Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet | Theoretical Condensed matter physics

Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet : Leading Researcher in Theoretical Condensed matter physics

Assistant Professor at University of Dschang , Cameroon.

🎉🏆 Congratulations, Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet, on receiving the esteemed Best Scholar Award from Topscientists Awards! 🌟 Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have made a significant impact in the field of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. 🌌 Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is truly commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done! 🌟

👨‍🏫 Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet, an Assistant Professor at the University of Dschang, Cameroon, stands as a distinguished academic and researcher in the domain of Physics and Astronomy. Holding a PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Dschang, their professional journey exemplifies dedication and expertise. 📚

🌐 Professional Profiles:

🌟 Areas of Specialization:

  • Operating Systems: Windows, Ubuntu
  • Programming: Mathematica, Python
  • Typesetting: LaTeX, MS Word
  • Computational Physics: QuTiP

🎓 Educational Background:

  • PhD in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, University of Dschang (Jan 2017 – Sep 2022)
  • Master of Science in Physics, University of Dschang, Cameroon (Oct 2014 – Jul 2016)

💼 Employment :

  • At the University of Dschang, engaged in assisting practical sessions, tutorials, and script corrections.

👨‍🏫 Teaching Experience:

  • Lectured courses on Electrostatics, Electromagnetism, and Solid-State Physics at the University of Dschang, prepared by Dr. Nsangou ISSOFA

🔬 Research Experience:

  • Extensive work with the Condensed Matter group at the University of Dschang, particularly in the Laboratory of Condensed-Matter, Electronics, and Signal Processing.

📚 Publications

  •    Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet has contributed three papers in their field.
Kammogne Djoum nana Anicet’s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

📊 Citation Metrics (Google Scholar):

  • Cited by: All – 2, Since 2018 – 2
  • Citations: All – 2, Since 2018 – 2
  • h-index: All – 1, Since 2018 – 1

🔬 Work in Progress:

  • Currently engaged in research on “Ladders Operators in the LZ Problem” and “Applications on the Electromagnetic Fields in the LZ Problem” in collaboration with fellow researchers.

🔍 Selective Publications (Journals):


  •  Currently engaged in research on “Ladders Operators in the LZ Problem” and “Applications on the Electromagnetic Fields in the LZ Problem” in collaboration with fellow researchers

🌱🌍 A. D. Kammogne is a versatile physicist dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in condensed matter physics, contributing extensively to research and academia. 🚀

Zhipeng Wu | Soil organic matter biogeochemistry

Assoc Prof Dr Zhipeng Wu: Leading Researcher in Soil Organic Matter Biogeochemistry

Assistant Professor at Hainan University, China .

Congratulations, Assoc Prof Dr Zhipeng Wu, on winning the esteemed Best Research Article Award from Top scientists Awards! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!🌞🌾

Zhipeng Wu is a Top Talent in Hainan Province and serves as the Director of the Hainan Soil and Fertilizer Society. He is also recognized as a National Soil Survey Profile Technical Leader. His research focuses on achieving China’s goal of “carbon neutrality” by 2060, emphasizing soil “carbon sequestration” in agroforestry systems. He investigates the biogeochemistry and ecological effects of soil organic carbon using various technical means, revealing mechanisms behind carbon sequestration and stability within agroforestry systems. His work extends to understanding how microorganisms and light regulate greenhouse gas emissions through DOM utilization and transformation processes.

Professional Profile

Areas of Specialization

Soil organic matter biogeochemistry, Soil pollutant and remediation, Agroforestry ecosystem restoration

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Physical Geography, Nanjing University (2013.09-2017.03) , M.Sc. in Soil Science, Hainan University (2010.09-2013.06)


Associated Professor, School of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry, Hainan University (2017-present), Visiting Scholar, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University (2020.09-2021.06)

Teaching Course

School of Tropical Agriculture and Forest, Hainan University: Soil Survey and Mapping, Soil Fertility and Management, Seminar on Soil Science, HNU-ASU Joint International Tourism College (HAITC), Hainan University: Physical Geography


His publications exceed 30 papers and include 2 invention patents. He has also contributed to an academic monograph of over 108,000 words in Chinese, focusing on topics related to “carbon neutrality” in agroforestry domains.

