Firas Saeed | Finite Element Method | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Firas Saeed | Finite Element Method | Best Researcher Award

PhD student, University of Putra Malaysia, Iraq



Research for Best Researcher Award Evaluation: Firas Hassan Saeed


  1. Educational Background and Expertise: Firas Hassan Saeed has a solid educational foundation in civil engineering with a Master’s degree from Kyiv National University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and is currently pursuing a PhD at Universiti Putra Malaysia. His expertise in dynamic systems, finite element methods, vibration analysis, and composite materials is well-aligned with cutting-edge research areas in structural engineering.
  2. Professional Experience: His extensive experience in both academic and practical settings strengthens his research profile. As a government employee at the Iraqi Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction and Director of the Holy Askariyya Shrine Reconstruction Site, he has a unique perspective on real-world applications of structural engineering. His role as a structural designer further complements his research with practical insights.
  3. Recent Publication: His recent work, “Strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs using carbon fiber reinforced polymers rods and concrete jacket with a mechanical anchorage system,” published in Construction and Building Materials, is a significant contribution to the field. It highlights his focus on innovative materials and methods, reflecting both theoretical and applied research skills.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Research Visibility and Impact: While his recent publication is promising, increasing the number of high-impact publications in prestigious journals could further establish his research credibility. Engaging in more collaborative projects and presenting at international conferences might enhance his visibility and impact in the research community.
  2. Broader Research Scope: Expanding his research beyond the current focus on composite materials and vibration analysis to include emerging areas or interdisciplinary approaches could provide a more comprehensive contribution to the field. Exploring topics like sustainability or advanced computational methods could broaden his research impact.
  3. Professional Networking: Building a stronger network within the international research community could facilitate more collaborative opportunities and increase the reach of his research. Active participation in global research forums and collaborations with other researchers could enhance his profile.

🎓 Education:

  • PhD Student, University of Putra Malaysia.
  • Master’s in Civil Engineering, Kyiv National University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (September 2014 – March 2016).

💼 Experience:

  • Government Employee, Iraqi Ministry of Housing and Reconstruction.
  • Director, Holy Askariyya Shrine Reconstruction Site, Iraq (2008-2014).
  • Structural Design Engineer, Iraq Land Company.

🔬 Research Interests:

Firas Hassan Saeed specializes in dynamic analysis, finite element methods, vibration analysis, and the use of composite materials in engineering applications.

🏆 Awards and Recognitions:

No specific awards mentioned. His work and expertise are recognized through his role in significant reconstruction projects and his current academic pursuits.

📚 Publications:

  1. Saeed, F. H. (2024). “Strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs using carbon fiber reinforced polymers rods and concrete jacket with a mechanical anchorage system.” Construction and Building Materials. Link to article
    Cited by articles on structural reinforcement and material science.


Firas Hassan Saeed demonstrates strong potential for the Research for Best Researcher Award, given his robust educational background, practical experience, and recent contributions to structural engineering research. His work shows significant promise in advancing the field through innovative applications of composite materials and finite element methods. By addressing the areas for improvement, such as expanding his research scope and enhancing his professional network, Saeed could further strengthen his candidacy for the award and make even more impactful contributions to the field of civil engineering.



Tanveer Dar | Hydrogeology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Tanveer Dar | Hydrogeology | Best Researcher Award

Post Doc Researcher, National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee-247667, India


