YanHui Lu | Pest Control in Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. YanHui Lu | Pest Control in Agriculture | Best Researcher Award

Director, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China


Dr. Yanhui Lu is the Director of the Institute of Plant Protection at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IPP, CAAS). He holds a PhD from CAAS and has significantly contributed to the fields of cotton pest biology, pest management, and insect ecology. With over 200 academic papers to his name, including 160+ SCI-indexed publications, Dr. Lu is a leading figure in agricultural research. His groundbreaking work on Bt transgenic cotton was recognized as one of China’s Top 10 Scientific Advances in 2012. His contributions have earned him prestigious accolades such as the China Youth Science and Technology Award and the China Outstanding Young Scientist Award.



Education 🎓

Dr. Yanhui Lu earned his PhD from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. His academic journey has been marked by a focus on agricultural sciences, particularly in the areas of pest biology and management. His education laid the foundation for his prolific research career, enabling him to make significant contributions to his field.

Experience 🧑‍🔬

Dr. Lu has an extensive professional background, serving as the Director of the Institute of Plant Protection at IPP, CAAS. He has completed five major research projects and is currently engaged in two ongoing projects. His work spans consultancy and industry projects in agricultural entomology and pest control. Additionally, Dr. Lu has published five books, secured 22 national invention patents, and is an editorial board member for the journals Plants and Agriculture Communications.

Research Interests 🔬

Dr. Lu’s research interests focus on cotton pest biology, insect ecology, and pest management. He is particularly noted for his work on the eco-validation of Bt transgenic cotton, which enhances the biological control of pests. His research aims to develop sustainable pest management strategies that benefit both agriculture and the environment.

Awards 🏆

Throughout his illustrious career, Dr. Lu has received numerous awards, including the 13th China Youth Science and Technology Award and the inaugural China Outstanding Young Scientist Award. His work has also been recognized with a National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize, multiple provincial-level prizes, and the prestigious Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Young Innovator Award.

Publications Top Notes 📚

Volatiles from essential oils of three Lamiaceae plants repel the winged cotton aphid, disturb its feeding behavior and reduce its fecundity Pest Management Science, 2024-04-26 | Journal Article

Impact of Nutritional Supplements on the Fitness of the Parasitoid Binodoxys communis (Gahan) Insects, 2024-04-03 | Journal Article

Effects of Seven Plant Essential Oils on the Growth, Development and Feeding Behavior of the Wingless Aphis gossypii Glover Plants, 2024-03-22 | Journal Article

Effects of Various Nectar and Pollen Plants on the Survival, Reproduction, and Predation of Neoseiulus bicaudus Insects, 2024-03-13 | Journal Article


Jorge Zavala | Plant Protection | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. Jorge Zavala | Plant Protection | Best Researcher Award

Full Professor, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

🏆 Prof. Dr. Jorge Zavala, an eminent figure in Plant Protection, has been honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award. Serving as a Full Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, his contributions transcend borders, impacting both academia and practical applications. With expertise spanning across Argentina, Columbia, and the United States, Prof. Zavala embodies excellence in interdisciplinary research, fostering sustainable solutions for agricultural challenges. His dedication to advancing knowledge in plant protection not only enriches scientific discourse but also cultivates a brighter future for global agriculture. Prof. Zavala’s remarkable achievements stand as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers worldwide. 🌱🌟


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👨‍🎓 Ingeniero Agrónomo from FAUBA in 1994, Prof. Dr. Jorge Zavala embarked on a journey of academic excellence. His pursuit of knowledge led him to attain a Magister Scientiae in Natural Resources from FAUBA in 2000. Undeterred by boundaries, he furthered his studies, earning a Doctor Rerum Naturalis from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany, in 2004. 🌱📚 Prof. Zavala’s academic trajectory reflects his unwavering commitment to advancing agricultural science, enriching his expertise in plant protection and natural resource management. These achievements underscore his dedication to addressing complex challenges in agriculture with a global perspective.

Current positions

👨‍🏫 With an illustrious career, Prof. Dr. Jorge Zavala holds the esteemed position of Full Professor at the Cátedra de Zoología Agrícola and serves as an Associate Professor at the Cátedra de Bioquímica, both within the renowned Facultad de Agronomía at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. 🎓 As a Principal Researcher at CONICET, his scholarly contributions are pivotal in shaping agricultural science. Additionally, he serves as the Vicedirector of the INBA, a collaborative venture between FAUBA and CONICET, further demonstrating his leadership in academia and research. Prof. Zavala’s multifaceted roles underscore his profound impact on both education and scientific inquiry in the field of agronomy.

Research interests

🌱 Prof. Dr. Jorge Zavala specializes in the intricate dynamics of plant-insect interactions, particularly focusing on the relationship between soybean crops and insect pests. 🦟 His research delves into the mechanisms underlying pest infestation, exploring factors such as insect behavior, plant defense mechanisms, and ecological variables. Through rigorous study and experimentation, Prof. Zavala aims to unravel the complexities of these interactions, seeking innovative strategies for pest management and crop protection. His work not only enhances our understanding of agricultural ecosystems but also offers practical insights crucial for sustainable farming practices. Prof. Zavala’s dedication to this field fosters resilience against pests, ensuring the prosperity of soybean cultivation and agricultural sustainability.

Publications Top Notes

Biotic stress globally downregulates photosynthesis genes

Published in Plant, cell & environment in 2010

Cited 602 times

Authors: DD Bilgin, JA Zavala, JIN Zhu, SJ Clough, DR Ort, EH DeLUCIA

Climate change: resetting plant-insect interactions

Published in Plant physiology in 2012

Cited 404 times

Authors: EH DeLucia, PD Nabity, JA Zavala, MR Berenbaum

Manipulation of Endogenous Trypsin Proteinase Inhibitor Production in Nicotiana attenuata Demonstrates Their Function as Antiherbivore Defenses

Published in Plant Physiology in 2004

Cited 310 times

Authors: JA Zavala, AG Patankar, K Gase, D Hui, IT Baldwin

Indirect suppression of photosynthesis on individual leaves by arthropod herbivory

Published in Annals of botany in 2009

Cited 288 times

Authors: PD Nabity, JA Zavala, EH DeLucia

Anthropogenic increase in carbon dioxide compromises plant defense against invasive insects

Published in Proceedings of the national academy of sciences in 2008

Cited 276 times

Authors: JA Zavala, CL Casteel, EH DeLucia, MR Berenbaum