesis (Materials Science):Topic: Biomimetic Multilayer Armor Year: 2022Institution: Military Engineering Institute Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
  3. Carlos Henrique da Luz Barbosa – Doctoral Thesis (Materials Science): Focus: Co-substituted Hydroxyapatites for Biomedical Implants Year: 2022Institution: Military Institute of Engineering Role: Co-supervisor
  4. Pedro Henrique Poubel Mendonça da Silveira – Doctoral Thesis (Materials Science): Project: Processing and Characterization of Al2O3 Ceramic with Nanoparticle Additions for Ballistic Armor Year: 2023Institution: Military Institute of Engineering Funding: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
  5. Renan Costa Cuozzo – Thesis (Dentistry): Subject: In vivo Evaluation of a Composite Consisting of Calcium Phosphate, Alginate, and Zinc Year: 2019Institution: Fluminense Federal University
  6. Leticia dos Santos Aguilera – Thesis (Sciences of Materials):Project: Synthesis and Characterization of Ceramic Bodies ZnFe2O4 Nanostructured Produced by Freeze Casting Year: 2019Institution: Military Institute of Engineering Funding: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)

Areas of Expertise in Biomaterials and Bioceramics 🧬:

Biomaterials🌱 Dense and Porous Bioceramics🏺 Coatings with Bioactive Calcium Phosphates🦴 Bioglasse🔍 Characterization and Treatment of Biomaterial Surfaces🔬 Cell Cultures and In Vitro Tests🧫

Post-Doctoral Research and Additional Training 🎓

Post-Doctorate (2000 – 2002)

🔬 Research Institution: National Institute of Biomedical Engineering, INEB, Portugal💰 Scholarship from: Foundation for Science and Technology

Additional Training Courses

2010:🌡️ Thermal Analysis Technology Seminar 🏢 Conducted by: Netzsch do Brasil, NETZSCH, Brazil
🔬 Transmission Electron Microscopy Course 🏢 Conducted by: National Synchrotron Light Laboratory, LNLS, Brazil
💰 Scholarship from: Brazilian Association of Synchrotron Light Technology🧪 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and Its Applications 🏢 Conducted by: Federal University of Espirito Santo, UFES, Spain💰 Scholarship from: Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do RJ. 2005: 🧬 Short Course 🏢 Conducted by: National Center for Research in Energy and Materials, CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil🔍 Powder Diffraction Elements with Synchrotron Light 🏢 Conducted by: National Center for Research in Energy and Materials, CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil. 2002: 📏 Introduction to the Spreading Technique from R-X to Low Angle 🏢 Conducted by: National Center for Research in Energy and Materials, CNPEM, Campinas, Brazil🥽 Glass: Properties and Applications 🏢 Conducted by: Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, Brazil

Awards and Titles 🏅

2022- Best Oral Presentation at IME Science and Technology Week. Student: Pedro de Farias Vanzan, Title: “Ceramic Processing”, Military Institute of Engineering. 2021- PREMIA-AGITEC Competition2nd Place in Product Innovation Category, Project: “Niobium-based Metallic Composite and Niobium-based Composite Production Processes”, Management and Innovation Agency Technological – AGITEC“Excellence in Innovation” Medal: Organizers of EUROINVENT – European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation. 2019- 1st Place in PIBIC High School Category Guiding CM-RJ students in CT Week of IME, Military Institute of Engineering – Research, Extension, and Innovation Subdivision (SD/4)

Marcelo Prado da Silva ’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 1450, Since 2018– 833
  • h-index: All – 19, Since 2018 – 15
  • i10-index : All -40, Since 2018 -20

Top Noted Publications by Dr. Marcelo Prado da Silva📚🔍:

Transformation of monetite to hydroxyapatite in bioactive coatings on titnium      Paper Published in 2001 Cited by 235

Processing and characterization of PET composites reinforced with geopolymer concrete waste  Paper Published in 2017 Cited by 226

In vitro cellular response to titanium electrochemically coated with hydroxyapatite compared to titanium with three different levels of surface roughness  Paper Published in 2003 Cited by 45

Where is the site of bacterial translocation–small or large bowel?  Paper Published in 1996 Cited by 41

3‐Hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl‐coenzyme A lyase deficiency: Initial presentation in a young adult Paper Published in 2009 Cited by 40

Kinetics of conversion of brushite coatings to hydroxyapatite in alkaline solution  Paper Published in 2018 Cited by 34

Zinc alginate–hydroxyapatite composite microspheres for bone repair  Paper Published in 2014 Cited by 29

Production of porous biomaterials based on glass-reinforced hydroxyapatite composites  Paper Published in 2002 Cited by 26