Google Scholar

Evaluation of Dr. Tanveer Ali Dar for the Best Researcher Award

Strengths for the Award

  1. Publication Record:
    • Dr. Tanveer Dar has a substantial publication record with 22 peer-reviewed papers in reputable international and national journals. His works cover a broad spectrum of topics related to hydrogeology, geochemistry, and the impact of climate change on hydrological processes.
    • Additionally, he has published a book and two book chapters, contributing to the academic community’s knowledge base.
    • His research has garnered significant attention, with over 297 citations on ResearchGate and 300 citations on Google Scholar, indicating the relevance and impact of his work.
  2. Research Impact:
    • His h-index of 6 reflects consistent citations per paper, highlighting the influence of his research within the academic community.
    • Dr. Dar’s work has involved significant international collaboration, as evidenced by his participation in the Indo-German project and presentations at international conferences, such as the European Geosciences Union and the American Geophysical Union.
  3. Recognition and Awards:
    • He has received numerous awards and fellowships, including the Young Researcher Award (InSc-2024) and multiple fellowships from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in India.
    • His role as a senior research fellow and his selection as a student volunteer for international conferences further underscore his recognition in the field.
  4. Professional Memberships and Activities:
    • Dr. Dar is a member of several prestigious professional bodies, such as the European Geosciences Union, American Geophysical Union, and the European Association of Geochemistry.
    • He has also actively contributed to the scientific community by reviewing research papers for various reputed journals and organizing training courses and workshops.
  5. Technical Skills and Field Work:
    • He possesses proficiency in advanced analytical instrumentation and software tools essential for geochemical and hydrological research.
    • His extensive fieldwork experience, particularly in the challenging terrains of the Himalayas, showcases his practical expertise and dedication to empirical research.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Diversification of Research Focus:
    • While Dr. Dar has a strong focus on hydrogeology and geochemistry, diversifying his research to include more interdisciplinary approaches could enhance the broader applicability and impact of his work.
    • Collaborating with experts from other fields, such as environmental policy or sustainable development, might provide new perspectives and innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges.
  2. Increased Engagement in Community Outreach:
    • Expanding his engagement in public outreach and science communication could further enhance the societal impact of his research.
    • Initiatives such as public lectures, community workshops, and collaborations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) could help translate his scientific findings into actionable insights for local communities and policymakers.
  3. Grant Acquisition:
    • While Dr. Dar has been involved in several funded projects, actively seeking and securing more independent research grants could provide additional resources and opportunities for groundbreaking research.
    • Developing proposals for large-scale, multi-institutional projects could also facilitate broader collaborations and increase his research group’s capacity.


  • M.Sc. in Earth Sciences from the University of Kashmir, India.
  • Ph.D. in Hydrology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India.

💼 Experience:

  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Department of Science and Technology (DST), University of Kashmir (2017-2018).
  • JRF, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (2018-2020).
  • Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), MHRD, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee (2020-Present).
  • Senior Resource Person, Project on “Geo-HydroChemical and Isotopic Aspects of Occurrence of Springs” in Bhagirathi Basin, Uttarakhand, India (2024).

🔬 Research Interests:

Dr. Tanveer Dar’s research focuses on hydrological processes in glacierized catchments, groundwater-surface water interactions, isotope hydrology, and trace element dynamics in the Western Himalayas.

🏆 Awards and Recognitions:

  • 15th Rank in a national exam held on 19.06.2016.
  • Selected for DST-Sponsored Project on the importance of baseflow under coupled hydrodynamics of surface and groundwater (2017-2018).
  • Collaborative Indo-German Project on natural hazards in the Himalayan region (Co-PREPARE) (2021).
  • Conference Grant for attending the Second International Conference on Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World 2021 in Germany.
  • Student Volunteer at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS2024) in South Korea.

📚 Publications Top Notes:

  1. Dar, T., Rai, N., Kumar, S., & Bhat, M. A. (2024). “Understanding hydrological processes of glacierized catchments in the western Himalayas by a multi-year tracer-based hydrograph separation analysis.” Hydrological Processes, 38(2), e15083. Link to article
    Cited by articles discussing hydrological separations in glacierized regions.
  2. Dar, T., Rawat, S.S. (2024). “Investigating hydrological dynamics and mean residence times of springs in the Tawi catchment, India: Insights into recharge mechanisms and water source variability.” Groundwater For Sustainable Development, 26, 101190. Link to article
    Referenced in studies on groundwater recharge and sustainability.
  3. Dar, T., Rai, N., Jahan, A., Kumar., Bhat, M.A., Ahmad, R. (2024). “Uncovering sources, distribution, and seasonal patterns of trace element deposition: The elemental puzzle of the western Himalayas.” Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Link to article
    Cited by research on trace element pollution and environmental impact.


Dr. Tanveer Ali Dar is a highly accomplished researcher with a robust publication record, significant research impact, and notable recognition through various awards and fellowships. His expertise in hydrogeology, geochemistry, and climate change impacts, coupled with his technical skills and field experience, makes him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award.



GUNBAEK SO | CONTROL | Best Researcher Award

GUNBAEK SO | CONTROL | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea

Dr. Gunbaek So is a distinguished Assistant Professor at Mokpo National Maritime University in South Korea. Born on November 4, 1985, Dr. So has made significant contributions to the fields of control systems and marine engineering through his innovative research and numerous publications.



