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Dr. Adelaide Dinoi | Scienze ambientali | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at ISAC-CNR, Italy

Adelaide Dinoi is an atmospheric scientist and researcher specializing in climate and environmental sciences. Since July 2020, she has been working as a researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR) at the National Research Council of Italy. Her professional career is marked by extensive experience in aerosol characterization, air quality studies, and environmental monitoring. Over the years, Dinoi has actively contributed to several international research projects and authored numerous publications in leading scientific journals.



Strengths for the Award:

Adelaide Dinoi has an extensive and impressive research background, particularly in atmospheric and climate sciences, demonstrated by over a decade of active contribution to scientific research. She has held various positions at prominent research institutions, including the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC-CNR). Dinoi’s participation in numerous high-profile international and national projects, such as OT4Clima, ISMAEL, and CESAPO, showcases her involvement in climate change and environmental monitoring research. Her numerous publications in top-tier journals highlight her consistent contributions to the scientific community, particularly in areas like particle emissions, air quality, and environmental pollutants. Her work is highly interdisciplinary, extending into advanced data analysis, such as through R and IGOR, and demonstrating her technical expertise. Furthermore, her experience as a supervisor and consultant shows her leadership and mentorship skills. Her role as a co-founder of RESEAUX S.r.l. also highlights her entrepreneurial initiative in applying research to real-world environmental problems.

Areas for Improvement:

While Dinoi’s research contributions are impressive, her language proficiency, particularly in English, may be an area for improvement (currently at B2-C1 level). A stronger command of the language could enhance her ability to collaborate internationally and present her work at global conferences more effectively. Furthermore, although her research covers diverse environmental topics, focusing more deeply on specific groundbreaking methodologies or achieving greater visibility through leadership in international conferences could strengthen her profile. Additionally, expanding her role in larger, multidisciplinary research initiatives might provide broader exposure and impact.


Education 🎓

Adelaide Dinoi holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Salento, Lecce (2007), where she also completed her Master’s degree in Physics in 2001. Her doctoral work, supervised by Prof. Sergio Fonti, laid the groundwork for her career in atmospheric sciences. In addition to formal education, Dinoi has participated in various specialized training programs, including international conferences and workshops on atmospheric observation techniques and environmental monitoring.

Experience 🏢

Dinoi has over a decade of research experience. Since 2020, she has been a full-time researcher at ISAC-CNR. Before that, she held a postdoctoral position at the same institute (2015–2020) and worked on various contract research projects between 2013 and 2015. Her expertise has been further enriched by short-term research visits to prominent institutes like the German Aerospace Center in Berlin and the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research in Leipzig.

Research Interests 🌍

Adelaide Dinoi’s research interests are centered around atmospheric sciences, particularly the study of aerosol particles, air quality monitoring, and climate change impacts. Her work often involves using advanced technologies for environmental monitoring and remote sensing. She has participated in several research projects aimed at understanding the oxidative potential of aerosols and their health impacts, as well as the influence of atmospheric particles on local and global climate.

Awards 🏆

Adelaide Dinoi has received several research grants for short-term mobility, enabling her to conduct collaborative work with prestigious institutions across Europe. Notable among these is her research grant from the German Aerospace Center in 2007 and her recent short-term mobility grant in 2021 at Goethe University in Frankfurt. Dinoi’s contributions have been recognized for advancing atmospheric research, and she continues to contribute to cutting-edge scientific initiatives.

Publications 📚

Adelaide Dinoi has an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals, highlighting her contributions to environmental and atmospheric sciences. Here are a few notable publications:

  1. Garcia-Marlès, M., et al. (2024). Interannual trends of ultrafine particles in urban Europe. Environment International, 185, 108510. [Cited by 10 articles].
  2. Dinoi, A., et al. (2024). Characterization of aerosol and its oxidative potential in Southern Italy. Atmospheric Environment. [Cited by 8 articles].
  3. Guascito, M.R., et al. (2023). Correlation between oxidative potential and biological effects of PM10. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 448, 130872. [Cited by 15 articles].
  4. Conte, M., et al. (2023). Particle concentration during COVID-19 lockdown in Southern Italy. Atmospheric Environment, 295, 119559. [Cited by 12 articles].


Adelaide Dinoi is a highly qualified and dedicated researcher with a wealth of experience and contributions to the field of atmospheric sciences. Her technical proficiency, project leadership, and publication record make her a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. With continued focus on expanding her international collaborations and sharpening her global communication skills, she has the potential to achieve even greater recognition in the scientific community.

Adelaide Dinoi | Scienze ambientali | Best Researcher Award

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