GUNBAEK SO | CONTROL | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea

Dr. Gunbaek So is a distinguished Assistant Professor at Mokpo National Maritime University in South Korea. Born on November 4, 1985, Dr. So has made significant contributions to the fields of control systems and marine engineering through his innovative research and numerous publications.



Evaluation for the Best Researcher Award

Candidate: Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So

Affiliation: Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea

Strengths for the Award:

  1. Consistent Research Output:
    • Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So has a solid record of consistent publication in reputable journals since 2018. His work is spread across various high-impact journals, indicating a steady contribution to the field of control systems and marine engineering.
  2. Diverse Research Focus:
    • His research spans several critical areas including fuzzy gain scheduling, PID controllers, regasification systems for LNG-fueled marine engines, and nonlinear control techniques. This diversity showcases his broad expertise and ability to tackle different problems within his field.
  3. Open Access Publications:
    • A significant number of his articles are published as open access, ensuring wider dissemination and accessibility of his research findings, which contributes to his visibility and impact within the academic community.
  4. Collaboration:
    • The collaborative nature of his research, often co-authored with other experts, reflects his ability to work well within a team and engage with the broader research community.
  5. Citation Record:
    • Despite some papers having low citation counts, a few have received notable attention, such as the 2018 article in the Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering with 22 citations. This indicates that certain aspects of his work have had a substantial impact on the field.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Increase Citation Impact:
    • While some of his papers have garnered citations, increasing the impact of his more recent work would strengthen his candidacy. This could be achieved through enhanced visibility efforts, such as presenting at international conferences and engaging in more collaborative projects.
  2. Research Funding and Grants:
    • Securing additional research funding and grants could enhance his research capabilities and output. This would not only provide more resources for conducting advanced research but also increase the prestige associated with his work.
  3. Engagement in Professional Organizations:
    • Greater involvement in professional organizations and committees related to his field could further establish him as a leader and contribute to his professional development. This might include roles such as conference organizer, journal editor, or society president.
  4. Public and Industry Engagement:
    • Engaging more with industry stakeholders and the public can translate his research into practical applications, thus increasing its societal impact. This could involve consultancy, applied research projects, or public lectures.


Dr. Gunbaek So holds advanced degrees in engineering, specializing in control systems and marine engineering. His academic journey has equipped him with a deep understanding of PID controllers and their applications in various industrial processes.


Dr. So has been an Assistant Professor at Mokpo National Maritime University since September 2021. He has held this position through multiple terms, from September 01, 2021, to February 28, 2022, from March 01, 2022, to November 15, 2023, and from November 16, 2023, to the present.


Dr. Gunbaek So has been recognized for his innovative contributions to control systems and engineering, reflected in his high citation counts and impactful publications.

Publications Top Notes

Dr. So has authored numerous high-impact research articles published in esteemed journals. Here are some of his significant publications along with their citations:

  1. Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of the Fractional-Order PID Controller for a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor Process
    Wase, M.G., Gebrekirstos, R.F., Jin, G.-G., & So, G.-B. (2023). Processes, 11(12), 3275.
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    Cited by: 0
  2. DS-Based 2-DOF PID Controller of a Regasification System for LNG-Fueled Marine Engine
    So, G.-B. (2022). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(5), 606.
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  3. Design of Linear PID Controller for Pure Integrating Systems with Time Delay Using Direct Synthesis Method
    So, G.-B. (2022). Processes, 10(5), 831.
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    Cited by: 6
  4. A Modified 2-DOF Control Framework and GA Based Intelligent Tuning of PID Controllers
    So, G. (2021). Processes, 9(3), 423.
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    Cited by: 7
  5. Design of an Intelligent NPID Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm for Disturbance Rejection in Single Integrating Process with Time Delay
    So, G. (2021). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1), 25.
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    Cited by: 4
  6. EA-Based Design of a Nonlinear PID Controller Using an Error Scaling Technique
    So, G.-B. (2019). Studies in Informatics and Control, 28(3), 279-288.
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    Cited by: 6
  7. Temperature Control of a Regasification System for LNG-fuelled Marine Engines Using Nonlinear Control Techniques
    So, G.-B., Yi, H.-S., Son, Y.-D., & Jin, G.-G. (2018). International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 16(6), 3047-3054.
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    Cited by: 4
  8. Fuzzy-based Nonlinear PID Controller and Its Application to CSTR
    So, G.-B., & Jin, G.-G. (2018). Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(4), 819-825.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 22


Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So demonstrates a strong profile for the Best Researcher Award, given his consistent research output, diverse focus areas, and collaborative nature. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in increasing the impact of his recent work and securing additional funding, his contributions to the fields of control systems and marine engineering are noteworthy. Enhancing his engagement with the broader academic and professional community will further bolster his candidacy and reflect his potential as a leading researcher in his domain.





GUNBAEK SO | CONTROL | Best Researcher Award

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