Evaluation for the Best Researcher Award

Candidate: Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So

Affiliation: Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea

Strengths for the Award:

  1. Consistent Research Output:
    • Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So has a solid record of consistent publication in reputable journals since 2018. His work is spread across various high-impact journals, indicating a steady contribution to the field of control systems and marine engineering.
  2. Diverse Research Focus:
    • His research spans several critical areas including fuzzy gain scheduling, PID controllers, regasification systems for LNG-fueled marine engines, and nonlinear control techniques. This diversity showcases his broad expertise and ability to tackle different problems within his field.
  3. Open Access Publications:
    • A significant number of his articles are published as open access, ensuring wider dissemination and accessibility of his research findings, which contributes to his visibility and impact within the academic community.
  4. Collaboration:
    • The collaborative nature of his research, often co-authored with other experts, reflects his ability to work well within a team and engage with the broader research community.
  5. Citation Record:
    • Despite some papers having low citation counts, a few have received notable attention, such as the 2018 article in the Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering with 22 citations. This indicates that certain aspects of his work have had a substantial impact on the field.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Increase Citation Impact:
    • While some of his papers have garnered citations, increasing the impact of his more recent work would strengthen his candidacy. This could be achieved through enhanced visibility efforts, such as presenting at international conferences and engaging in more collaborative projects.
  2. Research Funding and Grants:
    • Securing additional research funding and grants could enhance his research capabilities and output. This would not only provide more resources for conducting advanced research but also increase the prestige associated with his work.
  3. Engagement in Professional Organizations:
    • Greater involvement in professional organizations and committees related to his field could further establish him as a leader and contribute to his professional development. This might include roles such as conference organizer, journal editor, or society president.
  4. Public and Industry Engagement:
    • Engaging more with industry stakeholders and the public can translate his research into practical applications, thus increasing its societal impact. This could involve consultancy, applied research projects, or public lectures.


Dr. Gunbaek So holds advanced degrees in engineering, specializing in control systems and marine engineering. His academic journey has equipped him with a deep understanding of PID controllers and their applications in various industrial processes.


Dr. So has been an Assistant Professor at Mokpo National Maritime University since September 2021. He has held this position through multiple terms, from September 01, 2021, to February 28, 2022, from March 01, 2022, to November 15, 2023, and from November 16, 2023, to the present.


Dr. Gunbaek So has been recognized for his innovative contributions to control systems and engineering, reflected in his high citation counts and impactful publications.

Publications Top Notes

Dr. So has authored numerous high-impact research articles published in esteemed journals. Here are some of his significant publications along with their citations:

  1. Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of the Fractional-Order PID Controller for a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor Process
    Wase, M.G., Gebrekirstos, R.F., Jin, G.-G., & So, G.-B. (2023). Processes, 11(12), 3275.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 0
  2. DS-Based 2-DOF PID Controller of a Regasification System for LNG-Fueled Marine Engine
    So, G.-B. (2022). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(5), 606.
    Read the article
  3. Design of Linear PID Controller for Pure Integrating Systems with Time Delay Using Direct Synthesis Method
    So, G.-B. (2022). Processes, 10(5), 831.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 6
  4. A Modified 2-DOF Control Framework and GA Based Intelligent Tuning of PID Controllers
    So, G. (2021). Processes, 9(3), 423.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 7
  5. Design of an Intelligent NPID Controller Based on Genetic Algorithm for Disturbance Rejection in Single Integrating Process with Time Delay
    So, G. (2021). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1), 25.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 4
  6. EA-Based Design of a Nonlinear PID Controller Using an Error Scaling Technique
    So, G.-B. (2019). Studies in Informatics and Control, 28(3), 279-288.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 6
  7. Temperature Control of a Regasification System for LNG-fuelled Marine Engines Using Nonlinear Control Techniques
    So, G.-B., Yi, H.-S., Son, Y.-D., & Jin, G.-G. (2018). International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 16(6), 3047-3054.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 4
  8. Fuzzy-based Nonlinear PID Controller and Its Application to CSTR
    So, G.-B., & Jin, G.-G. (2018). Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(4), 819-825.
    Read the article
    Cited by: 22


Prof. Dr. Gunbaek So demonstrates a strong profile for the Best Researcher Award, given his consistent research output, diverse focus areas, and collaborative nature. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in increasing the impact of his recent work and securing additional funding, his contributions to the fields of control systems and marine engineering are noteworthy. Enhancing his engagement with the broader academic and professional community will further bolster his candidacy and reflect his potential as a leading researcher in his domain.