Research Projects & Contributions:

Zhipeng Wu has contributed significantly to esteemed Chinese and international journals within the environmental and ecological field, including Science of the Total Environment, Soil Biology Biochemistry, Chemosphere, Catena, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Publications Top Noted 

1.Decomposition and the contribution of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) in heavy metal sequestration: Field experiment  Paper Published in January 2014  Cited by 110

2.Detection of sensitive soil properties related to non-point phosphorus pollution by integrated models of SEDD and PLOAD  Paper Published in January 2016 Cited by 36

4.Deciphering the origins, composition and microbial fate of dissolved organic matter in agro-urban headwater streams Paper Published in 1 April 2019 Cited by 24

5.Interactions between lead(II) ions and dissolved organic matter derived from organic fertilizers incubated in the field    Paper Published in November 2022   Cited by: 4

6.Multiple landscape “source–sink” structures for the monitoring and management of non-point source organic carbon loss in a peri-urban watershed Paper Published in October 2016 Cited by 31

7.Mycorrhizal Inoculation Affects Pb and Cd Accumulation and Translocation in Pakchoi (Brassica chinensis L.) Paper Published in February 2016   Cited by: 39

8.Lead and copper-induced hormetic effect and toxicity mechanisms in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown in a contaminated soil   Paper Published in  November 2020 cited by 18

9.Response of phosphorus in estuaries to soil erosion – A new insight into sediment phosphorus fractions and sources Paper Published in December 2021. Cited by 6

10.Spectroscopic investigations and density functional theory calculations reveal differences in retention mechanisms of lead and copper on chemically-modified phytolith-rich biochars Paper Published in  August 2022 . Cited by 5

🌱🌍 Zhipeng Wu’s commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and environmental stewardship through his research in soil science is both commendable and vital for our global ecological well-being.

Global Impact in Science and Business Award

Introduction of Global Impact in Science and Business Award

The Global Impact in Science and Business Award acknowledges outstanding contributions at the crossroads of science and business, driving global advancements through innovative transdisciplinary approaches.


  • Cross-Sector Impact: Initiatives showcasing effective integration and impact at the intersection of science and business.
  • Global Advancements: Demonstrated contributions fostering global innovation and progress through transdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Qualifications: Open to contributions significantly impacting both science and business on a global scale.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Effectiveness and depth of impact achieved at the cross-section of science and business domains.
  • Demonstrated global advancements and contributions fostering innovation through transdisciplinary approaches.
  • Potential for continued global influence and applicability of the contributions.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the impact achieved at the crossroads of science and business, methodologies, and global reach.
  • Evidence showcasing the effectiveness and global impact of the transdisciplinary contributions on driving advancements.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the global significance and value of the transdisciplinary impact.

Recipients receive recognition for their exceptional global impact in merging science and business, inspiring further transdisciplinary collaborations and driving global innovation.

Community Impact:
The award underscores the importance of transdisciplinary approaches, encouraging collaborations that bridge science and business for global advancements.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the contribution’s journey and the significance of its impact at the science-business intersection.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the transdisciplinary impact’s global influence and contributions to global advancements.

Supporting Files:

  • Impact Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the contributions, methodologies, and global impact assessment at the science-business intersection.
  • Global Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the global influence and contributions of the transdisciplinary impact on fostering global advancements.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from stakeholders or beneficiaries affirming the transdisciplinary impact’s global significance and value.





Cross-Border Scientific Collaboration Award

Introduction of Cross-Border Scientific Collaboration Award

The Cross-Border Scientific Collaboration Award celebrates outstanding global partnerships driving impactful research, fostering collaborations that transcend borders and drive advancements.


