Zahra Baniamerian | Energy Storage | Women Researcher Award

Dr. Zahra Baniamerian | Energy Storage | Women Researcher Award

Research Fellow, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Dr. Zahra Baniamerian, a distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, has made remarkable contributions to the field of energy storage. 🌟 Her pioneering work has garnered widespread recognition, including the prestigious Women Researcher Award, highlighting her exceptional talents and dedication. 🏆 With a focus on innovative solutions for energy storage challenges, Dr. Baniamerian’s research is driving advancements in renewable energy integration and grid reliability. 🌐 Her expertise and passion are instrumental in shaping the future of sustainable energy technologies, inspiring both her peers and future generations of researchers. 🔋


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Education Details 📚

Zahra Baniamerian earned her PhD in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Energy Conversion, from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, in February 2011. Prior to that, she completed her MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Energy Conversion, from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in September 2007, and her BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Thermal and Fluid Mechanics, from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, in September 2005.

Experience Details 💼

Zahra Baniamerian served as an Associate Professor and Researcher at Tafresh University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, from February 2011 to April 2023, where she supervised more than 15 MSc students and established two laboratories: the Nanofluids Laboratory and Heat Transfer Laboratory. Prior to that, she worked as the Director of the Design and Engineering Department at AradSanat Company, Tehran, from May 2005 to February 2011, where she specialized in the design and manufacturing of mining machinery for various powder production lines.

Research Interests 🧪

Zahra Baniamerian’s research interests lie in the areas of energy storage, renewable energy, thermal engineering, multiphase flows, nanofluids, and microelectronics cooling. She is particularly focused on advancing the field of cooling, with expertise in microelectronic cooling, boiling-mode cooling, and convective heat transfer.

Awards 🏆

Throughout her career, Zahra Baniamerian has been recognized as a top researcher, receiving awards for her outstanding contributions in the field. She has been selected as the top researcher for six consecutive years from 2013 to 2019, showcasing her dedication to advancing knowledge in energy and thermal sciences.

Publications Top Notes📝

“How pressure affects costs of power conversion machinery in compressed air energy storage; part I: Compressors and Expanders” – Journal of Energy Storage, 2024

“How pressure affects costs of power conversion machinery in compressed air energy storage; part II: Heat exchangers” – Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 86, Part A, 2024

“Molecular dynamics calculations of the enthalpy of vaporization for different water models” – Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023

“Experimental assessment of energy tower’s performance: evaluation of the impacts of solar radiation, humidity, and chimney’s height on the overall efficiency” – Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024

“Effects of pressurization on the Enthalpy of vaporization for the SiO2 nanofluid” – Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 25, 2023