Anjay Kumar Mishra | Project Operation Management | Industry-Academia Innovation Award

Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra | Project Operation Management | Industry-Academia Innovation Award

Professor, Kathmandu College of Management, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dr. Anjay Kumar Mishra is a distinguished academician and researcher currently serving as a Professor at Kathmandu College of Management, Nepal. He has a rich educational background with an MBA, Ph.D., Postdoctoral studies, and a Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) in Management Science. With 11 years of teaching experience and 8 years of research experience, Dr. Mishra has made significant contributions to the field of management science through his extensive research and publication work.


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Dr. Mishra has achieved a high level of academic excellence, holding an MBA, Ph.D., and Postdoctoral studies, along with a D.Litt. in Management Science. His robust educational foundation has equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in both teaching and research.


With 11 years of teaching experience and 8 years of research experience, Dr. Mishra has guided five Ph.D. students to completion. His professional journey is marked by significant contributions to the field of management science, particularly in the areas of time–cost models, performance evaluation, and feasibility studies in public health and construction projects.

Research Interest

Dr. Mishra focuses his research on Management Science, with specific interests in time–cost models, performance evaluation of water supply systems, electric-connected pumping water supply projects, and the application of ready-mix concrete in construction. His work often intersects public health, environmental sciences, and construction project management.


Dr. Mishra has been recognized for his outstanding academic and research contributions, as reflected in his numerous high-impact publications and citations. His research has garnered significant attention, evident from his high h-index and citation count.

Citation Metrics

  • h-index: 23
  • Citations: 1875

Publications Top Notes

Dr. Mishra has authored several high-impact research articles published in esteemed journals. Here are five recent publications along with their citations:

  1. Assessment of time–cost model of public health buildings in Nepal
    Mishra, A. K., Sudarsan, J. S., & Nithiyanantham, S. (2020). Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 20(8), 1-15.
    doi: 10.1007/s42107-020-00294-4
    Cited by: 43
  2. Performance evaluation of existing water supply system: a case study
    Mishra, A. K., Sudarsan, J. S., Suribabu, C. R., et al. (2022). International Journal of Energy and Water Resources, 16(1), 1-15.
    doi: 10.1007/s42108-022-00195-z
    Cited by: 38
  3. An assessment of status of selected electric connected pumping water supply projects of Gandaki Province of Nepal
    Mishra, A. K., Sudarsan, J. S., & Nithiyanantham, S. (2022). International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 22(4), 1-15.
    doi: 10.1007/s13762-022-04017-x
    Cited by: 37
  4. Feasibility study on application of ready-mix concrete in construction projects in Nepal
    Mishra, A.K., Sudarsan, J.S., & Nithiyanantham, S. (2023). International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 20, 7569–7576.
    doi: 10.1007/s13762-022-04380-9
    Cited by: 36
  5. Effects of Design Review of Selected Irrigation Projects from Dang Valley, Nepal-Asia
    Mishra, A. K., & Dahal, A. K. (2022). African Journal of Applied Research, 8(1), 39-62.
    Cited by: 33

Fethi Khaled | Carbon capture | Sustainable Innovation Pioneer Award

Dr. Fethi Khaled | Carbon capture | Sustainable Innovation Pioneer Award

Doctor, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Fethi Khaled is a seasoned research scientist currently serving at Saudi Aramco, specializing in transport technology development and decarbonization solutions. He brings a wealth of expertise in combustion, carbon capture, and machine learning, underpinned by a diverse international background and a strong publication record. 🌍🔬


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  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, December 2018
    Dissertation: Reactivity of Hydrocarbon Fuels: Reaction Kinetics and Ignition Delay Times
    Academic Supervisor: Aamir Farooq, PhD (Stanford University)
  • MSc in Mechanical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, September 2013-December 2014
  • BSc in Polytechnic Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunisia, September 2010-June 2013
    Fields of Study: Thermodynamics, Civil Engineering, Structure Mechanics, Communications, Computer Sciences, Management, and Economics.


  • Saudi Aramco Company, Saudi Arabia
    Lab Scientist (Researcher), Nov 2020-Present
    Focus: Transport technology development, decarbonization, and emission solutions for transportation.
  • Université d’Orléans, France
    Postdoc (Researcher), Feb 2019-March 2020
    Focus: Oxidation of biofuels and their additives properties, Rapid Compression Machine study of gasoline compression ignition fuels.
  • Saudi Aramco Company, Saudi Arabia
    Intern (Engine Researcher), Summer 2018
    Contributions: Developed a machine learning algorithm for engine design outputs modeling, optimized engine schemes for GCI engines.
  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
    PhD Graduate (Researcher), Jan 2015-Dec 2018
    MSc Graduate (Researcher), Sep 2013-Dec 2014
    Intern (Lab Researcher), Feb 2013-Jun 2013
    Research: Ignition delay time measurement and correlation, fundamental kinetics study of reaction rates.
  • ALGAESTREAM, Djerba, Tunisia
    Intern (Design Engineer), Summer 2012
    Focus: Designed storage tanks for Algae, analyzed fatigue and strength of structures.
  • Tunisian Company of Electricity and Gas (STEG), Tunisia
    Intern (Maintenance Engineer), Summer 2011
    Tasks: Summarized power plant operating procedures, determined key maintenance areas.

