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Dr. Mohamed Khaled GHOZZI | ressources naturelles | Impactful Researcher Award

Professeur associé, IPAG Business School, France

Khaled Ghozzi is a highly skilled financial expert with over two decades of experience in finance, accounting, and auditing. He holds a Doctorate in Management Sciences with a specialization in “Finance-Accounting” from the prestigious Université Paris-Dauphine. As an Expert-Comptable, Khaled has successfully led various academic and professional endeavors, demonstrating his expertise in IAS/IFRS standards, financial auditing, corporate finance, and ERP implementation. He is currently a Maître-Assistant at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Sousse, Tunisia, and a consultant specializing in audit and financial advisory services. 🌍📊📚

Publication Profile


Strengths for the Award

Dr. Khaled Ghozzi demonstrates significant expertise and contributions in the fields of finance, accounting, and environmental sustainability, making him a strong contender for the Research for Impactful Research Award. His strengths include:

  • Strong Academic Background: With a Doctorate in “Science de Gestion” from the prestigious Université Paris-Dauphine and a Diploma in Expertise Comptable (DEC), Dr. Ghozzi has a well-established foundation in financial and accounting sciences.
  • Impactful Research in Sustainability: His research focuses on sustainability and environmental impact, including corporate environmental practices, carbon emission reduction, and institutional investors’ roles in waste management, which align with modern global sustainability goals.
  • High-Quality Publications: Dr. Ghozzi has published articles in top-tier journals such as the Journal of Cleaner Production and is working on several highly impactful submissions to journals like Risk Analysis and Business Strategy and the Environment. His research deals with timely topics such as natural capital, carbon neutrality, and climate risk, which have wide-reaching implications for both academia and industry.
  • Professional and Academic Leadership: As a founding member and responsible for several advanced accounting and financial programs, Dr. Ghozzi has shown leadership in designing curriculums and ensuring a 100% professional integration rate for students, reflecting his impact on education and industry preparedness.
  • International Recognition: His role in establishing equivalence of the Tunisian DEC with international standards like CPA (Canada) demonstrates his contributions to globalizing accounting practices.

Areas for Improvement

While Dr. Ghozzi’s strengths are numerous, a few areas can be further enhanced to boost his candidacy:

  • Broader Public Impact: Although his research focuses on impactful areas like sustainability, increasing public engagement and translating his findings into more widely accessible formats, such as policy recommendations or public seminars, could enhance the visibility and direct impact of his work.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborating with scholars in fields beyond finance and accounting, such as environmental science or public policy, could broaden the scope of his research and make his findings more applicable across multiple disciplines.
  • Practical Applications: Increasing the focus on implementing his findings in real-world industry settings or in partnerships with corporate entities could further amplify the tangible outcomes of his research.



Khaled Ghozzi holds a Doctorate in “Sciences de gestion” with a specialization in “Finance-Comptabilité” from Université Paris-Dauphine (2009). He also obtained a Diploma in Expertise Comptable (DEC, 2012), a Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Comptables et Financières (DESCF, 2004), a Master’s in Accounting, Decision, and Control (2002), and a Maîtrise in Accounting from IHEC Tunis (2001). 🎓📚


Khaled has held multiple academic and professional roles. He is currently a Maître-Assistant at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion in Sousse, Tunisia, where he has taught courses on IAS/IFRS standards, financial audit, and corporate finance since 2006. He is also responsible for the “Comptabilité Contrôle” Master’s program and has contributed to national expert accounting exams in Tunisia. His corporate experience includes roles at Ernst & Young, KPMG, and Groupe Constantin (now Deloitte), where he led audit and consolidation teams. 💼🏫

Research Focus

Khaled Ghozzi’s research primarily focuses on corporate environmental practices, climate risk, and sustainable finance. His work also examines topics such as deferred taxes, fair value measurement, and R&D investment sustainability. His research contributes to a better understanding of the intersection between finance, accounting, and environmental responsibility. 🌱💡📊

Awards and Honours

Khaled Ghozzi has played a pivotal role in obtaining international recognition for Tunisia’s Diplôme d’Expertise Comptable (DEC), which now has equivalency with the Canadian CPA without additional exams. He has also been instrumental in achieving high professional integration rates for his co-constructed accounting and finance program. 🏅🌟

Publications (Top Notes)

Khaled Ghozzi, Faten Lakhal, Assil Guizani. Green wealth, green responsibility: How does natural capital influence corporate environmental practices? – Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.143511


Dr. Khaled Ghozzi’s research on corporate sustainability, financial practices, and risk management makes him a strong candidate for the Research for Impactful Research Award. His impactful publications and leadership in professional training and international accounting standards are significant strengths. Addressing areas such as public engagement and interdisciplinary collaboration would further enhance the breadth of his research’s impact.


Mohamed Khaled GHOZZI | ressources naturelles | Impactful Researcher Award

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