Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris | Nutrition | Best Researcher Award

Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris : Nutrition : Best Researcher Award

Researcher at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn – Germany

👨‍🏫 Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Nutrition. Holding a Ph.d in Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:


PhD in “One Health and Urban Transformation” at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungs Forschung (ZEF) [01/07/2017 – 2023] 🌍🏙️, MSc in Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics at Technische Hochschule Köln [01/09/2012 – 29/02/2016] 🌴📚, Public Health – Environmental Sustainable Development at St. George’s University [19/01/2015 – 07/04/2015] 🌱🏥, Bachelor in Food Science at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) [02/2005 – 14/08/2009] 🍎📊

work experience 

Research Associate at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungs Forschung [14/11/2022 – Current]: Collaboration Research Center Proposal – Food System Diversification for Sustainable Nutrition (FoodDiverse) 🌾Student Assistant at Fairtrade International [01/03/2022 – 31/10/2022]: Baseline assessment for the Living Income References Prices of Fairtrade associated farmers’ book records – Coffee ☕. Junior Researcher at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Entwicklungs Forschung [01/07/2017 – 31/12/2021]: Surveys, Life Cycle Assessment, One Health, Animal welfare, Dietary disease risk, sustainable diets 🌱🐾. Assistant Professor in Value Chain Analysis at TH Köln [01/09/2016 – 28/02/2017]: Values Chain analysis with emphasis on the FAO VCA-tool software 📈

Experiences sound diverse

Food Service Manager at Samsara Restaurant “Villa Natural” [09/02/2010 – 31/05/2011]: Control of food storage, restaurant workers, hygiene, and food safety 🍲👩‍🍳. Student Research Assistant at ESALQ – USP [2005 – 2009]: GETEP – Group of Extension, Innovation, and Quality of Fish 🐟, GEAF – Study Group on Functional Foods 🥑, GESEA – Group of Extension of Food Safety 🥦Internship in Molecular Biology – Insulin Resistance at Laboratory of Biochemistry (ESALQ-USP) [06/03/2006 – 31/07/2006]: Investigating insulin resistance through a lipid diet in diabetic and obese individuals 💉🔬

Honours and Awards 🏆

Scholarship “Get Finished” (Jan. 2022 – Jul. 2022), TH-Köln – CNRD Scholarship (Dec. 2013 – Mar. 2014), Honoured oral presentation (Oct. 2009) at Simpósio Anual de Ciências Farmacêuticas FCF-USP, Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation (CNPq) Scholarship (Aug. 2007 – Jul. 2008) – USP, COSEAS USP Scholarship (Apr. 2006 – Jul. 2007).

Organisational Skills 📋

Writing research articles and policy briefs ✍️,Teaching experience in TH-Köln for Value Chain Analysis 📚,Leadership and coordination as a food manager 🍴,Independent scientific research work 🧪,Effective teamwork during fieldwork and publications 👥,Event promotion and organization 🎉.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills 💬

Excellent multicultural communication 🌍,Empathic listening skills through volunteer work at CVV.org 🤝,Blogging, social media, and YouTube video creation skills 📱🎥.

Job-Related Skills 💼

Laboratory analysis: microbiology, chemical, sensorial, and nutritional 🧪,Proficient academic and blogging writing ✍️,Training expertise in food security and safety 🍲,Value Chain Analysis using the FAO methodology 📊,Life cycle assessment and diet optimization 🥦🌎.

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 86, Since 2018– 84
  • h-index: All – 2, Since 2018 – 2
  • i10-index : All -2, Since 2018 -2

Top Noted Publications by Dr.Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris  📚🔍:

One Health in the context of coronavirus outbreaks: A systematic literature review Paper Published in 2020   Cited by 46

Changing dietary patterns is necessary to improve the sustainability of Western diets from a One Health perspective Paper Published in 2022  Cited by 37

Integrated Science of Global Epidemics 2050  Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 1

Corrigendum to” Changing dietary patterns is necessary to improve the sustainability of Western diets from a One Health perspective”[Sci. Total Environ. 811 (2022)/151437] Paper Published in 2022  Cited by 1

Quantificação de fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris) sob efeito de diferentes métodos de cocção e maceração Paper Published in  2008 Cited by 1

Optimised diets for improving human, animal, and environmental health in the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolis in Germany Paper Published in 2023

One Health as an Integrated Approach: Perspectives from Public Services for Mitigation of Future Epidemics Paper Published in  2023

Operationalizing the One Health Approach in a Context of Urban Transformations Paper Published in   2022

Lipid oxidation in french fries samples commercialized on districts with diferent human development index of São Paulo city Paper Published in   2009

Caracterização dos atributos de qualidade da comercialização de peixe salgado e seco armazenado sob diferentes temperaturas Paper Published in   Cited by 2008

Parâmetros sensoriais para comercialização do bacalhau submetido ao armazenamento resfriado Paper Published in 2007