Research Interests

  • Combustion and Reaction Kinetics
  • Carbon Capture Technologies
  • Machine Learning Applications in Engine Design
  • Emission Solutions and Decarbonization

Awards and Recognitions

  • Best PhD Student Award, Physical Science and Engineering Department, KAUST, 2017-2018
  • Funded Scholarship, Graduation Project at KAUST, 2013
  • Scholarship, Bachelor of Science Degree at Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, 2010-2013

Publications Top Notes

  1. Analysis of ignition temperature range and surrogate fuel requirements for GCI engine
    Fethi Khaled, Tamour Javed, Aamir Farooq, Jihad Badra (2021), Fuel
    Cited by 860 articles.
  2. On the universality of ignition delay times of distillate fuels at high temperatures: A statistical approach
    Fethi Khaled, Aamir Farooq (2019), Combustion and Flame
    Cited by 860 articles.
  3. Insights into the Reactions of Hydroxyl Radical with Diolefins from Atmospheric to Combustion Environments
    Fethi Khaled, Binod Raj Giri, Dapeng Liu, Emmanuel Assaf, Christa Fittschen, Aamir Farooq (2019), Journal of Physical Chemistry A
    Cited by 860 articles.
  4. A Shock Tube Kinetic Study of Allyl + Allyl and Allyl + OH Recombination Reactions at High Temperatures
    Fethi Khaled, Binod Raj Giri, Aamir Farooq (2019), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
    Cited by 860 articles.
  5. On the reaction of OH radicals with C2 hydrocarbons
    Fethi Khaled, Binod Raj Giri, Aamir Farooq (2019), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
    Cited by 860 articles.
  6. Ignition delay time correlation of fuel blends based on Livengood-Wu description
    Fethi Khaled, Jihad Badra, Aamir Farooq (2017), Fuel
    Cited by 860 articles.
  7. A combined high-temperature experimental and theoretical kinetic study of the reaction of dimethyl carbonate with OH radicals
    Fethi Khaled, Binod Raj Giri, Milán Szőri, Tam V-T Mai, Lam K Huynh, Aamir Farooq (2017), Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
    Cited by 860 articles.

Mingxin Lou | Green Chemistry | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Mingxin Lou | Green Chemistry | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Lanzhou University, China

🔬 Mingxin Liu, Ph.D., is a professor of chemistry at Lanzhou University and a principal investigator at the State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry. His research focuses on sustainable chemical processes and green chemistry, earning him numerous international awards.




  • Joint Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2020) at University of Michigan and McGill University under Professors Zetian Mi and Chao-Jun Li.
  • Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry (2012-2017) from McGill University. Thesis: Developing More Sustainable Aldehyde Oxidation & Reduction in Water.
  • B.Sc. in Chemical Biology (2008-2012) from Tsinghua University.


  • Professor of Chemistry (12/2020 – present) at Lanzhou University.
  • Principal Investigator & PhD Supervisor (01/2021 – present) at State Key Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Lanzhou University.
  • Committee Member (10/2023 – present) at Union of Returning Overseas, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City.
  • Member of the 7th Executive Committee (06/2021 – present) at Union of Returning Overseas, Lanzhou University.
  • Contract Consultant (06/2016 – 06/2018) at BioAmber Inc., Montréal, Canada.
  • Teaching Assistant (09/2012 – 12/2015) at McGill University.

Research Interests

  • Sustainable chemical processes.
  • Green chemistry.
  • Catalytic transformations in organic synthesis.
  • Photocatalysis and nanomaterials.


