Call for Abstract/Paper
The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Submit Paper/Abstract Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit.
Key Features
ESCI, Scopus, Wos Indexed Journal Publication | Conference Proceedings with ISBN | Inspiring Speakers | Excellent Venue | Conference Kit | Certificate | Excellent Non Veg /Veg Buffet Lunch
Conference Awards
Best Presentation Awards | Best Poster Awards | Best Paper Awards
About the Conference
Introduction of conferences
Academic Awards data science conference Chennai, India, organized by Young Scientist Awards. Young Scientist Awards takes the privilege to invite speakers, participants, students, delegates, and exhibitors from across the globe to its Global Conference on Academic Awards Conference to be held in the beautiful city of Chennai, India. New Science Invention conferences discuss the common healthcare-related issue and trade information, share proof, thoughts, and insight into advanced developments in the healthcare service system. The focal point of Academic Awards 2020 is to bring forward discoveries, examine the structure and strategic issues, assemble and keep forth basic strategies between analysts, professionals, arrangement producers, and agents of healthcare Associations. Essential world congress of internal medicine Academic Awards Conferences emphasized its theme "Innovation through Information on Academic Awards" and intends to provide an impetus to health practice, administration, and training in connection to health inconsistencies and conjugation of other different points. Patients with access to a general essential care doctor have brought down available medicinal services cost than those without one, and Health results have been better. New Science Invention conferences are an opportunity to interact with specialists and to learn the latest healthcare information. The meeting will be organized to bring together practitioners, administrators, policymakers, politicians, and researchers within primary health care and public health.
Theme: Exploring the Advancements in Academic Awards
Call for paper
Call for Abstract/paper
Original Articles/papers are invited from Industry Persons, Scientist, Academician, Research Scholars, P.G. & U.G. Students for presentation in our International Conference. All articles/papers must be in MS-Word (.doc or .docx) format, including the title, author's name, an affiliation of all authors, e-mail, abstract, keywords, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.
Submit Abstract
The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Submit Paper/Abstract Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit.
Abstract/Full Paper submission
Final/Full Paper submission is optional: If you don't want your abstract/full paper to be published in the Conference Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number) and only want to present it at the conference, it is acceptable.
Page limit: There is a limit of 6-8 pages for a final/full paper. An additional page is chargeable.
Paper language: Final/Full papers should be in English.
Templates: "Final paper template," "Final abstract template"
All the final papers should be uploaded to the website online system according to "the final paper template" as word doc. or Docx, since this will be the camera-ready published version. Please note that final papers that are not uploaded to online System as a word doc./docx after the opening of final paper submissions according to the template above will not be published in the CONFERENCE Abstracts & Proceedings CD (with ISBN number)
Journal Publication
Scopus Journal Publication
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published in one of the authors prescribed Scopus Indexed/ SCI Indexed journals.
List of Journals:
- Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc.. Trade Journals, USA, (Scopus and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
- International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, ISSN: 1475-7192, Hampstead Psychological Associates, UK, (Scopus and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
- International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) is having ISSN 2277-3878 (online), a bi-monthly international journal. (Scopus Index and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
- International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) is having ISSN 2278-3075 (online), a monthly international journal. (Scopus Index and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
- International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) is having ISSN 2249-8958 (online), a bi-monthly international journal. (Scopus Index and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
- International Journal in the field of Mechanics, Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, ISSN Print: 0973-8975, ISSN online: 2454-7190, bi-monthly international journal. (ESCI and others), Publication Duration: 30 days from the Acceptance
Registration Procedure
- Click the “Register Now” button at the conference page and enter your Submission ID in the Search Box
- Your Submissions will be listed on that page. You can find the Register Now link beside your submission. Click the link, and now you will be redirected to the Conference registration form where you can make your registration using credit/debit cards
- The Fee charged for E-Poster is to display the E-Posters only on the Website. The Abstract will be published in the conference proceeding book.
Registration Types
Speaker Registration
- Access to all event Session
- Certificate of Presentation
- Handbook
- Conference Kit
- Tea, Coffee & Snack,
- Lunch during the Conference
- Publication of Abstract /Full Paper at the Conference Proceedings Book
- Opportunity to give a Keynote/ Poster Presentations/ Plenary/ Workshop
- Opportunity to publish your Abstract in any of our esteemed Journals discounted rate
- Opportunity to publish your full article in our open access book with a discounted rate
- One to One Expert Forums
Delegate (Participant) Registration
- Access to all Event Sessions
- Participation Certificate
- Handbook
- Conference Kit
- Tea, Coffee & Snack,
- Lunch during the Conference
- Delegates are not allowed to present
Poster Registration
- Includes all the above Registration Benefits
- You will have to bring your Posters to the Conference Venue
- Best poster award memento and certificate on stage.
Poster Guidelines
- The poster should be 1×1 m Size.
- The title, contents, text, and the author’s information should be visible.
- Present numerical data in the form of graphs rather than tables.
- Figures make trends in the data much more evident.
- Avoid submitting high word-count posters.
- Poster contains, e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and Literature.
Research Forum (Awards)
- Includes all the above Registration Benefits.
- The attendee should be required age limit.
- Award memento and certificate on stage.
E-Poster Presentation
- The amount charged for E-Posters is to display the E-Posters only on the website
- The presenter will get an e-poster participation certificate as a soft copy
- The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
- The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conference
Video Presentation
- The amount charged for Video Presentation is to display the Presentation at the Conference.
- The presenter will get Video participation certificate as a soft copy
- The abstract will be published in the particular journal and also in the conference proceeding book
- The presenter is not required to be present in person at the Conference
Accompanying Person
- Accompanying Persons are those who attend the participants at the Conference who may be either a spouse/family partner or a son/daughter and must register under this category.
- Please note that business partners do not qualify as Accompanying Persons and are not allowed to register as an Accompanying Person.
Material Science Conference
Material Science Conference goes for sharing new thoughts and new advances among the experts, industrialists, and understudies from looking into Materia Science topics to share their on-going developments and applications and enjoy intelligent talks and specialized sessions at the occasion. The Material Science Conference will likewise have a space for organizations and establishments to exhibit their administrations, items, advancements, and research. Material Science Conference plays a vital role as one of the main pillars of economic progress and social well-being in Europe and the world.
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