Wael El-Sayed | Microbiology | Best Research Article Award

Prof Dr. Wael El-Sayed | Microbiology | Best Research Article Award

Professor, Ain Shams University, Egypt

Dr. Wael M. El-Sayed is a distinguished Professor of Toxicology and Physiology with over 30 years of experience in research, education, and mentorship. He has made significant contributions to the fields of toxicology, drug development, and molecular biology, particularly in understanding the therapeutic mechanisms of natural products. His academic journey has taken him from Cairo to Salt Lake City, and his work continues to impact the global scientific community.



Strengths for the Award

  1. Extensive Research Experience:
    • Dr. El-Sayed has over 30 years of experience in physiology, toxicology, drug development, molecular biology, natural products, and tissue culture research. This extensive background demonstrates his deep knowledge and expertise in these fields.
  2. Diverse Research Interests:
    • His research spans a wide range of topics, including natural products, drug-drug interactions, chemoprotection strategies in cancer, antioxidants, and biochemical and molecular toxicology. This diversity reflects his ability to contribute to various research areas, which can be a significant advantage for a “Best Research Article Award.”
  3. High-Impact Publications:
    • Dr. El-Sayed has published research in reputable journals, such as Frontiers in Oncology and Journal of King Saud University – Science, which indicates the quality and relevance of his work. His recent studies on topics like the miRNome of hepatocellular carcinoma and potential COVID-19 inhibitors showcase his involvement in cutting-edge research.
  4. International Collaboration:
    • He has collaborated with researchers from different countries and institutions, including the University of Utah, USA, and King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia. This international exposure enriches his research perspectives and broadens the impact of his work.
  5. Recent and Relevant Publications:
    • The publication dates of his work, particularly in 2022 and 2023, indicate that Dr. El-Sayed is actively engaged in current research, which is crucial for winning an award for the best research article.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Focus on Breakthrough Research:
    • While Dr. El-Sayed’s research is diverse and impactful, the award committee might prioritize groundbreaking or highly innovative work. Emphasizing and furthering research that introduces novel concepts or significantly advances existing knowledge could strengthen his candidacy.
  2. Citation Impact and Recognition:
    • Although Dr. El-Sayed has published in high-quality journals, the impact of these publications, such as citation counts or recognition in the scientific community, could be further highlighted. Demonstrating the influence of his work on the field would reinforce his qualifications for the award.
  3. Enhanced Dissemination:
    • To increase the visibility and impact of his research, Dr. El-Sayed could focus on disseminating his findings through conferences, workshops, and broader media, enhancing the accessibility and application of his work beyond academic circles.

Education 🎓

Dr. El-Sayed earned his Ph.D. in Toxicology from Ain Shams University, Egypt, in collaboration with the College of Pharmacy, University of Utah, USA. His doctoral research focused on the “Mechanisms of therapeutic activities of Nigella Sativa against lipid peroxidation and hepatotoxicity in male albino rats.” Prior to this, he completed his M.Sc. in Physiology from Ain Shams University, where he explored the “Effect of Nigella Sativa on some physiological and biochemical parameters in male albino rats.” He also holds a B.Sc. in Science from Ain Shams University.

Experience 🧪

Dr. El-Sayed has held several key academic positions throughout his career. Since 2014, he has been a Professor at the Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He previously served as an Associate Professor at the same department (2009-2014) and at the Biology Department, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia (2007-2013). His early academic career includes his role as an Assistant Professor at Ain Shams University (2003-2009).

Research Interests 🔬

Dr. El-Sayed’s research spans a broad spectrum of scientific domains, including:

  • Natural products: Investigating therapeutic properties from plant and animal sources.
  • Drug-drug interactions: Understanding how drugs interact and their metabolic pathways.
  • Novel drug evaluation: Assessing the efficacy and safety of new pharmaceuticals.
  • Cancer chemoprotection: Developing strategies for cancer prevention and treatment.
  • Antioxidants: Exploring their role in health and disease.
  • Molecular toxicology: Studying the biochemical and molecular effects of toxins.

Awards 🏆

Dr. El-Sayed’s dedication to scientific research and education has earned him recognition in the academic community. His innovative work in toxicology and natural products has positioned him as a leader in his field, contributing to numerous advancements that have been acknowledged by peers and institutions worldwide.

Publications Top Notes 📚

Dr. El-Sayed has authored numerous impactful publications. Some of his recent notable works include:

miRNome of Child A hepatocellular carcinoma in Egyptian patientsFrontiers in Oncology, 2023. DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1137585
Cited by multiple studies exploring hepatocellular carcinoma.

1,4,9,9-tetramethyloctahydro-4,7-(epoxymethano)azulen-5(1H)-one, a natural product as a potential inhibitor of COVID-19Journal of King Saud University – Science, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.jksus.2023.102628
Referenced in research on antiviral drug development.

Investigating the Antifertility Efficacy of Testosterone on Male and Female Albino MicePakistan Journal of Zoology, 2023. DOI: 10.17582/journal.pjz/20211107091104
Contributed to studies on reproductive health.

New Benzochromeno[2,3-d]pyrimidines and Benzochromenotriazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidines as Potential Inhibitors of Topoisomerase IIPolycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/10406638.2021.2006247
Cited in cancer research for topoisomerase inhibitors.


Dr. Wael M. El-Sayed is a highly qualified candidate for the “Best Research Article Award,” given his extensive experience, diverse research interests, and recent high-impact publications. His work contributes significantly to the fields of toxicology, drug development, and natural products, making him a strong contender. However, to maximize his chances, he may benefit from emphasizing the novelty and broader impact of his research, as well as enhancing its visibility within the scientific community. Overall, his credentials and contributions align well with the criteria for the award, making him a suitable candidate.