  • IUPAC-Zhejiang NHU International Award for the Advancement in Green Chemistry (Youth Award) (2019)
  • Relève Étoile Louis-Berlinguet (2019)
  • National Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad (2017)
  • Alex MacInnes Fellowship (2015)

 Publications Top Notes

  1. “Light-Driven Asymmetric Coupling of Aromatic Aldehydes and Aryl Iodides Using a Simple Amine Reductant”
    Green Chem., 2024, accepted.
    Link to Paper.
    Cited by: N/A
  2. “The Enhancement in Toxic Potency of Oxidized Functionalized Polyethylene-Microplastics in Mice Gut and Caco-2 Cells”
    Sci. Total Environ., 2023, 903, 166057.
    Link to Paper.
    Cited by: N/A
  3. “One-pot Synthesis of Toluene from Methane and Methanol Catalyzed by GaN Nanowire”
    Nano Res., 2023, 16, 6512-6516.
    Link to Paper.
    Cited by: N/A
  4. “The Exploration of Deoxygenation Reactions for Alcohols and Derivatives Using Earth-Abundant Reagents”
    Pure Appl. Chem., 2021, 93, 799-810.
    Link to Paper.
    Cited by: N/A
  5. “Group-III Nitrides Catalyzed Transformations of Organic Molecules”
    Chem, 2021, 7, 64-92.
    Link to Paper.
    Cited by: N/A

Pietro Papa Lopes | Electrochemistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Pietro Papa Lopes | Electrochemistry | Best Researcher Award

Electrochemist Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, United States


Pietro Papa Lopes is an accomplished electrochemist with 14 years of experience in developing materials for electrochemical technologies at U.S. National Laboratories. Currently a principal investigator at Argonne National Laboratory and a CASE Senior Scientist at the University of Chicago, Dr. Lopes has significantly contributed to the field with over 45 publications and 7200+ citations.




  • Ph.D. in Chemistry (2009-2013) from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil, under Prof. Dr. Edson Ticianelli.
  • International Ph.D. Internship (2010-2012) at Argonne National Laboratory, supervised by Dr. Nenad M. Markovic.
  • M.Sc in Physical Chemistry (2007-2009) from USP, Brazil, under Prof. Dr. Edson Ticianelli.
  • B.Sc in Chemistry (2003-2006) from USP, Brazil, under Prof. Dr. Edson Ticianelli.



  • Electrochemist Scientist (2023-present) at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • CASE Senior Scientist (2023-present) at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago.
  • Assistant Scientist (2021-2023) at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Senior Research Associate (2016-2017) at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2016) at Argonne National Laboratory.

Research Interests

  • Fundamental research on well-defined materials and interfaces for electrochemical processes.
  • Advancing energy conversion/storage and sustainability technologies, including fuel cells, electrolyzers, and aqueous-based grid storage battery systems.
  • Electrochemical surface science to establish structure-function-durability relationships and develop material regeneration strategies.


  • DOE Early Career Research Program Award (2022)
  • ACS Materials Au Named Rising Star Inaugural Award (2022)
  • Impact Argonne Award (2022)
  • Physical Sciences and Engineering Early Investigator Named Award (2021)
  • SPOT Gold Safety Award (2015)
  • Numerous scholarships and grants during academic career.

Publications Top Notes

  1. “Design of Advanced Thin-Film Catalysts for Electrooxidation of Formic Acid”
    ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14(4), pp. 2380–2387.
    Cited by: 0
  2. “Role of Catalytic Conversions of Ethylene Carbonate, Water, and HF in Forming the Solid-Electrolyte Interphase of Li-Ion Batteries”
    ACS Catalysis, 2023, 13(13), pp. 9289–9301.
    Cited by: 8
  3. “A Framework for the Relationships between Stability and Functional Properties of Electrochemical Energy Materials”
    ACS Materials Au, 2023, 3(1), pp. 8–17.
    Cited by: 2
  4. “Employing the Dynamics of the Electrochemical Interface in Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery Cathodes”
    Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(35), 2102135.
    Cited by: 36
  5. “A Percolation Theory for Designing Corrosion-Resistant Alloys”
    Nature Materials, 2021, 20(6), pp. 789–793.
    Cited by: 62

Paulo Lourenço | Physical activity | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Paulo Lourenço | Physical activity | Best Researcher Award

PhD, Research Center in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (CIAFEL), Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto, Portugal

Paulo Lourenço is a distinguished educator and researcher in the field of sport science, currently pursuing his Doctorate in Physical Activity and Health at the Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto. With extensive experience as a teacher and a strong focus on physical activity for mental health, Paulo has significantly contributed to understanding the impacts of physical activity on individuals with mental health conditions, particularly schizophrenia. 🇵🇹📘




Paulo Lourenço is advancing his academic career with a Doctorate degree in Physical Activity and Health from the Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto, a journey he began in 2019. He holds a Master’s degree in Adapted Physical Activity from the same institution, completed in 2015. His foundational education includes a Graduate degree in Sport Science from the Escola Superior de Educação, Politécnico do Porto, earned in 2013. 🎓📚


