Louis Lévy-Garboua | Psychologie | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Louis Lévy-Garboua | Psychologie | Best Researcher Award

Professor Emeritus, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris School of Economics, France

Professor Louis Lévy-Garboua, a distinguished figure in the field of psychology, has been honored with the Best Researcher Award for his groundbreaking contributions. As Professor Emeritus at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Paris School of Economics in France, his work has significantly advanced our understanding of human behavior and decision-making processes. With an illustrious career spanning decades, Professor Lévy-Garboua continues to inspire and mentor future generations of researchers. 🏆 His dedication to unraveling the complexities of the human mind has left an indelible mark on the field of psychology.


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Education Details 📚

Louis Levy-Garboua earned his Doctorate in Economics from the University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne in 1972. Prior to this, he completed his studies at the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique in Paris in 1967, followed by the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique, where he graduated at the top of his class in 1969. Levy-Garboua’s academic journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a passion for exploring the intersections of economics and other disciplines.

Experience/Employment Details 👨‍🏫

Louis Levy-Garboua’s career spans decades of dedicated service to academia and research. As an Emeritus Professor at the University Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and Associate member of the Paris School of Economics, he has contributed significantly to the fields of behavioral and experimental economics, economics and psychology, and cultural economics. His leadership roles include founding and directing the Master Program “Economics and Psychology” and serving as President of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics. Levy-Garboua’s impact on the academic community is marked by his extensive experience and tireless dedication.

Research Interests 🧠

Louis Levy-Garboua’s research interests encompass a wide range of topics within economics. He has a particular focus on behavioral and experimental economics, exploring the complexities of human decision-making and the psychological factors that influence economic behavior. Additionally, his research extends to applied microeconomics, cultural economics, and the economics of education. Levy-Garboua’s interdisciplinary approach and innovative research methods contribute to a deeper understanding of economic phenomena and their societal implications.

Awards 🏆

Louis Levy-Garboua’s contributions to the field of economics have been recognized with numerous awards and distinctions. His doctoral thesis was awarded the prestigious Prize of the French Economic Association in 1973, acknowledging the quality and significance of his research. In 1995, he was honored as a Knight of the “Ordre National du Mérite” for his outstanding contributions to academia and society. Levy-Garboua’s accolades underscore his remarkable achievements and his lasting impact on the field of economics.

Publications Top Notes 📝

“A Microeconometric Study of Theatre Demand” (1996) – This seminal work, co-authored with C. Montmarquette, explores the determinants of theater attendance using rigorous econometric methods.  [Citations: 315]

“Reported Job Satisfaction: What Does it Mean?” (2004) – In this influential paper, Levy-Garboua and Montmarquette analyze the concept of job satisfaction and its implications for economic research.  [Citations: 282]

“Creative Cognition as a Bandit Problem” (2024) – This recent publication, co-authored with M. Gazel et al., delves into the intersection of creativity and decision-making, offering novel insights into cognitive processes.

Samantha Walkden | Psychology | Best Scholar Award

 Samantha Walkden : Psychology

👨‍🏫Samantha Walkden stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Psychology. Holding a Phd in University of Huddersfield his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Educational Qualifications 🎓
  • 2014: BSc (Hons) Forensic Psychology, University of Central Lancashire (2:1)
  • 2017: MSc Investigative Psychology, University of Huddersfield (Distinction)
  • 2022: Doctor of Philosophy, Forensic Psychology, University of Huddersfield
  • 2023: Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE)
Professional Memberships and Certifications 🌟
  • 2017-2022: Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society
  • 2021: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, FHEA
  • 2022: Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society, full member of the Division of Forensic Psychology
Academic Employment Journey 📚

Senior Roles and Editorial Engagements

Samantha Walkden  recent appointment as the Social Media Editor for the Journal of Criminal Psychology showcases her commitment to bridging academic research with public understanding. This role allows  to engage with the audience on various research articles from the journal, making psychological and criminal justice-related research more accessible and engaging.

Educational Leadership and Programme Direction

Samantha Walkden elevation to the role of Senior Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at Leeds Trinity University signifies her expertise and contributions in academia. Additionally position as Co-Programme Director for the MSc Forensic Psychology underscores her leadership in steering and developing academic programs.

Teaching and Supervisory Responsibilities

In addition to  continued responsibilities as a Lecturer in Forensic Psychology, her enhanced role involves overseeing and guiding the new provision of the MSc Forensic Psychology. While  teaching and supervisory duties remain consistent, this new responsibility adds a layer of leadership and direction to her academic portfolio.

Postgraduate Provisions and Academic Engagement 🎓

Contributing significantly to the development of the MSc Forensic Psychology while navigating the associated paperwork for BPS accreditation demonstrates her commitment to advancing academic programs. Her involvement in creating and teaching modules within the MSc Applied Custodial Leadership (Level 7) underscores  versatile teaching capabilities across diverse academic levels.

Supervisory Responsibilities 📚

Multifaceted supervisory role—overseeing final year research projects for Psychology students (Level 6), mentoring MSc Applied Custodial Leadership students, guiding special subject modules, and mentoring Forensic Practitioner modules—reflects your dedication to fostering academic growth. Additionally, role as a personal tutor across different study levels and mentorship for new staff showcases your commitment to academic mentorship and support.

Research Interests and Contributions 🧠

Her research interests encompass critical areas like mental illness perception, its intersection with offending behavior, mental health stigma, media portrayal of mental health, and gendered observations of pain and health disparities. Her conference presentations and contributions to various academic events demonstrate  active involvement in disseminating research insights and engaging with scholarly communities.

Pending and In-Progress Publications 📝

Pending work on public stigma toward individuals with schizophrenia, considering perceiver characteristics, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on public mental health, particularly related to physical activity and gym closures, showcases commitment to contributing new knowledge in the field of psychology and mental health.

Publications by Samantha Walkden📚🔍:

“So It’s Like a Painful Period?” Living with Endometriosis: My Journey Paper Published in 2023

 Public Attitudes Towards Offenders with Mental Illness Scale (PATOMI): Establishing a Valid Tool to Measure Public Perceptions Paper Published in 2021

Samantha Walkden’s active involvement across teaching, supervisory roles, and diverse research endeavors highlights a holistic dedication to academia and the advancement of psychological understanding.