  • International Collaborations: Partnerships showcasing effective cooperation and collaboration across different countries or regions.
  • Impactful Research: Initiatives demonstrating significant contributions or advancements resulting from cross-border collaborations.
  • Qualifications: Open to collaborations significantly contributing to global research outcomes.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Effectiveness and depth of collaboration across borders in driving impactful research initiatives.
  • Demonstrated impact and contributions of the collaborative efforts on addressing global challenges or advancing knowledge.
  • Potential for continued global relevance or applicability of the collaborative outcomes.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the cross-border collaboration, its objectives, methodologies, and global impact.
  • Evidence showcasing the effectiveness and impact of the collaboration on driving impactful research outcomes.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the value and global significance of the cross-border collaboration.

Recipients receive recognition for their exemplary cross-border scientific collaboration, inspiring global research partnerships and driving impactful knowledge exchange.

Community Impact:
The award underscores the importance of global research collaborations, encouraging cross-border partnerships for addressing global challenges and advancing knowledge worldwide.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the collaborative journey and the significance of international partnerships in driving impactful global research.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the collaborative research’s global impact and its contributions to addressing global challenges.

Supporting Files:

  • Collaboration Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the collaborative research methodologies, outcomes, and global impact assessment.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the global impact and contributions of the collaborative research on addressing global challenges or advancing knowledge.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from international collaborators or beneficiaries affirming the collaborative research’s global significance and impact.




Technology and Innovation Leadership Award

Introduction of technology and Innovation Leadership Award

The Technology and Innovation Leadership Award acknowledges leaders spearheading advancements and fostering innovation in the realm of technology, driving transformative changes and visionary approaches.


  • Leadership in Technological Advancements: Individuals showcasing exceptional leadership driving technological innovations.
  • Innovative Approaches: Demonstrated initiatives or strategies fostering innovation and advancements in technology.
  • Qualifications: Open to leaders significantly influencing and driving technological innovation.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Visionary leadership demonstrated in driving technological advancements or fostering innovation.
  • Impact and contributions of the leader’s initiatives or strategies on technological advancements.
  • Potential for continued growth and influence within the realm of technological innovation.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the leader’s initiatives, strategies, and their impact on technological advancements.
  • Evidence showcasing the uniqueness and impact of the leader’s approach or strategies fostering innovation in technology.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the visionary nature and impact of the leader’s contributions.

Recipients receive recognition for their visionary leadership, inspiring further advancements and innovations in technology.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of visionary leadership in technology, encouraging and inspiring leaders to drive transformative changes.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the leader’s journey and the significance of their contributions to technological advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the leader’s visionary approaches and impact on fostering innovation in technology.

Supporting Files:

  • Leadership Strategy Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the leader’s strategies, initiatives, and the impact on technological advancements.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the impact and effectiveness of the leader’s strategies on technological innovation.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from industry experts affirming the visionary leadership and impact of the leader’s contributions.





Next-Generation Science Trailblazer Award

Introduction of Next-Generation Science Trailblazer Award

The Next-Generation Science Trailblazer Award honors emerging leaders in the scientific community who are pioneering innovation and shaping the future of science.


  • Emerging Scientific Leaders: Individuals demonstrating exceptional leadership and innovation within scientific domains.
  • Trailblazing Initiatives: Pioneering initiatives showcasing unique perspectives, creativity, or contributions to scientific advancements.
  • Qualifications: Open to emerging leaders significantly influencing and shaping the future of science.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality exhibited by emerging scientific leaders in their approaches or contributions.
  • Potential impact and influence of their initiatives on future scientific advancements or innovations.
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities and potential for significant growth within the scientific community.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the initiatives, methodologies, and potential impact of the emerging scientific leader’s contributions.
  • Evidence showcasing the uniqueness and potential impact of their scientific ideas or approaches.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the innovative nature and potential of the emerging scientific leader.