Production and characterization of niobate apatite  Paper Published in 2013 Cited by 25

In vitro assessment of new niobium phosphate glasses and glass ceramics  Paper Published in 2008 Cited by 25

Endovanilloid control of pain modulation by the rostroventromedial medulla in an animal model of diabetic neuropathy  Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 24

Mechanical characterisation of porous glass reinforced hydroxyapatite ceramics: Bonelike®  Paper Published in 2003 Cited by 24

In vitro assessment of zinc apatite coatings on titanium surfaces  Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 23








Rafael Resende Assis Silva | Food Packaging | Young Scientist Award

Rafael Resende Assis Silva :Food Packaging: Best Researcher Award

Professor at Federal University of Sao Carlos : Brazil

👨‍🏫 Rafael Resende Assis Silva stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Food Packaging. Holding a Ph.d in Federal University of Sao Carlos his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Education and Degrees 🎓

PhD Candidate in Materials Science and Engineering :Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil  (2021)
MSc in Food Science and Technology ; Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Brazil (2020)Thesis Title: “Effect of ionic strength and the ionic ray of divalent salts on the properties of biodegradable packaging and colorimetric sensors containing anthocyanins from açaí phenolic extract (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.).Graduated in Food Engineering: Federal University of São João Del Rei (UFSJ), Brazil (2018) Title: “Elaboration, characterization, and evaluation of the synergic effect cinnamaldehyde and citral inclusion complexes in hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin for antimicrobial application.”

Research interests :   

Polymers Science, Harvesting Energy, Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Characterization of Materials,
Biopolymers, Graphene, Cyclodextrins, Active and Smart Packaging.

Graduation Monitoring 🎓

Chemical Tutoring for Agricultural Sciences : Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ),Monitoring of Food ChemistryL Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ) Chemical Tutoring for Agricultural Sciences: Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ) Chemical Tutoring for Agricultural Sciences : Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ) Monitoring of Organic Chemistry of Biosystems: Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ)

Awards and Honors 🏆

Best Paper Award, Food Bioscience, 2023. 1st Place, Nélio José de Andrade Award: Master’s Dissertation Category, UFV, Federal University of Viçosa, 2022. 3rd Best Work in Materials Engineering : V Meeting of Researchers in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022Honorable Mention: Latin American Symposium on Food Science and Technology (SLACA), 2019. Referred work: Optimization of Molecular Recognition of Bioactive Compounds by Molecularly Imprinted Polymer of Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin. Highlight of the XXIII Scientific Initiation Week: Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ), 2016

Scientific Initiation Projects 🔬

Chitosan-based Active Packaging with Anthocyanins: Objective: Development, Characterization, and Butter Application.Institution: Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), Brazil, 2017Toxicity Evaluation of Brazilian Plants: Method: Bioassay with Saline Artemia Institution: Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ), Brazil, 2016Recycling of Cell Cells for Pesticide Degradation:  Method: Electron-Fenton Method. Institution: Federal University of São João Del-Rei (UFSJ), Brazil, 2015

Rafael Resende Assis Silva’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 253, Since 2018– 240
  • h-index: All – 9, Since 2018 – 9
  • i10-index : All -8, Since 2018 -8

Top Noted Publications by Dr. Claudete Gindri📚🔍:

Development and characterization of intelligent cellulose acetate-based films using red cabbage extract for visual detection of volatile bases  Paper Published in 2020 Cited by 55

Glycerol and triethyl citrate plasticizer effects on molecular, thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties of cellulose acetate films   Paper Published in 2021 Cited by 48

Chemical recycling of cell phone Li-ion batteries: application in environmental remediation   Paper Published in 2015 Cited by 32

Carvacrol-loaded liposome suspension: Optimization, characterization and incorporation into poly (vinyl alcohol) films   Paper Published in 2021 Cited by 18

Effect of pH on the intelligent film-forming solutions produced with red cabbage extract and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Paper Published in 2020 Cited by 17

Development and investigation of zein and cellulose acetate polymer blends incorporated with garlic essential oil and β-cyclodextrin for potential food packaging application  Paper Published in 2022 Cited by 12

Exposure to cellulose acetate films incorporated with garlic essential oil does not lead to homologous resistance in Listeria innocua ATCC 33090  Paper Published in 2022 Cited by 10

Plasticizer Effect and Ionic Cross-Linking: The Impact of Incorporating Divalent Salts in Methylcellulose Films for Colorimetric Detection of Volatile Ammonia   Paper Published in 2021 Cited by 10

Colorimetric indicators of açaí anthocyanin extract in the biodegradable polymer matrix to indicate fresh shrimp   Paper Published in 2022 Cited by 9