From September 2016 to February 2023, Paulo served as a teacher in Sport Science at the Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Educação. During this tenure, he has been involved in various research projects and educational initiatives, contributing significantly to the academic community and advancing the field of sport science. 🧑‍🏫💼

Research Interests

Paulo Lourenço’s research interests are centered around physical activity and its effects on mental health, particularly among individuals with schizophrenia. He has focused on understanding motivation for physical activity, the validity of psychological assessment tools, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and mental health interventions. 🧠💪


Paulo has been recognized for his contributions to sport science and mental health research. Notably, he received a grant for the MOVE-TE 21 project from the Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude in 2022. Additionally, he was involved in the Saúde Mental em Movimento project, funded by the same institution from 2018 to 2021. 🏆🎖️

Publications Top Notes

  1. “Short version of the Profile of Mood States in persons with schizophrenia: Construct validity of the Portuguese version” (2024), preprint. DOI: 10.22541/au.171172280.07023241/v1
    • Cited by: 1 article
  2. “EUCAPA 2022 Book of Abstracts” (2022), European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity. DOI: 10.5507/euj.2022.003
    • Cited by: 2 articles
  3. “How COVID-19 pandemic affected physical activity and mental health interventions – A descriptive example of the Mental Health on the MOVE research project” (2022), PSYCHTECH & HEALTH JOURNAL. DOI: 10.26580/pthj.art41-2022
    • Cited by: 3 articles
  4. “How COVID-19 pandemic affected physical activity and mental health interventions – A descriptive example of the Mental Health on the MOVE research project” (2022), CIÊNCIAVITAE. Scielo Link
    • Cited by: 4 articles
  5. “Resumos I Congresso Internacional de Intervenção na Saúde e no Exercício: pensando na Pós-pandemia – I CIISE” (2021), Arquivos Brasileiros de Educação Física. DOI: 10.20873/abef.2595-0096.v4n2p10112
    • Cited by: 2 articles
  6. “Motivação para a atividade física em pacientes com esquizofrenia: estudo piloto utilizando a versão Portuguesa do Behavioral Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire – 2 (BREQ-2)” (2016), conference paper.
    • Cited by: 1 article
  7. “Motivation to Physical Activity in Outpatients with Schizophrenia” (2016), journal article.
    • Cited by: 3 articles
    • Cited by: 2 articles

Tanvir Ahamed | Environmental engineering | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Tanvir Ahamed | Environmental engineering | Best Researcher Award

PhD Candidate, New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States

Tanvir Ahamed is a dedicated Ph.D. candidate at the Otto H. York Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. With a strong foundation in civil and environmental engineering, he has focused his research on innovative solutions for sustainable water management. Tanvir’s work spans from investigating biofilms and water chemistry to the interaction of graphene oxides with microbial communities in water treatment systems. His commitment to advancing water reuse in agriculture through biologically active filters showcases his passion for environmental engineering and sustainability. 🌱🔬


Google scholar


Tanvir Ahamed is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he maintains a CGPA of 3.625. He holds a Master of Science in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Environmental Engineering from the University of Memphis, graduating with a CGPA of 3.72 in 2020. His academic journey began with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Shahjalal University of Science & Technology in Bangladesh, where he achieved a CGPA of 3.20. 📘🎓


Tanvir has amassed significant research experience as a Graduate Research Assistant at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, focusing on mixed media biologically active filters for water reuse in agriculture irrigation. Previously, he worked at Texas Tech University on the functionalization of graphene family nanomaterials to support microbial attachment and growth. At the University of Memphis, his research involved studying lead deposition on polyethylene and investigating stormwater quality at industrial facilities. 🧑‍🔬💼

Research Interests

Tanvir’s research interests lie at the intersection of environmental engineering and materials science. He is particularly focused on the development and application of biologically active filtration systems for sustainable water management. His work also explores the role of graphene oxides in water treatment and the impact of biofilms and water chemistry on lead deposition in potable water systems. 🌍💧


Throughout his academic career, Tanvir has received several accolades, including the Graduate Student Grants-In-Aid in 2023 for his research on biologically active filters funded by NJWRRI through USGS. He was also awarded the Dhaka Board Scholarship in the Secondary School Certificate Examination in Bangladesh and received multiple government scholarships during his school years. 🏆🎖️


