Roberto Baca Arroyo | Electrónica sustentable | Scientific Breakthrough Award

Dr. Roberto Baca Arroyo | Electrónica sustentable | Scientific Breakthrough Award

Profesor asociado, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico

Dr. Roberto Baca-Arroyo is an esteemed Associate Professor at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), specializing in electronic engineering. Born on August 10, 1980, in Mexico City, he has contributed significantly to sustainable materials science and power electronics. His research focuses on green synthesis, material properties, and sustainable engineering, with notable experience in teaching and designing electronics since 2004.



Strengths for the Award

Dr. Roberto Baca-Arroyo has a robust academic and research profile that makes him a suitable candidate for both the “Scientific Breakthrough Award” and “Best Researcher Award.” His innovative work in green synthesis using recycled materials and sustainable engineering aligns with cutting-edge research priorities in electronics and environmental sustainability. His extensive portfolio includes 17 refereed journal papers, numerous book chapters, and a recent book publication on electronic waste recycling. Furthermore, his ability to synthesize functional materials from waste not only reflects his technical expertise but also addresses pressing global issues such as resource scarcity and sustainable energy solutions. His work in nanostructures, power electronics, and the development of novel materials positions him as a leader in interdisciplinary research with a strong focus on sustainability and innovation. His service as a reviewer for renowned journals like Elsevier and IEEE also highlights his contribution to the scientific community, enhancing his suitability for this prestigious award.

Areas for Improvement

While Dr. Baca-Arroyo has a strong record in research and publication, further development could come from expanding collaborative projects with international researchers or industry partners. Although he has collaborated with institutions like CINVESTAV and participated in international conferences, additional cross-border research initiatives could elevate the global impact of his work. Moreover, as his research focuses heavily on materials science and electronics, diversifying into more applied engineering projects that could lead to commercialized technologies would not only bolster his credentials but also increase the practical implementation of his findings. Securing patents for his work on sustainable materials and green devices could also provide additional recognition in applied research fields.

Education 🎓

Dr. Baca-Arroyo’s academic journey began at the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ESIME) in Mexico, where he earned his degree in Electronic Engineering in December 2003. He then pursued his Master’s and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV), completing them in January 2007 and March 2011, respectively.

Experience 🏆

Dr. Baca-Arroyo began his professional career in 2003 as a Power Electronics Designer at SOLA-BASIC Industries. By 2004, he joined the National Polytechnic Institute as an Associate Professor, a role he has held to this day. He has served as a reviewer for top journals, including IEEE Transactions on Education and Elsevier’s Materials Science & Engineering.

Research Interest 🔬

Dr. Baca-Arroyo’s research interests revolve around the green synthesis of metal oxides, power management using semiconductor devices, and sustainable materials. He is passionate about the development of theoretical models that predict physical behavior in systems, focusing on sustainable and recyclable materials for advanced electronic applications.

Awards 🏅

Dr. Baca-Arroyo has earned recognition for his contributions to green engineering and sustainable materials science. His work has been influential in advancing the use of recycled materials in functional devices, contributing to numerous innovative solutions in electronics.

Publications Top Notes 📖

Dr. Roberto Baca-Arroyo has published extensively in renowned journals and conferences. Notable works include:

“Study of the Properties of ZnO

Thin Films”Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2012) [Cited by 1]

“Design Method Based on Normalized Functions”Energy and Power Engineering (2013) [Cited by 5]

“Green Synthesis of Iron Oxide Thin-Films”Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (2015) [Cited by 15]

“Flexible PEDOT

/ZnO Schottky Diodes”Microelectronic Engineering (2019) [Cited by 30]

“Iron Oxide-Coupled Graphite for Analog Computing”Coatings (2021) [Cited by 22]

“MnO/ZnO Thin-Film for Memristive Systems”Nanomaterials (2024) [Cited by 7]


Dr. Roberto Baca-Arroyo’s impressive body of work in green synthesis, material science, and electronics positions him as a standout candidate for awards like the “Scientific Breakthrough Award” and “Best Researcher Award.” His innovative approaches to utilizing recycled materials for sustainable engineering devices represent a significant advancement in both academia and environmental sustainability. With further global collaboration and practical application of his research, he could solidify his place as a pioneer in green technologies.