Biodegradable film development by nisin Z addition into hydroxypropylmethylcellulose matrix for mozzarella cheese preservation Paper Published in 2020 Cited by 9







Claudete Gindri | Environment | Most Reader’s Article Award

Claudete Gindri: Environment: Most Reader’s Article Award

Professor at Universidad de la Costa : Colombia

👨‍🏫Claudete Gindri  stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Environment. Holding a Ph.d in Doctorate FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL -UFRGS his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Manuals and Specialized Guides

Soil Treatment and Management Laboratory Practice Manual:   Presentation Date: November 2021Dissemination Medium: Electronic Areas: Natural Sciences 🌿Earth and Environmental Sciences 🌎Environmental Sciences 🍃   Manual of Laboratory Practices for Soil Treatment and Management II: Presentation Date: November 2021 Dissemination Medium: Electronic Areas:Natural Sciences 🌿Earth and Environmental Sciences 🌎Environmental Sciences 🍃

Academic Timeline 📚

Masters/Magister La Salle University: Field: Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering ,Duration: March 2015 – July 2019Master in Environment Impact Assessmen: University: La Salle University, Duration: March 2012 – December 2014. Postgraduate and Research : University: Candido Mendes University Duration: August 2015 – August 2016. Pregraduate/University La Salle : UniversityCourse: Chemistry Duration: October 2005 – July 2011

Professional Experience 🌟

University of the Coast Corporation; Dedication: Full-time (40 hours per week) Position: Full Professor Activities: Administration activities, other relevant technical-scientific tasks Duration: Since September 2019.  Barranquilla Sectional Free University : Dedication: Part-time (20 hours per week) Duration: July 2023 – July 2023

Recognitions 🏆

Corporación Universidad de la Costa: Labor Coexistence Committee: Member – November 2022 Corporación Universidad de la Costa: Teaching Excellence Award: October 2023 Universidade Paulista (UNIP) Special Mention: Geochemistry of Volcanic Rock Powder Sample from Serra Geral Formation – July 2015


Claudete Gindri ’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 1382, Since 2018– 1140
  • h-index: All – 20, Since 2018 – 18
  • i10-index : All -26, Since 2018 -25

Top Noted Publications by Dr. Claudete Gindri📚🔍:

Direct identification of hazardous elements in ultra-fine and nanominerals from coal fly ash produced during diesel co-firing   Paper Published in 2014 Cited by 134

Evaluation of the potential of volcanic rock waste from southern Brazil as a natural soil fertilizer   Paper Published in 2017 Cited by 129

A preliminary evaluation of volcanic rock powder for application in agriculture as soil a remineralizer  Paper Published in 2015 Cited by 104

Fate of hazardous elements in agricultural soils surrounding a coal power plant complex from Santa Catarina (Brazil)   Paper Published in 2015  Cited by 101

Nano-mineralogy of suspended sediment during the beginning of coal rejects spill  Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 90

Potential utilization for the evaluation of particulate and gaseous pollutants at an urban site near a major highway   Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 65

Nanoparticulate mineral matter from basalt dust wastes   Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 63

The properties of the nano-minerals and hazardous elements: Potential environmental impacts of Brazilian coal waste fire   Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 61

Modification, adsorption, and geochemistry processes on altered minerals and amorphous phases on the nanometer scale: examples from copper mining refuse, Touro, Spain  Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 54

Application of andesite rock as a clean source of fertilizer for eucalyptus crop: Evidence of sustainability  Paper Published in 2020 Cited by 53

Chemical characterization, nano-particle mineralogy and particle size distribution of basalt dust wastes Paper Published in 2016 Cited by 52




Leandro Rocha | Semiconductor Technology | Best Researcher Award

Leandro Rocha: Semiconductor Technology: Best Researcher Award

Professor at Sao Paulo State University : Brazil

👨‍🏫 Leandro Rocha stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Semiconductor Technology . Holding a Ph.d in Sao Paulo State University his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. Specialization in Non-metallic Materials. Duration: 2015 – 2018B.Eng. in Materials Engineering São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. Graduated: 2012 – 2016M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering São Paulo State University (UNESP), Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil, Focus on Ceramic Materials, Duration: 2013 – 2015B.Sc. in Physics São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil, Graduated: 2007 – 2011

Work Experience

 Adjunct Professor (Materials Engineering)   Universidade Federal de São Carlos: São Carlos, BR ( 2023 ). Postdoctoral Researcher (Chemistry) in Federal University of São Carlos: São Carlos, São Paulo, BR (2019-04-01 to 2023-11-10 )

Research Experience and Funding

Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), São Carlos, SP, Brazil : Served as a Postdoctoral Researcher from 2019 to 2023.Secured research fellowships totaling approximately R$450,000,00 and ~ U$D 27,500,00.National University of Central Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina: Undertook a Postdoctoral Research role spanning April to December 2022.


