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Dr. Leila Dal Moro | Sustainability Management | Best Researcher Award

Research professor, Atitus Education College,Brazil

Leila Dal Moro, a prominent figure in academic circles, is recognized for her impactful contributions in various bibliographic citations. 🌐 As MORO, L. D. or MORO, L.D., her work stands testament to her commitment to advancing knowledge. Whether cited as DAL MORO, LEILA or DAL MORO, L., Leila Dal Moro’s name resonates across scholarly publications. 📚 With a versatile representation as Moro, Leila Dal or MORO, Leila dal, her research spans diverse domains, showcasing her expertise. 🏆 Leila’s presence in academic citations underscores her dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and making lasting contributions to her field. 👩‍🔬



Academic Graduation

Dr. Leila Dal Moro, a dedicated scholar, earned her PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), Brazil, from 2016 to 2020. 🎓 Her dissertation, titled “Rio Grande do Sul Sustainable Development Agenda: Production and Consumption,” showcased her commitment to sustainable practices. As a scholarship holder from CAPES, Brazil, and under the guidance of Advisor Luciana Londero Brandili, Leila actively contributed to the COREDE Production initiative. 🌱 Prior to her PhD, she completed her Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, focusing on healthcare waste management. Leila’s educational journey also includes a specialization in Environmental Management and Water Resources and a graduation in Public Management. 👩‍🔬

Professional performance

Dr. Leila Dal Moro, currently engaged in impactful roles, demonstrates a strong institutional bond through her diverse professional journey. 🌐 Since 2023, she has been actively contributing to the academic landscape, holding a position with a functional framework that underscores her expertise. As a CLT employee at Atitus Educação since 2022, Leila serves as a PhD Professor I, dedicating 40 hours weekly to shaping the minds of undergraduate and postgraduate students. 🎓 Her teaching portfolio encompasses subjects like Supply Chain Management, Sustainability Management, and more. With a postdoctoral commitment and complementary training at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Leila’s influence extends to organizations like Atitus Educação and Flor de Liz Manipulation Pharmacy. 👩‍🏫

Publications Top Notes

  1. Title: Hazardous elements in urban cemeteries and possible architectural design solutions for a more sustainable environment
    • Authors: Neckel, A., Toscan, P.C., Kujawa, H.A., Moro, L.D., Silva, L.F.O.
    • Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited By: 1
  2. Title: Emergent Research Themes on Sustainability in the Beef Cattle Industry in Brazil: An Integrative Literature Review
    • Authors: Casagranda, Y.G., Wiśniewska-Paluszak, J., Paluszak, G., Azevedo, D.B.D., Zhang, D., Moro, L.D.
    • Journal: Sustainability (Switzerland)
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited By: 1
  3. Title: Sustainability in agribusiness: Analysis of environmental changes in agricultural production using spatial geotechnologies
    • Authors: Moro, L.D., Pauli, J., Maculan, L.S., Bodah, B.W., Dornelles, V.D.C.
    • Journal: Environmental Development
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited By: 1
  4. Title: Terrestrial nanoparticle contaminants and geospatial optics using the Sentinel-3B OLCI satellite in the Tinto River estuary region of the Iberian Peninsula
    • Authors: Neckel, A., Oliveira, M.L.S., Maculan, L.S., Moro, L.D., Silva, L.F.O.
    • Journal: Marine Pollution Bulletin
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited By: 1
  5. Title: Barriers and possible drivers for the implementation of sustainability in Brazilian business schools
    • Authors: Guadagnin, A., Pauli, J., Ruffatto, J., Dal Moro, L.
    • Journal: International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
    • Year: 2023
  6. Title: Greenwash, show your true colours: how verbal and visual messages influence consumers’ perception?
    • Authors: Basso, K., Pauli, J., Cerutti, P., Dalla Corte, V.F., Dal Moro, L.
    • Journal: International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
    • Year: 2023
  7. Title: Brazilian Coal Tailings Projects: Advanced Study of Sustainable Using FIB-SEM and HR-TEM
    • Authors: Oliveira, M.L.S., Pinto, D., Nagel-Hassemer, M.E., Bodah, B.W., Neckel, A.
    • Journal: Sustainability (Switzerland)
    • Year: 2023
    • Cited By: 1
  8. Title: Editorial: the contribution of sustainable production and consumption to a green economy
    • Authors: Brandli, L.L., Salvia, A.L., Moro, L.D.
    • Journal: Discover Sustainability
    • Year: 2022
    • Cited By: 1
  9. Title: Using the Sentinel-3B Satellite in Geospatial Analysis of Suspended Aerosols in the Kiev, Ukraine Region
    • Authors: Neckel, A., Santosh, M., Bodah, B.W., Almeida Silva, C.C.O.D., Mores, G.D.V.
    • Journal: Sustainability (Switzerland)
    • Year: 2022
    • Cited By: 2
Leila Dal Moro | Sustainability Management | Best Researcher Award

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