Yuhang Xue | Power Electronics | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Yuhang Xue | Power Electronics | Best Researcher Award

PhD Candidate, Beijing Jiaotong University, China

🌟 Xue Yuhang is a talented and dedicated doctoral candidate in Electrical Engineering at Beijing Jiaotong University. Hailing from Tangshan, Hebei, Xue is 26 years old and has demonstrated exceptional abilities in the fields of power electronics and renewable energy systems. His academic journey is marked by a consistent drive to excel, which is evident in his numerous research projects, publications, and awards. He is known for his innovative approach to electrical engineering challenges and his commitment to advancing technology for sustainable energy solutions.



Strengths for the Award

Xue Yuhang demonstrates outstanding qualifications for the “Best Researcher Award” through his extensive academic and research background in electrical engineering. He has shown exceptional academic prowess, having completed a rigorous educational journey from undergraduate to doctoral levels, including a dual master’s degree from Yanshan University and Curtin University. His research experience is substantial, particularly in power electronic transformers and resonant converters, where he led significant projects and successfully built simulation models and physical platforms. Moreover, his scholarly contributions include publications in reputable journals and involvement in editorial work, demonstrating his active engagement in advancing knowledge in his field. Xue’s achievements are further highlighted by multiple awards in national and international competitions, indicating both his expertise and recognition by peers. Additionally, his technical skills in software and programming, as well as proficiency in English, provide a strong foundation for conducting and communicating high-quality research.

Areas for Improvement

While Xue Yuhang’s academic and research credentials are impressive, there are a few areas where further development could enhance his profile for the “Best Researcher Award.” Firstly, his research publications are primarily from a limited period, indicating that expanding his publication record with consistent contributions over time could further establish his reputation in the field. Engaging in more diverse research collaborations, especially internationally, could also broaden his perspectives and impact. Furthermore, while his technical and leadership skills are evident, acquiring more experience in managing larger-scale research projects or teams could demonstrate his ability to lead in a more complex research environment. Finally, focusing on securing grants or funding for his projects could be another valuable addition to his profile, showcasing his ability to attract resources and support for his innovative research ideas.


🎓 Xue Yuhang has an impressive educational background in electrical engineering. He began his studies at Hebei Agricultural University, earning a bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 3.34/4.0. He then pursued a dual master’s degree through a Sino-Australian joint training program at Yanshan University and Curtin University, where he gained deep insights into power systems and renewable energy. In 2024, Xue also completed an MBA from the Academy Europe Open University, achieving an average credit grade of 100, showcasing his interdisciplinary skills in both engineering and business.


🔧 Xue has substantial research experience, having led multiple projects that focus on power electronic converters and sustainable energy. Notably, he was the project leader for the development of a power electronic transformer based on a three-phase resonant converter and a new multi-mode LLC resonant converter with a wide output range. His roles in these projects involved comprehensive design, simulation modeling, and physical platform construction, highlighting his ability to innovate and manage complex engineering tasks effectively.

Research Interest

⚡ Xue Yuhang’s research interests are centered around power electronics and renewable energy. His focus is on developing advanced power electronic converters that improve energy efficiency and control in systems such as DC-DC converters and AC/DC/AC power electronic transformers. Xue is passionate about leveraging his expertise to contribute to the global transition towards more sustainable and efficient energy systems.


🏆 Xue’s dedication to his field is reflected in the numerous awards he has received. These include first prizes in the “World of English” Cup National College Students Translation Competition and the International College Students English Vocabulary Challenge Competition. He has also been honored with several academic scholarships and awards for his outstanding performance in both his undergraduate and graduate studies. His achievements demonstrate his commitment to excellence and his ability to excel in both technical and interdisciplinary domains.

Publications Top Notes

📚 Xue Yuhang has made significant contributions to the field of electrical engineering through his publications. His key works include:

“A Wide-Output-Range DC-DC Converter and Minimum Loss Collaborative Control Strategy” published in Energies, January 2024, 17(2): 499. This paper discusses innovative control strategies for DC-DC converters.

“Cascaded LLC Collaborative Control and Minimum Loss Research” accepted by Power Electronics Technology, January 2024, which explores new approaches to controlling LLC converters.

“Modern Power Engineering and Electrical Automation Control”, published in November 2023, where he contributed as the first associate editor, provides a comprehensive overview of modern electrical engineering techniques and automation control.


In conclusion, Xue Yuhang is a highly promising candidate for the “Best Researcher Award,” with a robust academic foundation, notable research accomplishments, and a track record of excellence in electrical engineering. His innovative projects and publications reflect his deep understanding and commitment to his field. With further enhancement in his publication consistency, broader research collaborations, and experience in large-scale project management, Xue could further strengthen his candidacy. Overall, his achievements and potential make him a strong contender for this prestigious recognition.