1. Title: Compuesto de Cerio Dopado con Lantano, Método para la Obtención, y Sensor para Detectar Monóxido de Carbono

  • Applicants: CONICET/UNMdP
  • Classifications (IPC): C01F17/00
  • Publication: AR110597A1·2019-04-17

2. Title: Un Dispositivo de Caracterización Optoelectrónica de Materiales

  • Applicants: CONICET/UNMdP
  • Classifications (IPC): G01N21/90
  • Publication: AR103692A1·2017-05-31

3. Title: Dispositivo de Caracterização Optoeletrônica de Materiais

  • Applicants: CONICET/UNMdP/UNESP
  • Classifications (IPC): C21D1/773; F27B17/02; F27B9/14
  • Publication: BR102016028383A2·2017-06-06

Leandro Rocha ’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 459, Since 2018– 402
  • h-index: All – 13, Since 2018 – 12
  • i10-index : All -16,  Since 2018 -15

Top Noted Publications by Dr. Leandro Rocha📚🔍:

Photoluminescence properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles as a function of lanthanum content     Paper Published in 2015  Cited by 82

Novel ozone gas sensor based on ZnO nanostructures grown by the microwave-assisted hydrothermal route  Paper Published in 2016   Cited by 58

Towards carbon monoxide sensors based on europium doped cerium dioxide       Paper Published in 2019  Cited by  52

Electrical behavior of cerium dioxide films exposed to different gases atmospheres   Paper Published in 2016  Cited by 29

Tuning structural, optical, and gas sensing properties of ceria-based materials by rare-earth doping Paper Published in 2021  Cited by 24

Novel gas sensor with dual response under CO (g) exposure: Optical and electrical stimuli    Paper Published in 2016  Cited by  58

Magnetoelectric coupling of LaFeO3/BiFeO3 heterostructures   Paper Published in  2015 Cited by  19

Enhancement of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties in calcium doped BiFeO3 by chemical synthesis Paper Published in 2015  Cited by  19

Calcium doped BiFeO3 films: Rietveld analysis and piezoelectric properties   Paper Published in 2018  Cited by  18

Novel approaches of nanoceria with magnetic, photoluminescent, and gas-sensing properties     Paper Published in 2020  Cited by 17

Experimental and theoretical interpretation of the order/disorder clusters in CeO2: La  Paper Published in  2020 Cited by 14




Alfredo Dias | Sustainable construction | Sustainable Innovation Pioneer Award

Alfredo Dias : Sustainable Innovation Pioneer Award

👨‍🏫 Alfredo Dias  stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Sustainable construction . Holding a Ph.d in Delft University of Technology his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Academic Qualifications 📚

Alfredo Manuel Pereira Geraldes Dias pursued his academic journey through a BSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in 1997, achieving a noteworthy final grade of 17 out of 20. 🏗️ His educational path continued with an MSc in Civil Engineering (Structures) from the same university in 1999. 📘 However, the pinnacle of his academic pursuit was marked by a PhD in Mechanical Behavior of Timber-Concrete Connections attained from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, in 2005. 🌍 This specialized focus on exploring the mechanical intricacies of timber-concrete connections played a pivotal role in shaping his subsequent research and professional engagements within the sphere of timber and composite structures. 🔍

Professional Engagements and Leadership Roles 🏗️🌐

Professional Membership

Senior member of the Portuguese Civil Engineering Association since 2004.Member of the Technical Committee CT14 “Wood” since 2006.Participation as a member of the Technical Committee CT115 “Structural Codes” since 2012.

Leadership and Coordination Responsibilities

Chairman of the National mirror committee from TC 124 since 2009.Chairman of the National mirror committee from TC 250\SC5 since 2014.Coordinator of the Working group “Innovative timber & composite elements for buildings” in COST E29 from 2004 to 2006.Coordinator of the Working group “Hybrid structures” in COST FP1402 “Basis of structural timber design – from research to standards” from 2014 to 2018.Head of the sub-group involved in preparing the new Eurocode 5 part on composite structures from 2011 to 2014.Convener of the WG2 from TC250\SC5 “Composite structures” from 2014 to 2020.Chairman of the Project Team SC5.T2 responsible for preparing the new Eurocode part on timber composites from 2015 to 2018.

Scientific Contributions 🌐📚

Published Research

Authored or co-authored 72 papers in ISI-Web of Knowledge indexed International Journals, with 66 specifically focusing on timber products and structures since 2005.Contributed to 66 papers in non-indexed journals and scientific conferences, with 60 covering topics related to timber products and structures since 2005.

