Advancement in Industry and Academia Award

Introduction of Advancement in Industry and Academia Award

The Advancement in Industry and Academia Award recognizes outstanding collaborations that harmonize the strengths of academia and industry, driving transformative advancements and nurturing symbiotic relationships between these sectors.


  • Collaborative Nature: Demonstrated partnerships between academic institutions and industry players fostering mutually beneficial advancements.
  • Impactful Collaboration: Initiatives showcasing tangible contributions to both academia and industry, leading to significant advancements.
  • Qualifications: Open to collaborations driving innovation and progress in both sectors.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Evidence of impactful advancements and innovations resulting from the collaboration.
  • Demonstrated benefits to both academia and industry through knowledge transfer, research outcomes, or practical applications.
  • Sustainable and long-term impact on advancing the respective sectors.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive description of the collaborative project, highlighting the mutual benefits and outcomes for academia and industry.
  • Evidence showcasing the impact and advancements achieved through the collaborative efforts.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the value and impact of the partnership on both sectors.

Recipients receive recognition for their role in fostering mutually beneficial collaborations, inspiring symbiotic relationships between academia and industry for continued advancements.

Community Impact:
The award aims to promote the importance of collaborative models, encouraging stronger ties between academia and industry for mutual growth and innovation.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the collaborative journey and the significance of bridging academia and industry.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the collaborative achievements and advancements benefiting both sectors.

Supporting Files:

  • Collaboration Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the collaborative project’s objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.
  • Impact Reports: Evidence illustrating the collaborative efforts’ influence on academia and industry advancements.
  • Testimonials or Endorsements: Statements from collaborators, institutions, or industry partners affirming the significance of the collaboration on both sectors.