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Prof. Dr. EUGENIA MANDAL | Social Psychology | Best Researcher Award

Katowice, Institute of Psychology, University of Silesia Katowice, Poland

Professor Eugenia Mandal, PhD, Dlitt, is a distinguished Polish psychologist specializing in social and clinical psychology. She graduated with an MA in Psychology from the University of Silesia in 1980, later earning a PhD in 1990 and a DLitt in 2000. In 2010, she was awarded the title of Professor of Humanities by the President of Poland. She serves at the University of Silesia, holding key academic and leadership positions. Professor Mandal is an influential voice in gender studies, interpersonal relations, and social psychology. She has authored over 210 academic works, including influential books such as Love, Power, and Manipulation in Close Relations and Femininity and Masculinity: Popular Opinions and Academic Research. A recipient of numerous state honors, she founded the Polish Society for the Psychology of Close Relations in 2018. Her research, teaching, and mentorship have profoundly impacted psychology in Poland and beyond.



Professor Mandal’s academic journey began at the University of Silesia, where she earned an MA in Psychology in 1980, focusing on Clinical Psychology. She completed her PhD in Psychology in 1990 at the same institution, furthering her expertise in interpersonal dynamics and social influence. In 2000, she was conferred a DLitt in Psychology by the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, an accolade signifying her contribution to psychological scholarship. Her academic achievements culminated in 2010 when she was awarded the title of Professor of Humanities in Psychology by the President of Poland. This title underscored her leadership in gender studies, social psychology, and interpersonal relations. Throughout her career, Professor Mandal has continuously advanced psychological science, enriching the academic community through her groundbreaking research, innovative psychological assessments, and active engagement in academic societies.

Research Focus 

Professor Eugenia Mandal’s research delves into the complexities of human psychology, particularly in close interpersonal relationships. Her work spans a variety of topics, including the psychology of power, social influence, and gender dynamics. She explores emotional states in relationships, such as jealousy, manipulation, support, and devotion, alongside self-image and body image issues. Her interdisciplinary approach integrates elements of social psychology, clinical psychology, and gender studies. Professor Mandal has developed psychological tools for assessing persuasion tactics and relational dynamics, contributing to the understanding of human behavior. Her research extends to the socio-cultural consequences of gender stereotypes, the psychology of femininity and masculinity, and the interplay of attractiveness and social influence. Through extensive publications and reports for institutions like the World Bank, she has shaped academic and practical discourse on gender equity, interpersonal dynamics, and psychological resilience.


  • 📚 Podmiotowe i interpersonalne konsekwencje stereotypów związanych z płcią (2000)
  • 📖 Kobiecość i męskość: Popularne opinie a badania naukowe (2003)
  • ❤️ Miłość, władza i manipulacja w bliskich związkach (2008, 2009, 2011, 2012)
  • 🤝 Konflikty między ludźmi (2011)
  • Beauty and social influence. Adonization and its correlations (2014)
  • 👩‍💼 Stereotypowe postrzeganie ról kobiet i mężczyzn jako wyznacznik karier zawodowych (2004)
  • 🌍 Self-presentational modesty across cultures: The effects of gender and social context in the workplace (1997)
  • 🔑 The need for power, sense of power, and directiveness in female and male superiors (2018)
  • 🌺 Psychiczna kobiecość i męskość, poczucie własnej atrakcyjności, style przywiązania (2010)
  • 🧠 Psychological masculinity, femininity and tactics of manipulation in patients with BPD (2013)
  • 💔 Style przywiązania, traumatyczne doświadczenia i próby samobójcze u kobiet (2012)
  • 💼 Kobiety i mężczyźni a praca zawodowa (2007)
  • 🤔 The stereotypes of man and woman in Poland-content and factor structures (2012)
  • 🌱 Socjalizacja ról społecznych związanych z płcią (1995)
  • 💕 Reinforcement sensitivity, goals, and relational aggression in romantic relationships (2021)
  • 🚶‍♀️ Do Polish never-married singles feel stigmatized? (2016)
  • 🧍‍♀️ Ciało jako proces–ciało jako obiekt (2004)
  • 🌸 Childhood violence, loss, and hurt in adult relationships as suicide risk factors (2012)
  • 👫 Masculinity and femininity in everyday life: Introduction (2012)
EUGENIA MANDAL | Social Psychology | Best Researcher Award

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