Reviewer Engagement

Acted as an independent reviewer for 25 different International Journals since 2005.Served as an independent reviewer in 15 international conferences associated with timber products and structures since 2005.

Academic Supervision

Supervised or co-supervised 10 PhD theses, successfully concluding 6 and currently overseeing 4 ongoing research endeavors since 2005.

Research Project Involvement

Involved in 25 research projects, all focused on timber products and structures since 2005, taking the lead in 18 of these projects as the principal investigator.

Alfredo Dias’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 2134, Since 2018 –1466
  • h-index: All – 22, Since 2018 – 20
  • i10-index : All -48 Since 2018 -39

Summary 🔍

Reinforced concrete corner for timber frame moment resisting joints –Design and experimental assessment

🌟 Introduces an innovative moment-resisting joint design for timber frames. 🪵 Uses a prismatic corner filled with robust concrete reinforced by steel bars within the timber beam and column. 🔍 Conducts analytical and experimental studies to assess resisting moment, stiffness, and failure modes of the proposed joint. 📏 Explores how timber cross-section and steel bar diameters influence resisting moment via a mechanical stress-strain model. ⚙️ Prefers steel bar yielding over timber shear failure, considering steel’s ductility. 🧪 Produces and tests knee joint specimens with varying steel bar diameters, aligning well with analytical estimates. 🛠️ Performs tests on polygonal bolted joint specimens for comparison purposes. 💪 Shows significantly improved rotational stiffness and bending strength compared to traditional bolted joints. 🏁 Concludes the joint’s structural effectiveness and its promising potential for real-world applications.

Top Noted Publications by Dr.Alfredo Dias📚🔍:

Mechanical behaviour of timber-concrete joints.       Paper Published in 2005  Cited by 187

Timber-concrete-composites increasing the use of timber in construction    Paper Published in 2016  Cited by 147

A non-linear 3D FEM model to simulate timber–concrete joints     Paper Published in 2007  Cited by  129

Load-carrying capacity of timber–concrete joints with dowel-type fasteners   Paper Published in 2007  Cited by  111

The effect of ductile connectors on the behaviour of timber–concrete composite beams     Paper Published in  2011 Cited by  102

Timber-concrete composite bridges: State-of-the-art review    Paper Published in 2013  Cited by  84

Stiffness of dowel-type fasteners in timber–concrete joints  Paper Published in   Cited by

Design of timber-concrete composite structures: A state-of-the-art report by COST Action FP1402/WG 4   Paper Published in 2010  Cited by  76

Acoustic performance of timber and timber-concrete floors  Paper Published in 2015  Cited by  71

Analysis of the nonlinear behavior of timber-concrete connections  Paper Published in 2012  Cited by  57

Environmentally friendly high performance timber–concrete panel      Paper Published in 2016  Cited by  49




Anil Mhashal | Computational Biochemistry | Best Researcher Award

Anil Mhashal : Computational Biochemistry : Best Researcher Award

👨‍🏫Anil Mhashal  stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Computational Biochemistry . Holding Ph.d in  CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

Professional Profiles 🌐

Research Interests 🧪

Prediction of structural, dynamical, and thermodynamic properties via molecular simulations. Exploring enzyme-catalyzed reactions using Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics. Applying docking studies in drug discovery for protein-ligand interactions. Analyzing biomembrane-nanoparticle/surface system behavior and dynamics. Coarse-Grained simulations for understanding large-scale physicochemical properties. Enhanced molecular dynamics to probe protein conformational dynamics

Experience 🌐

Application Scientist | Prescience InSilico, Bangalore, India | Sep 2023 – Present

Senior Scientist | QuantumZyme, LLP, Bangalore, India | Feb 2023 – Sep 2023

Senior Postdoctoral Researcher | Karolinska Institute, Sweden | Mar 2021 – Jan 2023

Senior Researcher | Uppsala University, Sweden | Sep 2018 – Sep 2020

Postdoctoral Researcher | Bar Ilan University, Israel | Aug 2015 – Sep 2018

Education 🎓

PhD ( Nov 2015 ) CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. Major: Computational Chemistry. MSc ( Jul 2010 ) Bioinformatics Center, Pune University, Pune, India, Major: Bioinformatics. BSc ( Jun 2008 ) Ket’s V.G. Vaze College, Mumbai, India. Major: Biotechnology

Skills & Proficiencies 🚀

Computational Chemistry Methodologies

Multiscale simulations: QM, Molecular Dynamics, Hybrid QM/MM, EVB, Free energy simulations. Enhanced molecular dynamics simulations, forcefield development, docking application & development

