Chun Liu | Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Chun Liu | Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Professor, Shanghai University, China

🌟 Chun Liu is an accomplished Associate Professor at Shanghai University, China, specializing in control theory, fault diagnosis, and multi-agent systems. With a robust academic foundation and a series of significant research contributions, Chun Liu is recognized for his innovative approaches to fault-tolerant control, cybersecurity, and cooperative control in complex systems. He has earned prestigious awards for his research excellence and has made impactful contributions through numerous publications in international journals.

Publication Profile


Strengths for the Award:

  1. Extensive Research Experience and Expertise: Chun Liu is an Associate Professor with significant experience in Control Science and Engineering, specializing in areas such as fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant control, distributed control, and cybersecurity in cyber-physical systems. This expertise aligns well with emerging fields in Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems.
  2. Impressive Research Output: Liu has an extensive list of high-quality publications in prestigious journals, such as IEEE Transactions and the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. His research focuses on innovative and practical applications, like multi-agent systems, UAVs, and unmanned surface vehicles, which are highly relevant in today’s technological landscape.
  3. Leadership in Research Projects: Liu has been the principal investigator in several notable research projects funded by respected institutions, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Shanghai Young Talents Sailing Program. This demonstrates his ability to lead complex, high-impact research initiatives.
  4. Recognition and Awards: Liu has received multiple awards and nominations, such as the Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award from the Chinese Association of Automation and best paper nominations at international conferences. These accolades highlight his recognition by the scientific community for his contributions to the field.
  5. International Exposure and Collaboration: His experience as a visiting scholar at the University of Hull in the U.K. adds to his international profile and emphasizes his ability to collaborate across borders, which is an important trait for a global researcher.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Broader Impact and Interdisciplinary Work: While Liu’s work is technically sound and specialized in Control Science and Engineering, expanding the scope of his research to intersect with other fields, such as healthcare, environmental science, or social sciences, could increase its societal impact and relevance.
  2. Greater Emphasis on Application-Oriented Projects: Liu could focus more on application-driven research projects that address pressing global challenges, such as climate change or sustainable development. This would enhance the practical impact of his work beyond academia.
  3. Engagement in Policy and Industry: Increasing involvement in industry partnerships and policy-making can further bridge the gap between academia and real-world application. Collaboration with industries or contributing to policy development in his areas of expertise could amplify his influence.



🎓 Chun Liu received his Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Control Theory and Control Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, from 2013 to 2020. He also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Automation from the same university, completed in 2013. His education laid a strong foundation for his expertise in distributed control, security, and fault-tolerant systems.


💼 Currently an Associate Professor at Shanghai University since April 2023, Chun Liu has previously served as an Assistant Professor at the same institution from May 2020 to March 2023. He was also a Visiting Scholar at the University of Hull, UK, from October 2017 to October 2018. His diverse experience spans teaching, research, and collaborative international engagements.

Research Focus

🔍 Chun Liu’s research primarily focuses on fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control, distributed control of multi-agent systems, security control in cyber-physical systems, and cluster cooperation and game confrontation. His innovative work aims to enhance the reliability and security of control systems in complex environments, contributing significantly to advancements in control engineering and automation.

Awards and Honours

🏅 Chun Liu has been recognized for his outstanding contributions, including the Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award by the Chinese Association of Automation (2021) and nominations for the Outstanding Youth Paper Award at the Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2024) and the Best Paper Nomination at the International Conference on Robotics, Control, and Automation Engineering (2023).

Publication Top Notes with Hyperlinks

Extended state observer-based fault-tolerant control for an unmanned surface vehicle under asynchronous injection and deception attacks, Complex Engineering Systems, 2024.

Obstacle-avoidance distributed reinforcement learning optimal control for spacecraft cluster flight, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024.

Cooperative advantage actor-critic reinforcement learning for multi-agent pursuit-evasion games on communication graphs, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.

A generalized testing model for interval lifetime analysis based on mixed Wiener accelerated degradation process, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.

Event-triggered asynchronous distributed MPC for multi-quadrotor systems with communication delays, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024.



Chun Liu is a strong candidate for the “Best Researcher Award” due to his notable contributions to control science, engineering, and artificial intelligence. His extensive publication record, leadership in major research projects, and recognized excellence by multiple awards position him well for this honor. However, to further strengthen his candidacy, Liu might benefit from expanding the scope of his research to more interdisciplinary and application-oriented work, and increasing engagement with industry and policy-makers.

Yunfei Meng | Software Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Yunfei Meng | Software Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Assistant Professor, Qingdao Binhai University, China

👨‍💼 Assistant Professor Dr. Yunfei Meng, an esteemed figure in the realm of Software Engineering, stands as a beacon of excellence at Qingdao Binhai University, China. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Dr. Meng has garnered recognition as a trailblazer in his field. His relentless pursuit of innovation and scholarly endeavors has earned him the prestigious Best Researcher Award. As an educator, he inspires the next generation of minds, shaping the future of software engineering. Dr. Meng’s dedication to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in software engineering is underscored by his unwavering commitment to research and his pioneering contributions to the field. 🌟



Experience/Employment Details 💼

Yunfei Meng’s professional journey reflects a blend of academic rigor and industry experience, enriching his expertise in computer science and technology. After completing his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at Shandong University in 2001 and 2004, respectively, he delved into the realm of Information Technology (IT) companies, accumulating nearly a decade of practical insights. This hands-on experience honed his understanding of real-world applications and industry demands.

In 2021, Yunfei Meng attained his Ph.D. in Software Engineering from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, underscoring his commitment to advancing scholarly pursuits. Currently, as an Assistant Professor at Qingdao Binhai University, he channels his comprehensive background into shaping the minds of future technologists. Yunfei’s affiliation with prestigious organizations like IEEE and CCF further attests to his standing in the academic community, providing a platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Through his multifaceted career, Yunfei Meng epitomizes the synergy between academia and industry, leveraging his expertise to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Publications Top Notes

  1. [A Privacy Risk Assessment Scheme for Fog Nodes in Access Control System](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2022
    • Journal: IEEE Transactions on Reliability
    • Cited by: 3
  2. [SDN-Based Privacy and Functional Authentication Scheme for Fog Nodes of Smart Healthcare](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2022
    • Journal: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
    • Cited by: 7
  3. [Ontology-Based Privacy Data Chain Disclosure Discovery Method for Big Data](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2022
    • Journal: IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
    • Cited by: 4
  4. [A security policy model transformation and verification approach for software defined networking](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2021
    • Journal: Computers and Security
    • Cited by: 2
  5. [SDN-Based Security Enforcement Framework for Data Sharing Systems of Smart Healthcare](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2020
    • Journal: IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
    • Cited by: 24
  6. [Privacy-aware cloud service selection approach based on P-Spec policy models and privacy sensitivities](This link is disabled.)
    • Published Year: 2018
    • Journal: Future Generation Computer Systems
    • Cited by: 6