Recipients receive recognition for their potential as future leaders, inspiring continued growth and contributions within the scientific community.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of nurturing and supporting emerging leaders, fostering an environment that encourages innovation and leadership in science.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the emerging leader’s journey and the potential impact of their contributions to future scientific advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the uniqueness and potential impact of the emerging leader’s initiatives within scientific domains.

Supporting Files:

  • Leadership Initiative Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the emerging leader’s initiatives, methodologies, and the potential impact of their contributions.
  • Potential Impact Assessment: Evidence illustrating the potential impact and significance of the emerging leader’s ideas or approaches within the scientific community.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from mentors or experts affirming the innovative potential and future impact of the emerging scientific leaders.





Corporate Scientific Achievement Award

Introduction of Corporate Scientific Achievement Award

The Corporate Scientific Achievement Award recognizes corporations demonstrating outstanding contributions and advancements within the realm of science, driving innovations and significant impacts through their initiatives.


  • Scientific Contributions: Corporations showcasing significant contributions or advancements within scientific domains.
  • Innovative Initiatives: Demonstrated initiatives showcasing unique scientific approaches, technologies, or methodologies.
  • Qualifications: Open to corporations significantly impacting the scientific landscape through their initiatives.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Significance and impact of the corporation’s scientific contributions or advancements within their respective fields.
  • Uniqueness and innovation demonstrated by the corporation’s scientific initiatives or technologies.
  • Potential for further advancements or applications resulting from the corporation’s scientific achievements.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the corporation’s scientific contributions, innovations, methodologies, and the impact of their initiatives.
  • Evidence showcasing the uniqueness and impact of the corporation’s scientific initiatives or technologies within their field.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the value and significance of the corporation’s scientific achievements.

Recipients receive recognition for their outstanding corporate scientific achievements, inspiring further advancements and innovations within the scientific community.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of corporate contributions to scientific advancements, encouraging corporations to invest in and support scientific innovation.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the corporation’s journey and the significance of their scientific contributions in driving advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the corporation’s scientific achievements and their impact within their scientific domain.

Supporting Files:

  • Scientific Achievement Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the corporation’s scientific initiatives, methodologies, and the impact assessment.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the impact and effectiveness of the corporation’s scientific contributions within their field.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from industry experts or beneficiaries affirming the significance and impact of the corporation’s scientific achievements.






Future Innovators in Science Award

Introduction of Future Innovators in Science Award  

The Future Innovators in Science Award aims to recognize and celebrate emerging talents exhibiting promising potential to drive future scientific advancements and innovation.


  • Emerging Scientific Talents: Individuals showcasing innovative ideas or significant potential for future scientific contributions.
  • Promise for Advancements: Innovators demonstrating unique perspectives, creativity, or approaches within scientific domains.
  • Qualifications: Open to emerging talents poised to make substantial contributions to scientific progress.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Creativity and originality of ideas or approaches presented by emerging scientific talents.
  • Potential for the impact of their innovations or contributions on future scientific advancements.
  • Demonstrated passion, commitment, and potential for growth within the scientific field.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the innovative ideas, methodologies, and the potential impact of the emerging scientific talent’s contributions.
  • Evidence showcasing the uniqueness and potential impact of their scientific ideas or approaches.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the innovative nature and potential of the emerging scientific talents.

Recipients receive recognition for their potential as future innovators in science, encouraging and inspiring their continued growth and contributions to the scientific community.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of nurturing emerging scientific talents, fostering an environment that supports and encourages innovation and growth.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the emerging talent’s journey and the potential impact of their contributions to future scientific advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the uniqueness and potential impact of the emerging talent’s ideas or approaches within scientific domains.