Software Proficiency

Gromacs, Amber, CHARMM, Q6, NAMD, Gaussian, Accelarys, Autodoc Vina, Autodock, Enzydock

Programming Languages

Perl, C, C++, Shell Scripting, Python, R, Matlab, Tcl scripting

Application Software

Xmgrace, GNU plot, Origin, LaTeX. Graphical Software: Accelarys Material Studio, Discovery Studio, VMD, PyMOL, Rasmol, Chimera, Molden

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

  • Jupyter notebook, Google Colab

Certifications 🏅

  • Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R in Data Science, Udemy (June 2022)

Awards & Honors 🏆

Nobelium Fellowship for Postdocs, Gdasnks University of Technology, Poland (2021).CSIR-UGC NET (SRF), CSIR-UGC India (2012).CSIR-UGC NET (JRF), CSIR-UGC India (2010).Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineers (GATE), India (2010)

Anil Mhashal’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 278 Since 2018 –246
  • h-index: All – 10, Since 2018 – 8
  • i10-index : All -10 Since 2018 -6

Top Noted Publications by Dr.Anil Mhashal📚🔍:




SHRIRANG SABDE | Phase Transfer Catalysis | Best Research Article Award | 1589

Shrirang Sabde : Phase Transfer Catalysis: Best Research Article Award

👨‍🏫Shrirang Sabde stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Phase Transfer Catalysis . Holding a Ph.d from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

Professional Profiles🌐

Education 🎓

Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Dual degree), Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai, Michigan State University. M. Tech in Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, 2013. B. Tech in Chemical Engineering, DR. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, India, 2011

Professional Experience 💼

Michigan State University, Lansing (Current). Eastman Chemical Company, Kingsport, TN (Fall 2022). Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (2015-19). National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (2011-13)

Software Skills 💻

Aspen Plus (Intermediate level) – Techno-economic analysis. Material Studio (Beginner level) – Molecular simulation. Origin Pro – Graphical tool. Design Expert (Expert level) – Experimental design

Qualitative Analysis 🔬

NMR, FTIR, MS – Mass Spectroscopy, DSC, TGA – Thermal Analysis, Intrinsic viscosity (ASTM method), CHNS

Quantitative Analysis 📊

HPLC-MS, GC – Chromatography techniques, End group analysis (ASTM method), Soxhlet extraction, Karl Fisher titration

Skills Overview

Reactive Extrusion – Twin screw, solid-solid reactions

High-Pressure Batch Reactors – Liquid-liquid, solid-liquid kinetics

Reaction Mechanism & Kinetic Study – Proposition and analysis

Polymerization – High molecular weight polymers

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – Environmental impact analysis

Depolymerization & Hydrogenation – Chemical breakdown processes

Biodegradation – Testing and assessing polymer breakdown

Compost Reactor Operations – Onsite food and plastic waste treatment

Projects and Experience Ongoing Projects

  • Compost Reactor Design
    • Developing onsite treatment for food and compostable plastic waste
    • Process development for end-of-life strategies (250 kg reactor scale)
  • Eastman Chemical Internship
    • Methanolysis project feedstock and process development
    • Scaling feedstock evaluation from batch to continuous processing
  • Polyester Synthesis
    • Synthesis of biobased high molecular weight polymers using batch reactors
    • Scale: 200-300g
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – PET Synthesis
    • Synthesis of PET from lactose recovered from dairy waste (Fair life project)
    • Study of reaction pathways for PET synthesis from lactose
  • Polymer Depolymerization and Biodegradation
    • Using phase transfer catalysts for PET and Nylon breakdown
    • Testing biodegradability of depolymerized PET at various intervals
  • Synthesis of Random Polyester: Redesigning polymer backbone using biobased content for glass adhesive and interlayer technology applications

 Publication by Dr.Shrirang Sabde 📚🔍:




Jianbo Yu | Anesthesiology | Best Researcher Award

Jianbo Yu : Anesthesiology :  Best Researcher Award 

👨‍🏫Jianbo Yu stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Anesthesiology  his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Professional Experience 💼

Deputy Director, Tianjin Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Acute Abdominal Diseases. Head of Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Nankai Hospital, Tianjin. Recipient, State Council Government Special Allowance. Distinguished Doctor, First Batch, Tianjin. Participant, Talent Cultivation Program for Leading Scholars, Tianjin Higher Education Institutions. Held multiple roles in National Health Commission, Chinese Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Chinese Neuroscience Society, Chinese Medical Association, Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and Tianjin Medical Association.