Zahra Zareshahrabadi | Microbiology | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Zahra Zareshahrabadi | Microbiology | Best Researcher Award

Assistant Professor of Medical Mycology, Shiraz University of Medical Science,Iran

Zahra Zareshahrabadi, born on March 12, 1979, in Shiraz, Iran, is a distinguished medical mycologist specializing in fungal infections. With extensive academic training and professional experience, she has become a leading figure in the field, contributing significantly to research and education in medical mycology.



📚 Education:

Zahra earned her Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in 2010. She further pursued a Master of Science in Medical Mycology from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, completing her degree in 2015. She then attained her Ph.D. in Medical Mycology from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2019.

👩🏻‍🏫 Experience:

Zahra has extensive experience teaching medical mycology courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has taught at various levels, including MD, Pharm D, Dent D, and paramedical students. Her expertise extends to practical and theoretical aspects of medical mycology.

🔬 Research Interests:

Zahra’s research interests span various aspects of medical mycology, including identification of fungal infections, molecular biology, susceptibility testing, probiotic bacteria treatment, nanoparticle synthesis, biofilm assays, and medical laboratory sciences.

🏅 Awards:

Throughout her academic journey, Zahra has received numerous awards and recognitions for her outstanding achievements. These include superior positions in entrance exams, highest credits among students, and participation in prestigious congresses and workshops.

📄 Publications Top Notes:

Survey of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A contamination in spices – Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021

Morphogenesis and pathogenesis regulation OF Candida albicans BY probiotic bacterium–Pediococcus acidilactici – Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2021

Molecular Identification and Antifungal Susceptibility among Clinical Isolates of Dermatophytes – Mycoses, 2020

Detection of Aflatoxin and Ochratoxin A in Spices – Journal of Food Quality, 2020

Concomitant of Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst and Aspergilloma – Case Reports in Infectious Diseases, 2020

Dr. Sanaz Ahmadi | Immunology and Microbiology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sanaz Ahmadi | Immunology and Microbiology | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Sanaz Ahmadi, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Iran

Sanaaz Ahmadi Ghazal Dasht, born on June 23, 1980, in Shahroud, is a married individual with two children. She holds a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences specializing in Medical Immunology from Mashhad University, where she completed her doctoral thesis on the production of the protease-1HTLV protein in Pichia pastoris for potential therapeutic applications in HTLV-related diseases. With 15 years of professional experience, she is currently affiliated with the Center for Research on Bloodborne Infections at the University Jihad Daneshgahi Khorasan Razavi in Mashhad. Sanaaz has a Master’s degree in Animal Biology with a focus on Physiology from Payam Noor University in Isfahan and a Bachelor’s degree in General Biology for Teachers from Sabzevar University. Her research during her master’s studies explored the impact of collagen type I on cellular growth and differentiation in culture environments. Sanaaz’s educational journey also includes investigating cartilage repair in a rabbit ear model during her bachelor’s studies. Additionally, she has demonstrated proficiency in language, obtaining a score of 73 in the MSRT language exam in 2015.

🌐 Professional Profiles :


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📚 Education:

  • 🎓 Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, Mashhad University, Immunology, 1401
  • 🎓 M.Sc. in Biology (Animal Physiology), Payam-e-Noor University, Isfahan, 1385
  • 🎓 B.Sc. in Education (Biology), Sabzevar University, 1381

🔬 Research Projects:

  • 📝 Ph.D. Project: Production of HTLV-1 Protease Protein Linked to Human IgG1 Fcγ in Pichia Pastoris for In Vitro and In Vivo Inhibition Studies in Mouse Models.
    • 🧑‍🔬 Supervisor: Dr. Seyed Abdolrahim Rezaei
  • 📝 M.Sc. Project: Investigating the Effect of Type I Collagen on Cellular Growth and Differentiation in Culture Medium.
    • 🧑‍🔬 Supervisor: Dr. Mohsen Fattahi Najafi
  • 📝 B.Sc. Project: Study on Cartilage Repair in Rabbit Ear Model.
    • 🧑‍🔬 Supervisor: Dr. Naser Mahdavi Shahr i

🌐 Research Interests :

Sanaaz Ahmadi Ghazal Dasht has a profound passion for her research, focusing particularly on HTLV-1 (Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1) and ATLL (Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma). Her expertise lies in exploring the intricate connections between HTLV-1 and the development of ATLL, striving to unravel the complexities of these viral-induced malignancies. With a commitment to understanding the underlying mechanisms, her work holds the potential to contribute significantly to advancements in the field of oncovirology.

Publications Top Notes  :

  1. High Prevalence of HTLV-I Infection in Mashhad, Northeast Iran: A Population-Based Seroepidemiology Survey
    • Published in the Journal of Clinical Virology (2011)
    • Cited by 192
  2. Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) Oncogenesis: Molecular Aspects of Virus and Host Interactions in Pathogenesis of Adult T Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma (ATL)
    • Published in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (2013)
    • Cited by 76
  3. The Prevalence of Hepatitis B Antigen-Positivity in the General Population of Mashhad, Iran
    • Published in Hepatitis Monthly (2011)
    • Cited by 60
  4. Prevalence, Genotypes and Phylogenetic Analysis of Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) in Northeast Iran
    • Published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2021)
    • Cited by 23
  5. T Regulatory Markers Expression in Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
    • Published in The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine (2016)
    • Cited by 20