Supporting Files:

  • Innovative Idea Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the emerging talent’s innovative ideas, methodologies, and the potential impact of their contributions.
  • Potential Impact Assessment: Evidence illustrating the potential impact and significance of the emerging talent’s ideas or approaches within their scientific field.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from mentors or experts affirming the innovative potential and future impact of the emerging scientific talents





Industry Integration in Science Award

Introduction of Industry Integration in Science Award

The Industry Integration in Science Award recognizes exemplary collaborations between industry and scientific domains, driving innovative advancements through effective integration and collaboration.


  • Industry-Science Collaborations: Partnerships showcasing effective integration between industry and scientific research initiatives.
  • Innovative Advancements: Initiatives demonstrating impactful contributions resulting from collaborative industry-science endeavors.
  • Qualifications: Open to collaborations significantly contributing to advancements through their integration of industry and scientific expertise.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Effectiveness and depth of integration between industry and scientific domains in driving innovative advancements.
  • Demonstrated impact and contributions of the collaborative efforts on innovative solutions or advancements.
  • Potential for scalability or wider applications resulting from the collaborative industry-science integration.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the collaborative integration, its objectives, methodologies, and the innovative advancements achieved.
  • Evidence showcasing the effectiveness and impact of the industry-science collaboration on driving innovative solutions or advancements.
  • Testimonials or endorsements emphasizing the value and significance of the collaborative integration on industry and scientific advancements.

Recipients receive recognition for their exemplary industry-science integration, inspiring collaborative partnerships and driving innovative advancements.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of collaborative integration, encouraging partnerships between industry and scientific domains for driving transformative innovations.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the collaborative journey and the significance of industry-science integration in driving innovative advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the collaborative integration’s impact on driving innovative solutions or advancements.

Supporting Files:

  • Collaborative Integration Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the integration process, methodologies, and the resulting innovative advancements.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the impact and effectiveness of the industry-science collaboration on driving innovative advancements.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from industry and scientific collaborators affirming the integration’s significance and impact on innovative advancements.





Scientific Excellence Achievement Award

Introduction of Scientific Excellence Achievement Award

The Scientific Excellence Achievement Award celebrates remarkable accomplishments within the scientific realm, acknowledging individuals for their exceptional contributions driving innovation and advancements.


  • Exemplary Scientific Accomplishments: Outstanding achievements showcasing significant contributions to scientific knowledge or advancements.
  • Innovative Insights: Initiatives demonstrating groundbreaking discoveries, innovations, or methodologies within the scientific domain.
  • Qualifications: Open to individuals significantly contributing to scientific advancements through their accomplishments.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Significance and impact of the scientific accomplishments on advancing knowledge or driving innovations within their respective fields.
  • Uniqueness and novelty of the achievements, showcasing pioneering insights or discoveries.
  • Potential for further contributions or implications of the accomplishments within the scientific community.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Comprehensive overview highlighting the scientific accomplishments, their significance, and the impact they’ve made on advancing knowledge or driving innovations.
  • Evidence showcasing the uniqueness and impact of the scientific achievements on their respective fields or applications.
  • Testimonials or endorsements affirming the exceptional nature and significance of the scientific accomplishments.

Recipients receive recognition for their outstanding scientific achievements, inspiring further advancements and innovations within the scientific community.

Community Impact:
The award aims to underscore the importance of scientific accomplishments, encouraging continuous pursuit of excellence and groundbreaking discoveries within the scientific domain.

Biography and Abstract:

  • Biography: An overview of the recipient’s scientific journey and the significance of their accomplishments in driving scientific advancements.
  • Abstract: A concise summary highlighting the outstanding scientific achievements and their impact on advancing knowledge or driving innovations.

Supporting Files:

  • Scientific Achievement Documentation: Detailed documentation outlining the scientific accomplishments, methodologies employed, and their impact assessments.
  • Impact Studies: Evidence illustrating the significant impact and contributions of the scientific achievements within their respective fields.
  • Endorsements or Testimonials: Statements from fellow scientists or experts affirming the exceptional nature and significance of the scientific accomplishments.