Academic Positions 🎓

Committee Member, National Health Commission’s Capacity and Continuing Education in Anesthesia. Deputy Chair, Anesthesiology Committee and Research Institute Work Committee, Chinese Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Deputy Group Leader, Anesthesia Branch and Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Group, Chinese Medical Association. Vice President, Sixth Council, Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Chairman-elect, Anesthesia Branch, Tianjin Medical Association. Chairman, First Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Anesthesia and Pain Management Committee. Chairman, First Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Intensive Care Committee. Deputy Editor, Editorial Board Member or Review Expert for 9 SCI journals, including Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology.

Research and Publications 📚

Led 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 2 municipal key projects. Granted 3 national invention patents. Published over 170 pieces in domestic and international core journals, including over 30 in SCI journals such as Redox Biology and Anesthesiology. Authored 5 consensus documents, edited 8 monographs, and contributed to more than 10 modern anesthesia guides and consensus documents in China.

Awards and Honors 🏆

Received 3 provincial and ministerial level science and technology advancement awards .Received 6 Tianjin science and technology achievements, including 1 internationally leading and 2 internationally advanced.

Top Noted Publications by Dr.Jianbo Yu 📚🔍:

A randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing remimazolam to propofol when combined with alfentanil for sedation during ERCP procedures Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 7

Anesthesia and perioperative management of an elderly patient with fragile brain function and acute lower extremity deep vein thrombosis undergoing giant pelvic mass resection Paper Published in 2023

Role of PIAS-regulated SUMOylation of PPARγ in endogenous protective mechanism against endo-toxin-induced acute lung injury in mice Paper Published in 2023

Delirium in older patients given propofol or sevoflurane anaesthesia for major cancer surgery: a multicentre randomised trial Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 7

Long-term survival in older patients given propofol or sevoflurane anaesthesia for major cancer surgery: follow-up of a multicentre randomised trial Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 4

5-Methoxytryptophan ameliorates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury in vivo and in vitro by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated pyroptosis through the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway Paper Published in 2023

Interleukin-17D produced by alveolar epithelial type II cells alleviates LPS-induced acute lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway Paper Published in 2023

Tetramethylpyrazine ameliorates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by relieving Golgi stress via the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway Paper Published in 2023

VNS-mediated α7nAChR signaling promotes SPM synthesis via regulation of netrin-1 expression during LPS-induced ALI Paper Published in 2024

Nicotinamide mononucleotide alleviates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by modulating macrophage polarization via the SIRT1/NF-κB pathway Paper Published in 2024


Narayani Sritharan | Development Economics | Best Researcher Award

Narayani Sritharan : Development Economics : Best Researcher Award

👨‍🏫Narayani Sritharan stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Development Economics . Holding a Phd in University of Massachusetts Amherst his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Educational Background of Narayani Sritharan :

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst (May 2022) Focused on Econometrics, Economic Development, and Microeconomics. Dissertation titled “Four Essays on Peace Consolidation and Ethnic Reconciliation in Postwar SriLanka.” M.A. in Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst (May 2017) Continued academic pursuits in Economics, refining knowledge and expertise. B.Sc. in Economics, University of Copenhagen (January 2013) Initiated academic journey, culminating with a thesis titled “Asia’s Next Giant – China.”

Research Experience

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Aid Data at William & Mary Bringing expertise in foreign aid and non-traditional donors, managing research projects, conducting fieldwork, and mentoring undergraduates while fostering external relationships. Human Security Lab, Researcher Collaborating on policy briefs, organizing stakeholder meetings, and presenting interdisciplinary work in the context of Women, Peace, and Security in Afghanistan. Security in Context, Researcher Contributing to educational content creation, including blogs, podcasts, and videos, emphasizing interdisciplinary perspectives.

Professional Skills

  • Programming Languages: R, Python
  • Statistical Packages: Stata, R, SAS
  • Desktop GIS: ArcGIS, QGIS

Research Interests

Passionate about conflict and security, foreign aid, environmental studies, and applied econometrics.

Teaching Experience

Lecturer, Economics and Public Policy, William & Mary Courses taught: Empirical Microeconomics and Economics of Identity, showcasing a breadth of expertise.Teaching Assistant, Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst Handled Economic Development, Game Theory, and Ph.D. level courses, displaying strong teaching capabilities.Online Instructor, University Without Walls, UMass Amherst Conducted online courses in Micro and Macroeconomics, displaying adaptability and proficiency in remote teaching environments.

Awards, Grants, and Fellowships

Recipient of prestigious fellowships including the Templeton Fellowship at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and the Global Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Selected Presentations/Invited Special Talks

Delivered impactful presentations at esteemed conferences and panels, addressing topics like Chinese Aid, Media Freedom, Belt and Road Impact, and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Aid.

