Jianbo Yu | Anesthesiology | Best Researcher Award

Jianbo Yu : Anesthesiology :  Best Researcher Award 

👨‍🏫Jianbo Yu stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Anesthesiology  his professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

Professional Experience 💼

Deputy Director, Tianjin Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Acute Abdominal Diseases. Head of Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Nankai Hospital, Tianjin. Recipient, State Council Government Special Allowance. Distinguished Doctor, First Batch, Tianjin. Participant, Talent Cultivation Program for Leading Scholars, Tianjin Higher Education Institutions. Held multiple roles in National Health Commission, Chinese Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Chinese Neuroscience Society, Chinese Medical Association, Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and Tianjin Medical Association.

Academic Positions 🎓

Committee Member, National Health Commission’s Capacity and Continuing Education in Anesthesia. Deputy Chair, Anesthesiology Committee and Research Institute Work Committee, Chinese Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Deputy Group Leader, Anesthesia Branch and Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Group, Chinese Medical Association. Vice President, Sixth Council, Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Chairman-elect, Anesthesia Branch, Tianjin Medical Association. Chairman, First Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Anesthesia and Pain Management Committee. Chairman, First Tianjin Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Intensive Care Committee. Deputy Editor, Editorial Board Member or Review Expert for 9 SCI journals, including Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology.

Research and Publications 📚

Led 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 2 municipal key projects. Granted 3 national invention patents. Published over 170 pieces in domestic and international core journals, including over 30 in SCI journals such as Redox Biology and Anesthesiology. Authored 5 consensus documents, edited 8 monographs, and contributed to more than 10 modern anesthesia guides and consensus documents in China.

Awards and Honors 🏆

Received 3 provincial and ministerial level science and technology advancement awards .Received 6 Tianjin science and technology achievements, including 1 internationally leading and 2 internationally advanced.

Top Noted Publications by Dr.Jianbo Yu 📚🔍:

A randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing remimazolam to propofol when combined with alfentanil for sedation during ERCP procedures Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 7

Anesthesia and perioperative management of an elderly patient with fragile brain function and acute lower extremity deep vein thrombosis undergoing giant pelvic mass resection Paper Published in 2023

Role of PIAS-regulated SUMOylation of PPARγ in endogenous protective mechanism against endo-toxin-induced acute lung injury in mice Paper Published in 2023

Delirium in older patients given propofol or sevoflurane anaesthesia for major cancer surgery: a multicentre randomised trial Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 7

Long-term survival in older patients given propofol or sevoflurane anaesthesia for major cancer surgery: follow-up of a multicentre randomised trial Paper Published in 2023 Cited by 4

5-Methoxytryptophan ameliorates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury in vivo and in vitro by inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated pyroptosis through the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway Paper Published in 2023

Interleukin-17D produced by alveolar epithelial type II cells alleviates LPS-induced acute lung injury via the Nrf2 pathway Paper Published in 2023

Tetramethylpyrazine ameliorates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by relieving Golgi stress via the Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway Paper Published in 2023

VNS-mediated α7nAChR signaling promotes SPM synthesis via regulation of netrin-1 expression during LPS-induced ALI Paper Published in 2024

Nicotinamide mononucleotide alleviates endotoxin-induced acute lung injury by modulating macrophage polarization via the SIRT1/NF-κB pathway Paper Published in 2024