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Introduction of Global Research Collaboration Award

The Global Research Collaboration Award recognizes outstanding collaborative efforts between international entities fostering impactful research with a global reach, driving advancements through diverse perspectives and expertise.


  • International Collaborative Nature: Partnerships demonstrating effective collaboration across global borders or between international entities.
  • Impactful Global Research: Initiatives showcasing tangible contributions to global knowledge, solutions, or advancements.
  • Qualifications: Open to collaborations driving significant global research outcomes.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Effectiveness and depth of international collaboration in driving impactful global research.
  • Demonstrated impact and contributions of the collaborative research on a global scale.
  • Potential for continued global relevance or applicability of the collaborative outcomes.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the international collaborative research, its objectives, methodologies, and global impact.
  • Evidence showcasing the effectiveness and impact of the collaborative efforts on global research outcomes.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the value and global significance of the research collaboration.

Recipients receive recognition for their exemplary international collaboration, inspiring global research partnerships and impactful knowledge exchange.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of global research collaborations, encouraging cross-border partnerships for addressing global challenges and advancing knowledge worldwide.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the collaborative journey and the significance of international partnerships in driving impactful global research.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the collaborative research’s global impact and its contributions to addressing global challenges.

Supporting Files:

  • Global Research Collaboration Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the collaborative research methodologies, outcomes, and global impact assessment.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the global impact and contributions of the collaborative research on addressing global challenges or advancing knowledge.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from international collaborators or beneficiaries affirming the collaborative research’s global significance and impact.





Global Research Collaboration Award

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