Work in Progress and Working Paper

Horigoshi, Ana and Narayani Sritharan: “Can Aid Reduce Corruption? Evidence from World Bank and Chinese Aid and Firm-Level Corruption”.Sritharan, Narayani: “State Capacity Building in Postwar Settings – Sri Lanka as a case study”.Jonathan A. Solis and Narayani Sritharan: “Shaping Perceptions: Chinese Aid, Media Freedom, and Public Attitudes Toward China in Developing Nations”.

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications by Narayani Sritharan

“The Great Himalayan Chessboard: China, India, and the Geopolitical Gambit in Nepal”. Foreign Policy Research Institute. 2023.

“The Indo-Pacific is the Theater for The US and China’s High-Stakes Diplomacy”. InkStick Media. 2023.

“Perceptions vs. Realities: Discordant Narratives on China’s Footprint in Zimbabwe”. InkStick Media. 2023.

“Saudi Arabia is Trying to Use Sports to Repair Its Reputation”. InkStick Media. 2023.

“Millions of Displaced Ukrainians need more Financial Support”. InkStick Media. 2023.

“Rethinking America’s Women, Peace & Security Agenda in Afghanistan” by Charli Carpenter, Jaeye Baek, Catie Fowler, Isha Mahajan, Jenna Norosky, Narayani Sritharan, Imtashal Tariq, Caroline Williams. Human Security Lab Briefing Note #2. 2022.

“Using GIS mapping to reframe post-conflict aid distribution – Sri Lanka as a case study”. Security in Context. 2021.

Publications by Narayani Sritharan📚🔍:

Continuity and change in Saudi Arabia’s development and humanitarian aid Paper Published in 2023
A Comparative Study of Traditional Donors and Non-traditional Donors in Sri Lanka Paper Published in 2023

The Role of Aid on Peace Consolidation in Postwar Sri Lanka Paper Published in 2022



Rahul Ravichandran | Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Rahul Ravichandran : Agriculture

👨‍🏫Rahul Ravichandran stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Agriculture. Holding a Phd in Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute, Kumulur his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Educational Journey in Agricultural Engineering 🌾

Rahul Ravichandran academic trajectory in Agricultural Engineering stands as a testament to dedication and expertise in this field.

Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering (2022)Completing Ph.D. at the College & Research Institute, Kumulur, Trichy, TNAU, showcased commitment to advancing knowledge in this domain. His  research journey during this period likely added significant depth and specialization to expertise. M.Tech in Agricultural Engineering (2019) Master’s degree further fortified  understanding and skills in Agricultural Engineering, providing a solid foundation for advanced study and research. It was another milestone reflecting his pursuit of excellence in this field.B.Tech in Agricultural Engineering (2017)  Bachelor’s degree served as the initial step, laying the groundwork for educational journey. It introduced to the fundamental concepts and principles in Agricultural Engineering, setting the stage for  subsequent academic pursuits.

Professional Focus in Agricultural Engineering 🌱

Area of Interest

Rahul Ravichandran dedication to soil and water conservation, groundwater modeling, and irrigation and drainage reflects a passionate commitment to sustainable agricultural practices. These areas showcase his expertise and focus on optimizing water resources and enhancing agricultural efficiency.

Training and Research Experience

His diverse training experiences at esteemed institutions such as Central Farm Machinery Training And Testing Institute, Agricultural Engineering Department, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, and Kerala Agro Machinery Corporation Limited highlight  exposure to varied perspectives and practices in agricultural engineering.

Research Contributions

His research work, including groundwater table fluctuation simulation for water management planning and determining irrigation parameters based on soil water potential for crops like Brinjal, underscores  practical application of knowledge for effective agricultural planning.

Academic Engagements

His active participation in seminars, symposiums, conferences, and workshops, presenting papers on topics like structural analysis of natural ventilated greenhouses, groundwater investigation, water security, geospatial technology in agriculture, and scholarly writing skills, demonstrates  commitment to continuous learning and knowledge dissemination in his field.

Embracing Technology

Exploration of advanced statistics, geospatial technology, drone technology fundamentals, and scholarly writing mechanisms like iThenticate illustrates his adaptability to technological advancements, enhancing  capabilities in agricultural research and innovation.

Publications by Rahul Ravichandran 📚🔍:

Identification of groundwater potential zone using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for Bhavani river basin, Tamil Nadu, southern India Paper Published in 2022 Cited by 8

Comparative Analysis of Groundwater Quality Index for Bhavani River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Statistical Analysis Paper Published in 2022  Cited by 2