  1. Ahamed, T., Brown, S. P., & Salehi, M. (2020). Investigate the role of biofilm and water chemistry on lead deposition onto and release from polyethylene: An implication for potable water pipes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400, 123253. DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123253
    • Cited by: 12 articles
  2. Salehi, M., DeSimone, D., Aghilinasrollahabadi, K., & Ahamed, T. (2020). A case study on tap water quality in large buildings recommissioned after extended closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. DOI:10.1039/D1EW00428J
    • Cited by: 8 articles
  3. Rushdi, M. I., Basak, R., Das, P., Ahamed, T., & Bhattacharjee, S. (2023). Assessing the health risks associated with elevated manganese and iron in groundwater in Sreemangal and Moulvibazar Sadar, Bangladesh. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 10, 100287. DOI:10.1016/j.hazadv.2023.100287
    • Cited by: 3 articles
  4. Ahamed, T., Li, C., Li, M., & Axe, L. (2024). Interaction of graphene oxide with the microbial community of biologically active filters from a water treatment plant. Water Research, 122155. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2024.122155
    • Cited by: 5 articles

Muthurasu A | Materials Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Muthurasu A | Materials Science | Best Researcher Award

Research Professor, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea



Professional Experience:

  • Design of robust electrocatalysts for energy storage and conversion applications.
  • Expertise in electrochemical, spectroscopic, and microscopic characterization techniques.
  • Construction and design of electrodes for batteries, fuel cells, and supercapacitors.
  • Supervision of master and doctoral students.
  • Development of research proposals for Korean national research funding.
  • Participation in national and international conferences, lab management, group meetings, and leadership.
  • Writing research papers and managing the laboratory.

Previous Positions:

  • Junior Research Fellow, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR-NET, All India Rank of 62), Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India (04/2012 – 02/2017)
  • Project Assistant, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India (11/2010 – 03/2012)

Research Contributions:

  • Electrochemical synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots and graphene oxide.
  • Synthesis of various nanomaterials for electrocatalytic applications.
  • Development of monolayers on metallic substrates for electrochemical studies.
  • Immobilization of enzymes on modified metal substrates.

Academic Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. Chemical Science, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India (03/2012 – 05/2017)
  • M.Sc. General Chemistry, The American College, Madurai, India (03/2008 – 05/2010)
  • B.Sc. General Chemistry, The American College, Madurai, India (03/2005 – 05/2008)

Awards and Fellowships:

  • National Research Fellowship (NRF), Government of South Korea (2021-2024)
  • Brain Korea 21(Four) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea (12/2020)
  • Junior and Senior Research Fellowship, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-NET), Government of India (04/2010 – 02/2017)
  • Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE-2010), Government of India (All India Rank of 946)
  • Best Oral Award, Nineteenth Convention of Electrochemistry (NCE-19), National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India (29/03/2016)
  • Best Oral Award, BIN conference, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea (15/12/2020)

Selected Publications:

  1. A. Muthurasu, T. Kim, T. Hoon Ko, K. Chhetri, H.Y. Kim. “Interfacial electronic modification of nickel phosphide via iron doping: An efficient bifunctional catalyst for water/seawater splitting,” Adv. Funct. Mater. (2024) 10.1002/adfm.202404254.
  2. Y.R. Rosyara, A. Muthurasu, et al. “Highly Porous Metal-Organic Framework Entrapped by Cobalt Telluride-Manganese Telluride as an Efficient Bifunctional Electrocatalyst,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 16 (2024) 10238-10250.
  3. A. Muthurasu, V. Ganesh. “Tuning optical properties of graphene quantum dots using photoexcited TiO2 for catalytic application,” Opt. Mater. (Amst). 148 (2024) 114834.
  4. A. Muthurasu, I. Pathak, et al. “Cutting-edge nitrogen, boron, and fluorine triply doped chain-like porous carbon nanofibers: a versatile solution for high-performance zinc-air batteries and self-powered water splitting,” J. Mater. Chem. A. 12 (2023) 1826-1839.
  5. D. Acharya, T. H. Ko, A. Muthurasu, et al. “Double-phase engineering of cobalt sulfide/oxyhydroxide on metal-organic frameworks derived iron carbide-integrated porous carbon nanofibers for asymmetric supercapacitors,” Adv. Compos. Hybrid Mater. 6 (2023) 179.
  6. A. Muthurasu, P. Sampath, et al. “Partial selenium surface modulation of metal-organic framework assisted cobalt sulfide hollow spheres for high-performance bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysis and rechargeable zinc-air batteries,” Appl. Catal. B Environ. 330 (2023) 122523.