Assoc Prof Dr Zhipeng Wu: Leading Researcher in Soil Organic Matter Biogeochemistry

Assistant Professor at Hainan University, China .

Congratulations, Assoc Prof Dr Zhipeng Wu, on winning the esteemed Best Research Article Award from Top scientists Awards! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!🌞🌾

Zhipeng Wu is a Top Talent in Hainan Province and serves as the Director of the Hainan Soil and Fertilizer Society. He is also recognized as a National Soil Survey Profile Technical Leader. His research focuses on achieving China’s goal of “carbon neutrality” by 2060, emphasizing soil “carbon sequestration” in agroforestry systems. He investigates the biogeochemistry and ecological effects of soil organic carbon using various technical means, revealing mechanisms behind carbon sequestration and stability within agroforestry systems. His work extends to understanding how microorganisms and light regulate greenhouse gas emissions through DOM utilization and transformation processes.

Professional Profile

Areas of Specialization

Soil organic matter biogeochemistry, Soil pollutant and remediation, Agroforestry ecosystem restoration

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Physical Geography, Nanjing University (2013.09-2017.03) , M.Sc. in Soil Science, Hainan University (2010.09-2013.06)


Associated Professor, School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University (2017-present), Visiting Scholar, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University (2020.09-2021.06)

Teaching Course

School of Tropical Agriculture and Forest, Hainan University: Soil Survey and Mapping, Soil Fertility and Management, Seminar on Soil Science, HNU-ASU Joint International Tourism College (HAITC), Hainan University: Physical Geography


His publications exceed 30 papers and include 2 invention patents. He has also contributed to an academic monograph of over 108,000 words in Chinese, focusing on topics related to “carbon neutrality” in agroforestry domains.

Research Projects & Contributions:

Zhipeng Wu has contributed significantly to esteemed Chinese and international journals within the environmental and ecological field, including Science of the Total Environment, Soil Biology Biochemistry, Chemosphere, Catena, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Publications Top Noted 

1.Decomposition and the contribution of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) in heavy metal sequestration: Field experiment  Paper Published in January 2014  Cited by 110

2.Detection of sensitive soil properties related to non-point phosphorus pollution by integrated models of SEDD and PLOAD  Paper Published in January 2016 Cited by 36

4.Deciphering the origins, composition and microbial fate of dissolved organic matter in agro-urban headwater streams Paper Published in 1 April 2019 Cited by 24

5.Interactions between lead(II) ions and dissolved organic matter derived from organic fertilizers incubated in the field    Paper Published in November 2022   Cited by: 4

6.Multiple landscape “source–sink” structures for the monitoring and management of non-point source organic carbon loss in a peri-urban watershed Paper Published in October 2016 Cited by 31

7.Mycorrhizal Inoculation Affects Pb and Cd Accumulation and Translocation in Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) Paper Published in February 2016   Cited by: 39

8.Lead and copper-induced hormetic effect and toxicity mechanisms in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown in a contaminated soil   Paper Published in  November 2020 cited by 18

9.Response of phosphorus in estuaries to soil erosion – A new insight into sediment phosphorus fractions and sources Paper Published in December 2021. Cited by 6

10.Spectroscopic investigations and density functional theory calculations reveal differences in retention mechanisms of lead and copper on chemically-modified phytolith-rich biochars Paper Published in  August 2022 . Cited by 5

🌱🌍 Zhipeng Wu’s commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and environmental stewardship through his research in soil science is both commendable and vital for our global ecological well-being.

Zhipeng Wu | Soil organic matter biogeochemistry

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